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Full text of "Daily Racing Form: n. Saturday, July 6, 1907"

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< iTu^^JO, SATIJlinAV, .lULY «7 TT»()7. 


Tlio foiirlU niiuiiii!' of flie t’oiiimoiiwoallli II:ni<Ii<-:ip is t<» lake plarc at Slii>i>psln>a(l Ray t<Hlay, witli 
• •very prosi«vt iHiiiitiii.i; to a {craiiil rai-o. WIioIIht l•’|•aIlk (iill is to follow tlio oxaiiiplo set liy Ort WHIs. 
Sysoiiliy anil Sir Iliioii in making it a ra<-o iiotal)l«* for triuiiiiilis of tlio lliroo-year-olds over olilcr liaiiilioap 
liorsos or not, is ono of llio intoroslin;; protilcins of tiHlay's oonlosl. WIioIIkt l>r. (ianliior can stay a inllc 
.111(1 a (jiMitcr at top spiaal is anotlicr. Tlio event is one of recent estalilisbinent and its record is as 

Year. First. Ap-. Jockevs. \Vt. Second. A^e. Wt. Tliird. Asp. Wt. Val. Time. 

|;mM Oil Wells CK iiNcill . . no Tlic ficket (d) U-’ti Irisli III. .1:2 $i::.42.". 2:n«;5 

S.vsoiiliy t:>l Nic(d..lll I*ro|MT tol Ill M. Kicirdsontt:i P.”* 12.22.*» 2:07 

IlKa: Sir llnon t-'t) Troxlcr . . 1 Hi lilorilicr tl) Hill federstrome (1| !I2 12.P1KI 2:ll.">i 

Yoi.. XIII. xo. h;i. 



Dinna Ken’s Public Trial for the Realization 
Is Satisfactory — Jockey Owens Has 
an Arm Broken in Falling. 

New York. .Inl.v .7.- ralHiclion. one of Hie exiretne 
ontsid.i's in Hie licltin^, added aiiotlier slake In 
Hie ereilit of .lames It. Keene wlien he heat Me 
C.irler for Hie Spindrift at Slieepsliead Ray liHlay. 
Ill the ahseiiee of any of Hie real stars in the 
three year-old division. .Met'arter was made favia'- 
ile. The Newcastle Slahle Colt nii;;ht iiave wiai 
hill for .Milh r's injndii i.ais and exlianstive |iaee- 
niakint; laelies, which alimved the winner at 2fl to 1 
to jrel lip and run away from liiin in the last few 
strides. Interest in this race was eonsideraldy 
enliani'ed hy the tirst apia'araine of Fonntaiiildiie 
since his defeat hy Zamliesi and RIandy in Hie 
Rrookdale Handicap. Foiintainhlne made n sorry 
showing. The layers made a hit; clean up over 
the result of the race. 

The Spiiidritt llandieap is one of the iddest of 

the Pdiic.v isl.iiid I'lnh's fixed events, 
in talde, is below: 

Its hislory. 

YCiir. Winner. 




1S.S7 St. .\iignstine 





l''M;lTbe Raul .. 

... 1 It 

Fislier .... 



ISS7 ll;»h«ivrr .... 

... 1 2.7 

.1. M. F’MIii 


2:11 ; 

I'Sss ... 

... 1 1 N 

God f rev .. 



I.S.V 1 .\lv Fellow . 

... 1 1 2 

\V. llollollIK 



IsiMi Sir John 



1 ..SCO 


FS'II Poloniae 

... 1 22 

Haniillon . 

1 .;i77 


ISH2 rb‘k|MM krt . . 




2 : 11 s 



Simms . . . 


1 :7|i 

IVH H••Mrv of .Nav 

i re I '27 

Dog-gelt .. 


1 :r)i;[ 

l.yc* r.ritrlit 1 'Imm‘Ihis. . 1 12 

F. Reiir . 


1 :ri7 

Ispi: Formal 

. . . 10'; 



1 :.v; 

is;i7 fill Deck 




1 :rii;* 

lM>s Sitilnr Kim: . . 

. . . lori 

.Maher .... 



1N!HI KIbelbert ... 

. . .I ’J ; 

Spencer . . 


1 •.’i.’;-' 

I'.mmi |*r. «♦!’ .Mt'llMuiriH‘1 1 



1 :.7::ii 

1!N(| Gidd Heels . 

... ION 

o*r»»mior . 


1 'TrM 

P.MI2 Ranald 


Wonderlv . 


1 :71J. 

PMi:: liiJnneHoii .. 

. . .112 

Gannon ... 


1 -r.i?* 

PMil Higbball ... 

. . .I ’.’O 

< Hloill .... 


1 :r.l 

l!Hi7 Miscall 


F. M'.NcilF 

^ 2 

1!hm; Kiiroki 






. . . in;: 

K.<‘ .. 


1 :.V2-: 

•Distance ledneei 

from 1 

I 1 niiles III 

1 i s niiles. 

he aiietioneil 22S liead for an as.iireeale of .$12S.ri4Mi, 
an averiiKi* of .I.Tiil.til. Last year hreeders other 
than .1. ]:. Ila;a:; 2 in sold llt.l Iiead for a total of 
$2lt».;iiiO, an avera;:«‘ of ?i«01.2s. This year the 
sale, exellisiv(. of Hie^ llatr^in ei'nsi>;nment, was 
2S.7 head for ^1P2 .Hki. an of $l>7t. 

year one of Hie Ila.i^.nin isMisiKnineiits was knocked 
down for .<1.7 ,imm>. two for $1 I.imk.I each ami four 

others for over each, and it was later shown 

hy leases reisniled and partm-rshi|is re;;islered with 
Hie .loekey Clnh that Mr. llat^ilin re*aiiied an in- 
terest in some of these. This year tlie hi^liest 

prie(. for one of the lla;'.i;in yonn.irsters was $t!,HlO 
for the Star Knhy — Hraeiosity colt. Tlie Water- 
cress— I. inda Vista colt hrou,i;ht $.7 ,imio, and no 
oHiers re.ieheci that lijiure. 

Tile lii.nhest price of the season was tlie $i:..7imi 
paid hy L. fella for the Star SIkmii .Marina 

eidt in faleshy Wcsslford’s eonsii:nineiit and Hie 
onl.v other to hriii;; as miii'ii as .$.7 .(hhi was the Star 
SIkmh — Keiitiiek.v Relle II. colt in Colonel F. F. 

t'l.i.v's eonsit^niiieiit, which went to II. 1>. Ihirye.i 

for yil.lMHi. An analysis of the sale can hut hrim; 
Hie eoiieliision that the niarki-t is reall.v more 
heallhy than last rear heeaiise there was no appar- 
ent etTorl to •‘iHNist” averages with tietilious val- 

The fidlowiii;; tahle sliows the ntimher of head 
sold, the a;;;;re;;ate anmiint and average ohtained 
hy each hreeder: 


i:re*’di.r and Stale. S>ld. Total ,\ve. 

J. R. Ilat:t;iii. Kenlnek.v 22.S :fl2N.liiHi Ifl.'.ri l.n I 

W. II. Sjiiiils. New York 2 

.1. N. ('anideii. .Ir., Keiitneky . . It 

12.'. 212.70 

.I7.7 170. h: 

I'ateshy Wisnlford, Keiitneky. Hi 2!l.s7.7 l.Si;7.1.s 

WisHlford A Taylor. Keiiliiik.v 1! 
W.Midford A Simpson. Keiitnek.v I 

l>. Ta.vlor. Keiitneky :: 

F. F. flay, Kentinky H> 

i.Vfler a d.-ad heat with liewdmp. 

In addition to the Siiindrift Slakes there were 
five allrai'live over ni;:hl races, iiieliidiiit; a slee|ile- 
ehase and a handicap at one mile, wliieli was the 
hesi race on the earil. The winner liirned tip in 
l>inna whieli picked iiji top w'ei;;ht and made 
an exhihition of Ids op|>onents. Fxperts de- 
el. ir.-d it a S|>leiidid ipialifyim; eflort for the Keal- 
ization. The piihlie was taken fully into the 
eontiih'liee of the slahle, kliowili.2 heforehand that 
it was to he liiiina Ken’s piihlie trial for Wednes- 
day's ;;real slake, they eaaeily accepted even 
money and less ahoiit the Whitney ,;:eldin2. and 
lie never tiave Ids hackers a nioiio-iil's eoneern. 
falifornians haekeil San Alviso liherally to show 
and received |>rotitahIe retiinis on their investments 
when Kiidolph Spreekels' horse was third. 

The western eont indent liooked tip with A. 1.. 
.\sle ill the lir.-t race and were hadl.v wairsted. 
Altiida and <odd were the nieiliiinis of some 
hi^ pliin^;in^. H. .1. I.ons’s ni!y failed to deliver 
the ;;;(hm|s. Asle Hooded the riii ;2 witli wafjers on 
todd d.iid.v and she won like a I l<> lo elndiv. 

The sleepleeliase was a ehapti'f of aeeideiits. 
Kisht after the sti it .Merry Saint fell and a short 
lime afterward Hr. Ilellsworth met witli a similar 
aeeideiit. Till'll the ini|Hirled rider. T. ifRrii'ii. 
fell off Ra.vonet w lien the folt horse seemiiif:l.v 
had a K"o<I chaiiee of success. .liM'ke.v Owens' 

riaht arm was frailiired hy the fall witli .Merry 
Saint. Tliere was a delay of more than an lioiir 
liefore the ainhidanee arrived to take the disahled 
jiM-key lo the hosidlal. 

With the eoiiteiiders ri'iiioved. I.aneastrian was an 
outstanding; winner of the Ion,:; illstanee race 
over Hie jtrass course and lie was hacked aeeord- If tiMik laldie |iii,t:an's hesI eff’orts. liowever. 
to land the Fllisoii hors.- in front. The last raia- 
resnllecl in a whoh'sale upset. Tlie inildie ehoiees 
were lost in Hie shntlle, .Miller piloting his onl.v 
winner of Hie day on The S'piire. 

Then' was comparative pyiee within the raia- 
track iiielosnre today after the excitement and 
tiiriindl of .yesterday. Tlie la-st of weather and 
track conditions prevailed and the altendauee was 


No Effort this Year to “Boost” Averages 
with Fictitious Values — The Figures. 

The Slimmer sales of the thoron.shhred yearlings 
under the unsidts-s of the Fasig-Tipton thimpany at 
Slieepsliead Ray ended yesterda.v with the auction 
of the eonsignmelit from the ItaneiM’as Stud in New 
.lersey. iMiring tliirti'cn days 5F5 head pass<-d 

under the l!!ininier for an aggregate of ?;;2<».7IIO. an 
average of $t!2.'i.<il. Hnring the same imriial hist 
.year .'iFJ head were sold for an aggregate of .$107,- 
7X.'». an average of $7.'At.!)!f. These figures show a 
decrease of $12.'>.!tS per head in the average. Thus 
It would appear that those writers who predicted 
a shrinkage of values are snstained. lint they are 
not. This disrease in average is shown only in the 
sale of .1. R. Ilaggin's yearlings. Fast year .Mr. 
Ilaggin sent 17!> head through the ring and the 
prices for wliich they were kuot'ked down aggre- 
gated $1X7, aa average of This year 


T. .1. rarsnn. K»*niiirkv. . 


«s,r» 2 r» 

S. i 

Fyiie. Kciiliickv 



D. Wilson. Kentnekv.... 


1.7, IIHI 

K. 1 

1.. Raker. Kentnekv 



Raker A Wilson. Kentnekv . . . 


K. .1 

1. HaiieiK'k A Son. Virginia 


J. S 

. Siark. Virginia 



2.o.'iii i:s;:.:::: 

].'<ll I.'SI.IMI 

.'i.'ai is::.:::: 

•ji.'.i.'Hi i.."i.v.i.::7 
.S..72.'. 7 Hi. 12 

Riilgowan Sind. Keiilmk.v. .7 

F. I'owdin. Kenlnek.v i: 

Williams A Radford. Kenlnek.v 12 

W. .\. Ra'iford. Keiitneky .7 

<>. II. t'henaiilt. Kenlnek.v. 111 

.s S. Rrown Fslate. Keiilink.v S 

IF T. Mxnard. Virginia 2‘2 

Fills A .\lkiiis. Kentinky .... I 

.1. II. While. Kenlnek.v I 

While A FoiIh's. Kenlnek.v. 1 

.lohii S. Kelley. Kenlnek.v I 

F. C. A 11. >1. Rishop. New York 7 
('harles W. .Moore. Kenlnek.v.. 7 

<1. I*. ICamhdph. Keiitneky 1 

F. 11. ,\|iplehy. New York 2 

•loliii II. .Morris. Ki'iiMieky . . . . :i 
l.akeland A I'owers. New York I 
Morris A rarpeiiler. Kentucky. I 

Charles Rri.ght. Kenlnek.v 2 

.lolin Welch. Keiitneky 2 

Ci'orge C. Craddy. Kenlnek.v.. 1 

C. R. Hawkins, Keiitnek.v 2 

.Mrs. K. I*. Shipp, Keiitneky... I 

.1. H. Neet. Keiitnek.v 1 

Hinde ,V R:iker. Keiitneky tl 

•\. C. Fonda. Kenlnek.v 1 

.1. F. A S. Holton. Kenlnek.v.. 1 
Fonda A Wallring. Keiitneky.. 1 

W. r. Wallring. Kenlnek.v 1 

Sidney Redford. Kenlnek.v I 

.1. S. Stoll. Kenlnek.v H> 

I.eonatns Sind Farm, Kenlnek.v l’2 
Uaneoeas Sind, New .lersey. .’kt 

t:.7oii i,:;iti.n*i 
‘2. .7110 -Hi:. tie, 

7.02.7 I1S.77 

1.02-7 20.7.IKI 

7.::77 :'h;.7.:h 

2.57.7 ::.7i».::7 
FS.277 s::o.«ls 

HHi tiio.iai 
l.::iM» i,:;(Hi.iH» 

.•:.o'2.7 1 : 2.11 

1.52.7 'Ji’.o.oT 
2 . 1:00 2 .i;uo.iM» 

.7IMI 2.70.(KI 
72.7 210.17 

:;..,iMi ;:..7iio.iKi 

2.77.7 IK»;:.7.7 

;:2.7 ::27.iKi 

:;iM» i.'io.tMi 

::oo giNi.oo 
27 27.0(1 

2,::7.7 ;si2..'d» 

too hmi.ini 
2.70 270.IMI 

2.: 170 .7X7.. 'HI 

•1.727 1.72.. 70 

7.1. 'HI .7il.7.s:: 

7.HHI 1.71..71 

Crand totals .71:; $;:2o,7UO 

Hralid aver.ige $(Ki7.(H 

It will lie seen liy the aliove that Kenlnek.v. 
Virginia, New York and New .lerse.v were the only 
stales represented in Hie sale witli this result: 













New York .... 




New Jersey .. 







liaeked favorite and was heaten a nose atid a length 
and a half hy Gresham and 1‘rineess Sue. It 

would Im‘ liard to eonvinee a nunilier of persons, 

eliief among them Fdward Corrigan, that jockey W. Cineinnati. o.. .Inly .7.— Tlie . Fatonla judges 
Melnl.vre did not delilieratel.v contrive the defeat tprew a iMMiihsheli into the jnmidng tirigade today 
of Notasnlga in this rae(>. She ran on the outside „.|ien. after Hie rniining of Hie steepleeliase handi- 

all Hie way and made a wide turn entering the p,„,. ,l„.y indefinitely snspended Melfiure, rider of 

stretch, linisliing with a lielated rush. The next p,.|i Realh, and T. Rowers, rider of .lolin Dillon. 
tiiiK' out .1. Dal.v Iiad tin' mount and siie won, 'fln'se two horses wen' collided in tlie iM'tting, 
selling a new track record for tliree and a half fur- seemingly outclassed Hie others and had inildie 
longs at ( ity Park. It was after this race Hiat support, Imt for some reason Hieir nrier'S went up, 
.Mr. ( orrigati preferred ehargi'S against jockey Me- while Class Feadi'r was liaeki'd from some ipiarter 
Inl.M'e, asking that his lieensi' lie revoki'd. 1 lie until post tinu', wlien the liiMiks were deluged witli 
matter went to the American Turf AssiM-iation and eomniissions on liim. Class Fender trailed Wetn-r- 
nolliing ever came of it. However, McIntyre never ip.ids and IH'll Feath closely until over the seventh 
idd(‘ tin' filly atlerward and ?ne has never run jump, where lie forgi'd into tlie leal and was never 
anoHier race like Hiat. seriously tlireatened thereafter, winning in a cmii- made lier fifth start in the Martha moii canter from Fete Viiu'gar. John Dillon, whieii 
VVashiiiglon Staki's at tin' Fair Grounds Fetiriiary 22, i,j,d Iweii kept far l.aek almost thronghont. finished 
and she was agajii defeated liy Hie fast lireaking ||drd. Tlie liandliiig of Dell Feath was listless. In 
.Mollie Montrose. This time they eaeli carried 11.7 addition to the sn.siH'Usion, IhiIIi liders had their 
p( iiiids and Hie margin at Hie end of the |,adg('s taken away. Tlie slei'ph'ehase w is the 

lialf mill' in li.t, wliieh eipialed the track feature of a poor card that furnished only ordinary 

record, was a lenglli and a lialf. Nieoi hail not s|Mirl. 

ridilen lier iielore and in' maih' tiHi much use of lier Collixpiy and Di'voitt wen' tin' only winning 
in an effort to catch the leader in the first eigtiHi. favorites, Imt as Hiree well-tiaeked elioiees tinislied 
Notasulga's only other defeat was for tin' Gaiety first. Hie IiiMikniakers did not lay ii|> much. After 
Slakes at Relniont Park, June Half Sovereign, tinisliing second tliirteen times, J. C. Milam luan- 
to whom sIk' was giving ten pounds la'iit lier a tiosi', aged to annex a purse when his Oiiardi landed Hie 
witli Frizette. Iielieved to lie thi' tiest filly in James closing raia'. 

R. Keene's stalile, live lengths away. Tlie lime In the liflli rac(' T. IF Ryan's Kokomo, running 

for the four and a lialf furlongs over a slopiiy track in a forward imsilinii and at toi> s[H'ed, after going 
was .71. P.nt she has sinei' turned Hie tallies on tliree furlongs, snddeiil.v wlieeh'd, unsr'ated D. .Vus- 
Half Sovereign. in tlu' Uicaliuds Stakes she gave tin and juniiied Hie outer fence. Neither jockey 

the Ridmont filly five pounds and In-at her four and nor iior.s(' was hurt. 

a half lengths. Slie lieat Coliort, the second Idggest .V fractions lot faei'd the starter in tlie o|ieniiig 
iiioncy-winiiing two year (dd of the .vear, easil.v in race and tln'y were kept at tne ptrrt ten minutes, 
the Dai.i.v Stakes and slie gave Frizetle another During that time Arion kieki'd yueen Caro- 
lieking in Hk' Rose Slakes and still anoHier in line and cut one of her legs. Vi'lerinai'y surgi'iui 
the Canarsie Slakes. Notasnlga has size and sidi'ii- Keogli was siininioned li.v \V. IF Fizi'r to examine 
did eonfiirmalion. Slie has denionsiraled lier aliility I’lanlland after the running of yesterday's stake, 
lo run fast under higli weights aaff tiioiigli slie lias iR, ri'iMirled tliat the liorse liad fraetiires of two 
never wmi in the nind, Hiere is no reason to sup|Mis(' u|iiier ritis from iH ing kicked while at tlic post. 

Hint slie lias a dislike for s'licli going. Slie will run j;,iy fas.sady, trainer for J. C. Ferriss, Jr., will 

ill Iront or come from lieliind and is geiierall.v eon- leavi' tomorrow night for Saratoga with St. Volina, ’ 
sidered an easy Imrsi' to ride. It is lo lie ex- potash and Prince Ahmed. 

I'celed Unit sh(' will raei' well over a distance of Jiwkey Fi'i' was cautioned after his victory on 

grimiid. Here is the record of her uiiii" winning .Margaret RaiidoI[ili that crowding in future races 
'■aces: would cost liiin a stiff tine. He iiiH'rfered with 

Date. Track. \VI. Disl. Time. Val. Odds, pleasant View Relle in the final furlong. 

Fell. It: Cite P:iik.iHH :: 1 2 »ll ::<M1 1 :: .7 , , ,, . . 

March r. ’City Park.ll.-.' 2 i 2 Hi t.csii 1 ; .7 D'Mfi'cr s invi'sti.gation of the running of 

.Mareli 1 ;: -I'ily Park.1'2o 2 12 lia 1.07(1 2 7 Slone Street in yesterday's opening race was ter- 

.Viuil It: ^.\(|ue(liiet .10!t 1 2 *lxi I,!is.7 7 .7 minated IimIii.v wlien he reeeivi'd word from a 

.Him'' “7 ^Vrave^^^^^^^^ .7SImli "■"20 "til 'elerinary that the was sore. 

.Iiino 21 .122 T» s l;ui ‘j.orHi 2 1 1 Iu«1h\s wjis iU‘|»rivt*«I of bl9 

21 *’Sh<M*|ishM ,120 ,VS 1 :<h»» l.Tso ;; r» liail;;** anil put out of tlio j^rouinls today fw being 

July 2 .Sheepsh'd .IP.t .7 SI:olij .S2t» 2-7 under the inti ice of liquor. 

X, i.' L ' .Manners, Port Warden. King Ksta. Clierne and 

Makes. * i anarsio Makes. •' l>alsv Makes. ^ Rose- • « . 

Imds Slakes. ‘New track record. t Straight "heel arrived from the Gerst farm ht 

(•(((irse. Nashvilh' tcHlay. 


There Will, However, Be Further Contention Kenilworth Card Is Ruined by Scratches- 
in the Courts Against James Butler. 

New Y((ik, .Inlv o. — .Hdin Rcnlen. seeretarv (cf the' 

V .... . 1 - , I, ■ . • • I Itnffalo, N. Y., .Inly .7. — Heavily hacked lio!;4e9 

New York Slate Racing < ommission. made' Hie 

official anuonneement Halav that t'onimissioners "f dhcs at Kenilw.irlh today. 

Wadsworth and Knapp met during the afl.'rn.H.n ‘ 

and. in ohediema' to a writ of mandaimts, granted f”'"''’"' 

a license to the Fmpire Gilv As.s,HiaUon to hold « strong 

a race meeting. An appeal from this order will '>'>t «'>•' race the wi.m.'rs 

immediately he taken to the Court of App.'als. the entire 

.\ll impiiries as lo Hie idans of the Kni|dre Cilv trip. 

As.s,» ialion were referred l.v James Riitler and his "as hardly at- 

assoeiates to their eonnsc'l. .1. R. Soh'y. tractive, Imt when owners got through scratching 

--- - the card was simply niiiied, and there was general 

GOOD DAY FOR WINDSOR TALENT. eomplaint from the h(H>kniakers and iiiihlic as well. 

‘in Hie six races just thirty-three horses went to 

Detroit, Mich., July .7. -The talent had a good 1’”''^' 

. 1 .... ..( I Tl... , e , II , I , Rohhh' Kean's stable connections were very con- 

day at Windsor, llirce favoriH's and a wcll-tiackcd 

. 1 . . ... .. Tl . , . • . . fideiit and when the horse was beaten they were 

second eiioiei' won. The greatest disa|i|ioiiiliiient 

, 1 . . 1 f 1 - • e , a disgusted lot. .\nipedo, however, had every li- 

was the di'lcat of I’eter Sterling in Hie featnrr ... . . . 

. . ... ,, eense to win. His (ialifornia form warranted hia 

race at a mile. Nat R., Hie winner, was priicti- , 

, . ... having a chance lo heat Rohhie Kean, -\mpedo set 

(•ally nnsii)i|Hirted. Reside was Hie paceintiker nnlil .. , 

, , , . ■ , , i* terrihe pace and won easily. The tirst half mile 

well inlo the stietcli. when Nat R. moved no with , , .... 

, ...... . ... . . w-as mil In 4H and the three-ipiarters in 1:12|. 

u rush, caught Reside and passed him within a . ,.••(. . ,i -i , , .h,i r. i : 

, , . . . .\nipedo tnii.shed out the mile In after being 

few yards of the wire. , ,, ,, 

... . eased up all through the last sixteenth. 

King of the \ alle.v, in the fifth race, clipiied .a . ,i , i , . i . e n t n „ 

' , In the stceidis'liase Judge Carter fell at the sec- 

fifth of a second off the track record for a mile ami , . i i ,• i • , i , i i i 

. , , . ond jnm|) and, landing on Ins head, broke his neck, 

an eighth, running the distance in 1:.7;:*. i , t o , i i 

, . . .. . Jockey 1. Kae, who had the mount, came out of 

Jockey Riirton was lined $2.» hv the judges for 

... , it with a fractoured C'dlarhone. Dulciaii won the 

carrying Peter Sterling wide on the turn Into the .. „ , 

A A * At .11 • , ittco ^ 

stretch in the Hurd race. „ , „ , . , _ 

... . .... ... .. .. Barney Schreiher and “Rnli” .May left for N('W 

Starter Dwyer has put May Rrennau, Sir Balin 

, ,, ,, , .. York last night. May s uiisston is to hid Iwu voyage 

and on the sclMading list. 

to his father who sails for Furoiie tomorrow with 

EMERY BUYS J. POWERS’ CONTRACT. .Marklein. .Mr. Sehreilx'r has gone to transfer 

his jiimiiers to George Howard, who in future will 

Ciiieimiatl, O.. July 5. — Joe Yeager tiala.v di.sposed train them, 
of his contract on apprentice jiakey .1. I’owers to D. IF Dudley has arranged to ship Dr. Keith to 
Samuel Emery. The rider will remain in New Btiglilon Beach .Monday. In the same car will go 
Y’ork. -Martin IKiyle, Bobbie Kean and the two-year-old 


WILL MEET N EXT WEDN ESDAY. Several horsemen, among them Fred Wood, will 

rineinnati. O.. July .7. — The’ Kentneky Racing ship to Texas at Hie ('oneliision of the Kenllwortli 
('onimissidii will act on the Fatonla maiiagemeiit’s meeting. Barney SehreilK'r, .T. F. llayman and 
request for an extension of dates Wednesday next. Jules tlarsoii are among those who will send their 
'The upplicatiou is lor thirty days adUilioiiul. . lioises to Saratoga, 




Steeplechase Race Looks Bad to the Judges 
— Kokomo’s Unusual Stunt — Lady Arion 
a Kicker — Lee Is Cautioned. : 


.Nntasiilga has earni'il her right lo disfiiution 
as Hie la'st Iwo-.vear-old till.v racing dining Hie 
first halt of I!M17, Imt in holding her at $:: 0 .taKl 
it seems Hiat .Ylhert Hamel has placed t'si high 
a figure on the daughter of Tin' (’oinnioner — Touch 
Not. Were .she eligible to sneh slakes as the 
Saratoga Special and Hie Fntiiril.v ^fiO.IMH) would not 
seem nnreasoiiatde. tint, unfortniiately, Sandy Brown, 
the Nashvilh' turfman who was her tirst owner 
and to whom Hamel and Brnlatier gave $.7.(KK> for 
the till.v after she had won In'r first race at New 
Orleans, neglected to engage her even fairly 
well In staki's. Fndor these conditions §1.7.0(K) 
would sei'iii an ominentl.v gfsMl iiriee for her, hut 
sh(' l;as reinrned her owners in stakes and purses 
nearl.v three times tiie amount the.v gave for lii'r, 
and it is imssilde that thi'y consider lier worth to 
them as much as tlii'.v, ask as a racing tisd, so from 
that vi('W|Miiut $:»,<ifiO is not an extravagant price. 

Notasnlga has started fourteen times and lias 
Is'cn only once unplaced — the tirst time out at City 
I’ark. January 12. Her winnings to date are 
$12, .'<1.7. The second time she started Mollie Moii- 
Irosi' gave lier fourteen imuiiiiIs and la'at her two 
lengHis, tlioiigh she was ,'on'ing fast at the ''iid 'iml 
was cutting down the advantage of Hie winner's 
long l<‘:id at the start so inipressivel.v Hiat great 
predictions were made for her. Her next start was 
at City Park February I'Z, when she was a heavily 




Disl. Time. 




Pile P:irk 


:: 1 2 ‘It 




'Pily Park 

1 17 

2 1 2 4U 




-Pity Park 


2 1 2 41 a 






1 2 *lsi 

I .;is.7 





12 tl7 





1 2’2 

7S I:OlJ 






7 s 1 :ol 






.7-S 1 ;(HIS 






.7 S I:olii 


' Nat ioii.'i I Slakes - Fonisi-iiia Slaki's. " Rose 
Slakes. ' Canarsie Stakes. Daisy Slakes. * Rose- 
hiids Slakes. • New track record. t Straight 

Kenilworth Card Is Ruined by Scratches — 
Judge Carter Breaks His Neck. 

Rnffalo, N. Y’., July .7. — Heavily backed hoi;4e9 
won a majority of the races at Kenilworth toilay. 
The defeat of Bobbie Kean, which was a 1 to 2 
favorite in the fifth race, did not help the biaik- 
makers mneh. as the winner .Ymiii'do hii'l a strong 
following. Ill all but the sixth race the wiiim'rs 
got off in front and remained there for the entire 

In its original stall' the iirogram was hardly at- 
traelive, hut when owners got through scratching 
Hie card was simply niiiicd, and there was general 
eomplaint from the iMsikmakers and public as well. 
In Hie six races just thirty-three horses went to 
the |Mist. 

Botibie Kean's stabb' connections were very con- 
fident and when the horse was tieateu they were 
a disgusted lot. .\nipedo, however, had every li- 
cense to win. His (:alirornia form warranted hia 
having a ehanee to heat Boldde Kean, .\mpedo set 
a terrific pace and won easil.v. The tirst half mile 
was mil in 4H and the three-ipiarters in 1:12{. 
.\nipedo tini.shed out the mile In after being 

eased up all through the last sixteenth. 

In the steeidis'liase Judge Carter fell at the sec- 
ond jnm|) and, landing, on his head, broke his neck. 
Jockey T. Kae, who hud tlie mount, came out of 
it with a fractoured C'dlarhone. Dulciaii won the 
race easily. 

Barney Schreiher and “P.nh” .May left for N<'W 
Y’ork last night. May’s mission is to hid iwu voyage 
to his father who sails for Eunqie tomorrow with 
Juke Marklein. .Mr. Sehreilx'r has gone to transfer 
his jiimix'rs to George Howard, who in future will 
train them. 

G. IF Dudley has arranged to ship Dr. Keith to 
Brighton Beach .Monday. In the same car will go 
-Martin IKiyle, Bolihie Kean and the two-year-old 

Several horsemen, among them Fred Wood, will 
sliip to Texas at Hie ('oneliision of tlie Kenllwortli 
meeting. Barney Selireiln'r, J. F. llayman and 
Jules Garsoii are among those who will send their 
liui'scs to Saratoga, 





CotpreJ In the I'uat Otlice at Olik-ago as aprond 
class luattcr. 


t’HlUAUO, ILLINOIS, .II LY (!. 1 ;m»7. 


Half-Brother to John L. Inglis Goes to J. J. 
Hyland for $2,000. 

Npw York. .Tilly — Tlip yearling sales rmlpil to- 
day with the aui'tion of thlrty-throo hoad from the 
Kaucocas Stmt in New .lersey for $.%. liMi, an aver- 
age of Jfl.'t.riT. Seventeen olliers Were passed with- 
out a hid. J. .1. ilyiand paid tlie liighest prie*-, 
for tile liaif lirollier to John t.. Inglis, a 
giMHi-liMikiug <-hestmit I'olt hy Armeath it. — lllooiiier. 
The summary: 

Chertnut colt, hy tilcanteiini- -I’ret tlwitt ; II. 

1'. ('onkling $ LTD 

Brown tilly, hy St. l.eiaiards II. Salutation; 

H. B. t'oiikling T.T 

Brown eolt. I>y Ihlrim tlanymede; T. .1. 

Healey n<H( 

Bay tlllv, hy David (larriek — Annisetle; l‘. 

.1. Nnlly r.o 

riieslnnt eolt, hv Arnieatli II. l.i/./ie I'dliolt; 

C. I’, flark -’INI 

riieslnnt tillv, hv D.tvid (iarriik llarmmiiea 

II.; .1. Lesh .'»0 

Brown eidl, hv Loeolialehee -ilefoim mare; 

II. H. Conklin.;; INkl 

Chestnut tillv, hv .\rmeath il. — Tamela; E. 

Weiiri. k’ lOd 

Chesinnt eidl, liv .Vrineath II. I'.hHimer; .1. 

J. Hyland 

Bay tilly, hy David Carriek I’enilenI; C. 

I 'hair To 

Brown e<dt, liv Cigantemn Hot ilinl; H. 

Dots ; 2<H) 

B.ay tilly, h.v David (iarriek Hold I'.raid; H. 

B. Conk ling .TO 

Chesinnt eolt, hy Higanlenm (!hn (lowrie; 

C. Chair 2."> 

Chesinnt <-olt, l>y Sir Kni.ght — Isehinm; E. 

Weiiriek 1T."> 

Bay gehling, hy Ihlrim Saluda; H. B. Conk- 


Bay eolt. hy David Carriek l.oehaher; I’. 

Sehlieinan 2."> 

Brown lt|ly. hy .\rrnealh II. Deno; .1. I'iD!- 

simnions T.T 

Chestnnt eidt, hy Cigantenm Cortia; II. B. 

Conk ling of* 

Brown eoll, liy Higanlenm Invergohl; II. 

UTnriek 22.T 

Bay tillv. hv l.'igantenm iippoponav; E. \Veii- 

rh k . '. TO 

Chesinnt eolt, hv Loiohalihee .\ila Belle 

11.: C. I’hair 12T 

Brown g'-iding. hy Ihlrim /alsd; C. I'hair.. .To 

Bay eoll. hy David Carriek l.ima; \V. Hyner .To 

Cheslioil eoll, hv .\rniealh II. Hope IV.; 

W. Hyner 

Bay lilly, hy Ihlrim I’orrima; .1. Cfeifer... 1!T 

Chestliiit tillv, hv St. l,l■onards 11. Sundial; 

H. B. C, inkling -To 

Bay eolt. hy Ihlrim Vereeniging; II. B. 

Conkling Bt*' 

Bay tilly, hy .Shdpner Holly i^neeii; .1. 

Cfeifer — ‘-’T 

Bay eoll, hv St. laonards II. Beform Wave; 

K. A. Eorsyihe 2TO 

Bay lilly. hy Ciganlenm Dorine; .1. Cfeifer “T 

ChestnnI eoll. iiy David Carriek Virginia 

Ueel; C. II. Avery oO 

Chesinnt eolt. hy Ciganlenm .Mairity; II. 

B. Conkliin; Dhl 

Bay eoll, h.v SI. Leonards 11. Hehi-; C. .\. 

Eors.vlhe 100 

Cheslnul eolt, hy David Carriek — Miss Isiis; 


Bay <-011. h.v David liariiek — .Miss Nellie; 


Chesinnt eolt. hy SI. Leonards II. Elf 

Links; passed 

Cliestimt eolt. hy SI. Leonards II. Leak- 

woisl; passed 

Bay till.v. hy St. I.eonanls II. Heiress; 


Brown lill.v. hv Ihlrim — Magdelaiie; passed.. 

Bay lill.v, hy Ihlrim l.nray: passed 

Bay lilly, hv Dolores; )iasse,l.. 

Bay till.v. hy Ciganlenm .Sliing i'hing; |,asseil 
Chesinnt lilly. h.v LiH-ohalehee Lev ant Ipasseit 
Bay eoll. hy Conliae Missing Link; passed 
Brown llily. hy Ihlrim Denioniea; passed.. 

Bay lill.v. hy liavid Carriek Servilla; passed 

Bay eoll. hy Conliae T'arlelan: passeil 

Bav gehling. liy Is halehee Aniira; passed 

Bay gelding, hv David Carriek .lov; pass,-d 
Bay lilly. hy i'onliae Minola; passed 


CIneinnali. d.. .Toly T. Condieo. the two year old 
halMirolln-r to Kaee King, will led he raeed again 
until next year. He has lieeii ailing, and .1. C. 
Milam siilpped him to Edward Erazer’s farm at 
Lexington to he gelded and mined out. 


New York, Jnlv T. Tiie yearlings hnnghi hy L. 
A. Celia at Hie Slieepshea.l Bay sales will he sent 
to la'xinglou lo he turned onl a! MeCralhiana Karin 
nnlll Septeinher. 'I'lieV will he hrokeii and sent haek 
to Sheepsliead Bay lo he trained hy Ih'iiry .Mi Daniel. 


Thomas Connors, who for siweral yc'ars was a 
sheet writer for lands .\. Celia, di*-d at his hoiin* 
in St. lands Monday and was hnried in Calvary 
Cenieler.v Wediiesdii.v, He Was thirt.v nine .years of 
nge and was married. He hail heen ill for more 
than a year. 


rComnimdealions vvilhoni names and addrpssps 
of senders will not In* answered or nolieed.l L.. .\iirora, HI. , Casadeiia prlees eorreel. 

C. J. M.. Nashville, Teiin. No. He was in the 
entries pnidished in Daily Kaeing Form. 

KHz. Clneinnati. O. Eaeh of the twenty lailonia 
(Inks eligihles paid the If20 due April l.T. 

C.. Chieago. If a horse that is in two rnees Is 
hacked without naming the race, the het attaelies to 
the tirst in which il starts. 

Win. E. E., Chieago. Ceneva S. was well hacked 
place iinii show hy several plunging hellors and the 
prices pnidished were eorreel. 

Charles .M., Windsor, Did. K.lfall was trained 
hy K. Sniilh when he won the New Year Handicap 
at New Drleans. His price was 12 lo 1 opening 
and elosing. 

Tip XL. Cineinnall. D. The parlay on Cheswar- 
iline place and .Xgindo si might won. It was a con- 
tinuing wager milil the two races wire run and 
hased on Hie islds at whicli the races were run. 


The vvlilch seem best in Salnrday’s races 

Bbeepshead Bay — New York. July T. 

1- - Koselwn. Crinee Hainhiirg, .1. C. Core. 

2— Bayiaiel. Bncknian. Calm. 

;{ -Jniia Cowel. Lady Winifred. Whitney entry. 

4 — Krank Cill. Chilainh-r, Dr. Cardiier. 

fi — XVorkman. Lady Vincent, Cohlen West. 

(;— J<e- .Nealoll. Hal. Clorions Betsy. 

7_\VisMilane, Yoiilhfiil, Hidlister. 

IL Korslaiid. 

Latonia — La Ionia, K.y., .Tnl.v T. 

I — Hollow, XVhisk BriKim. BaTTa. 

2— .Mary Buehanan. Cohl Duke. Caroline W. 
;[_()rdono, K. C. Uann, Cloyne. 

4 — Casadena. Cartilage, The Clansman. 

5 Miss Alert, .Miss Lida, Cahlegram. 

« — Bo.serrigii, Bensouhiirsl, Braden. 

7— .Minos, Criiicess Drna, Scalploek. 

J. L. Dempsey. 

Kenilworth Park— Bnffalo. N. Y.. July .*. 

1— C.anolde Lake, Hands ,\ro(ind. Takhii. 

2_ Peter Knight, Simon D.. Mary Darhy. 
3_p,een. Sllekuway, Hawkama. 

4 — ^The Ablsjt, Isitiis Eater, Solon Slilugle. 

6— Anna May. Paul Cllftord, Teuaueralre. 

6 — Betsy Blnford, Canoplan, Halhant. 

X. K. Lyneh. 

Windsor — Windsor, Ont, July 5. 

] — TheiahM-ia, .\lvise. Ciena MaeBride. 

2 — B(dl Weevil. Fare. Senator Payiiter. 

;i — Dorasette, Exeifi'iiienl, Bonriioii News. 
j_t*ii-ktime, I.nlii Young, .Maiizaiio. 

.T Beldemo. Impertiiieiiee, Charles L. Stone. 
t>— Ithiek Barliara. Moliere, Suzerain. 

7 — llalHT, Ancestor, Jetsam. 

John WIesen. 


For differences in weight add or deduct 
5 points to the pound. An extra good 
rider’s average worth is 3 pounds. 

Prolialiillties: Weatlier clear; track fast. 

Kaeing starts at p. ni. 

XKnns well in miul. ©Superior mud runner. 
First Race — 5-8 Mile. 

2-yearolds. Selling. 



EHEEPSHEAD BAY, L. I., Friday. July 5. 1007. — KonrIeeiiHi da.v. Coney Island Jockey Cluh. Spring 
Meeting (17 daysl. Weather clear; track fast. (."0.T iMNiks on.) 

Preshliiig Judge. Clarence McDowell. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Secretary, C. Kellovves. 

lliieing starts at 2:30 p. m. W hidi'eates whip, S spurs. B tilinkers. Figures in parenthesis following 
the dislaii'.'e of eaeh race Indicate index nntniH'r, track record, age of and weight earried. 

O ('KA O PT ITKST IL\CE-6 1-2 Furlongs Main Course, (47i5(12— 1 — ;l — 1113.) $1,IMHI added. 

3 year-olds. Killies. .Vllowanees. Net value to winner $sll». 



■'a. Wt. 


lf!IMi2. . 



• X. 

• Laii.v Flora 


• X. 


COill 4. . 


Ill . 

■ X. 


(:‘iM 1 . . 





.Ladv X le 


. X . 


• Whisk BriMMii 



(M12.TII3 . 

.J. ',S. Xle.Vlisler .... 


. X. 

Ii!<.s|7. . 

• Simon XXeil 


(:n7io. . 

.Kallierine Xliirpli.v . 


. X. 


Did Hors<‘S 

(JOI.l) L.VHY 
r.ft7::o .m.tkd.v 

|;«7.TS Ml.NTBECI.V 
i;a7N.'t ADEI.I.NKTTE 
l.!‘7i:{ LADA' KAUM.V 
nilT-TS .ST.XFt I '.VI' 
lilM'.Li; l•HC()XHl^: 
tisyi.1 KAl.N tJl'EEN 

.AWtI’PSt U hj % Sir Kin .Toeke.vs Owners 


w 112 4 7 li'J 2* 1= H .1 Marlin .A L .\sle 13 .T:! 2 4-5 2-5 

Wit HI 3 4 1- 3S 2- Moiint.nin H P Whitney i: 12 10 4 2 

w HI 1 2 Ih I'i 2'J 3'X Troxler (1 .7 .S-.T 2 S .T 7 Hll 3 

w HI in 8 1- 7' .TX 4'.*. Hrus.sel H H Durve.a 2il 30 12 .T 2i 

w HI .T 3 S« 83 S3 f.k \V Miller .1 <! o.xnard l.T 2n l.T .T 2j 

wn m S « 43 (i'J 7‘ a- Notter D (Shier, n 8 l.T l.T fi I! 

Wit HI 2 1 33 r,i fi= 7'1 .'Sanrly M Krau.s l.T 3n 2T 8 4 

wn HI It T 2^ 3J 4h .S'3 XV Dovle (1 .X J’.ronder ‘20 .TO 30 S 3 

Wit in 7 10 10 ll'l IK' !l'3 C Koerner U H Me(’ Potter40 fio fio. 20 12 

wn 111 fi It 00*10 10 10 Muhsgn’g J A Palmer fiO loO lOO 40 20 

Time. Hi. 22?,. 34. ir.,*, l:i::. 

»;HMi2. . . .Ch*ar Kiin H., fi.TO 

hIMilIl Cup 117 (kill 

Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 


3 year olds and upward. 
.XIarv Biieliaiian 


. . ML 


(;iiS7I . . 

.Caroline XV 

. 1. 

. os. 



riOtOTi. . 


. 0. 


. X 


• 2»7lO. . 


. 105. 



i;o7r».'». . 

.SvIv.’Ui lO'lli* 

. . 

. IlHI. 

. X 


000I."|. . 

.S|>endtlirif( Helen 

. 4. 

. ?»s. 


i;o7iH». . 

. I’rirsMii 

. r,. 

. 01. 

• X 


«;i»7ii<*.. . 

.Dr. XleCarlv 

. 1. 



litl.Tlil . . 

.Xlalliew (ianit 

. Ti . 



oo.soi . . 

.Cold Duke 


. 01 . 


ooisr*. . 


. II. 

. S!». 

• X 

cools. . 

.iJcurijr Voun;; 

. i». 



Third Race — 5-8 Mile. 
2-year olds. .Allowaneps. 
..K. (’. Kami 


■ X. 






• Dm;. 

. 724 1 

cooit:. . 

. Hrti. 

• X. 


t;!)oii;. . 

.Ada D. Walker 


. X . 


r.osoir- . 

..Xllierl Star 

. 07. 



r,o7r,s. . 


.DH . 



r4»S!MI. . 

..Miss Seliirnding 

. !»0. 


r.‘iso2. . 


. !*0. 


r.oToi. . 

.I.adv .Martha 



XViiitu-r — B. f. hy Cohlcrost — I.arly Hiinmel (trainerl l,y W. McCaiiiil. 

Went to (Mist at 2;3t. .XI post 2 mhiiiles. Start gisMl. XX’on easll.v; sei'oiul ilrlvlng; t'lirrl Hie same. 
(!oIrt l.atlv l>rr>ke slowl.v on lh<> inside, hut steailil.v improverl lier pnsition, rlnov onl wlieii slralgliteiiiMl ft,r 
lioiiie amt. liiiishing fast, won olT. I.ilthdon Mairl. awa.v well, ran ver.v green all Hie way. Init lliiislierl 
willi a iH'lated rnsli, prolialdy was ls‘st .ami is a graml liKiker. .Xltnda set Hie pace to Hie strelrdi. where 
she ipiit haill.v as if shori. .MiiiHieria. away |HHiriy. elnseil a liig gap ami was gidng liki* a shot at the end. 
.Xrieliiiettr- eaiiie fast from Hie rear and tinisiied close up. I.ady Karma devehi|ied early s|M*ed. Imt 
faileil to slay. Star Cat was proiniiient early. Mary Hall sliowi'd •siiiK-rlor speed. Imt tired after close 
pursuit of tlie pacemaker. 

Seratelicd (ai.s37 .Xlihi. HI. 

Dvervv.-ighls Colrl Lady, 1 |M>miil. 

BECDND UACE 1 Mile. ((21213-1 :37i!— 3— Kit.) $1. 2(1(1 arhied. 3year-ohlsamli;p- 
waril. Hanilieap. Net value to winner ifl.iKkT. 

Iiid Hors(>s rCxX't I'l' St ',4 '.T Sir Kin .IiM-ke.vs Dwners D II (! 1* S 

lfi!).T13ll>IX\'A KEN 
filiTMi KAl: XX IIS'I' 
fiOMil'Ci II.P DA 1,1. 
i.;ifi2.T 1 II ) .X E.X U 1 1 J K E 
i;i‘7.S3 y.lEXAl' 
filisss VO.X TltitMl* 
liliMki (! A I.LAX’.X .XT 

wn 3 114 II 3 3 

we. T liHi .', .( 1 

vv :i 07 s s ,s 

3 3'i 2‘ 2- lir I'i .Mountain H 1’ XX'hilm-y 

4 1‘ IX 1i 2* 23 XI t'lestirn .M I. Sitiwaijz 

5 ,83 71 7', 7^ 311 Dnissr-I U Spreeki-ls 

D II_U_P_S_ 

I fi It llll 3 out 

wn 3 loi III 

W 4 0 .T 7 

Its 4 2 2‘| 3.’ :;i> :||| 13 E Dugan T Jr 

7 r.' r,‘ .T'l .Tx r.x iiomer 

1 7' S3 S3 t;i IP Cartier 

wn .T 117 1 It fi'X IPX fi3 Si 73 W Kn 
wn 4 107 2 10 111 to 111 !i3 S' Xotl.-:- 

to Ikl fill l.T 

S III s :i 

20 30 20 8 

12 l.T l.T .T 

o ifi.'TTinCUET.XA CHEE.X wn 3 ln8 li fi 1' H l^ 

.-, I filisra; I )l l.X UOV.XI. wn T 1113 3 .T !i'> IH> nx in lo AX’ Doyle T L Watt ' 30 W 20 fi 3 

Time. K2^ 2!'. ."..T:’,. I7.L 1 1'Mi. 1:12',. l:;i!l". 

XViimer- 1!. g, liy A'aiikee Korgel (traiiied liy .1. W. Kogersl. 

Weill lo 'Mist al 3:02. .\t imisi I miiiiile. Start straggling. Won in a eaiiler: second driving; tliirl 
■ lie same. Dimia Ken ran lap|H-d on Hie pacemaker under a pull for si.x furlongs and then sIi-imIc to the 
front, won eaiileriiig and was miieli tlie liesi and is a eraekerpaek. Far West drew out ipiiekly and set ;i 
teiTilie pa,-e lo Ha- sireteh anti, after r<‘adily giving vva.v to the winner's ehalleiige. liiiished a game second 
ami is in giHHl form. San .Xlviso broke well, hiit was oulrnn for the tirst half, after which lie closed up 
rapidly on Ha- extreme ontsiile ami got up for Ihird place in Hie Iasi stride of a grand performaiiee. (lolf 
I'-all was prominent nearly Hiroiighoiil, lull lired slight ly after a long drive. Don ITnriiiiie. well up from 
Hie slart. was crowded, lull going fast, at the end. X'on Tronip. yearly left, made up much ground. 
Callavant, nearly left, closed an immense gap. Cretiia (!reen, palpaldy short, ran foiwardly to the 
slreleli. where lie Hred. 

Seralciied iKistk! /amlH-si. 112; (1>!i.SCi))SnlTr:ig(‘, 12H; ((lMM:2lXIeCarter. 117: i:!ls:’2T3Coiirt Dress, 112; 
i-liliH Knmiing Water. KJiJ: r.liscar-'J. -S'. Core, iii.s; i;! .Xerohal. ns; i;!i7s.T ilyiM-rion 11. . Ill: i:ii7m;{ 3 
Aiiiieta I.ady, l(Hi; (r,!i7.TM A'orkisl. IlC; CUM 1 3Smiling Tom, 111; C!t7.;C Xiiiiiota, til; CUSH X’eloiirs, SC; 
C!i7s.T3D,dl.v Spanker. 11.:; (KHlMDLiglil Wik.I, Iiic. 

(Iverwt-ighls San .Xivisii. 1 pound; Don Koyal. .3. 

Horner .A llclmont 20 3ii 2'n 

Cartier \X' !■' .Sehillto 12 l.T l.T 

XX' Knap]) XX' .X .MeKInney 111 l.T 12 

Xotic;- 1; 3' XX'ilson Jr :;o 3n 2n 

XX' Xliller .1 U Kc,-ne 4 7 fi 

III 311 211 8 4 

7 fi 2 1 

II) 3ij 20 fi ;i 

. ..Bronclio I’.ill INI.. 

Laurel laM-ke. cli. f, liy King 

llaiMiver — Tile I'eacli INI.. 

Fourth Race — 1 Mile. 
Xlerelianis' Slakes. *l.‘J.Til added. 

3 year idds and upward. Selling. 

. . .Cai Hiage 4. .HNt. . 


Did Horses 

THIKD KACi: Short Course. Slecpleeliase. (3ICC!I 1:0;! 1 — 1.T2.) fl.oiHI added. 

4 .vear (lids and upward. .Xllovvances. .Net value lo w inner $7'.i(i. 

.-XXX'll'l’.St 4 

12 15 StrFln Jockeys 

one I’ .S 


. X- 








1 5 5 


3'. I”. 1» Areliil.'Id 

t; II .Sniitli 





.Mik«* Sll(f«»ti 




DAX E l-F 







], 2' XX'eir 

.1 E Widener 






I'liii Kineli 

C. . 1 III. 










3 4' i' 

4 :!3 stone 

1’. Mel.emiaii 



2' 7 

The Clansman 


. 727 







2 1-’ 13 


2li 1 4 B-igan 

1 '.oiiiiielin lok.S'lile 




8 5 


. |t»o. 

• X. 


ii;!i7St)B.\ Yi I.M-! 






7 2* 2‘ 


IT-II. T O’Brien 

I-' A I'laik 




1 2 


. 727 

i; iiris 







R Fell. 


.XIrs E XX'ilson 







. iiHi. 

.X . 








7 Fell. 

( IWollS 

C B 'I'ompkiiis 






Fifth Race— 1 Mile. 

.3 year (dds and upward. Haiidienp. 

The Minks I..1 (m;. 

. ...lavanese :!.. S7. 

'...Xliss Alert 3..KN1. 

'. ...Miss I. ids 3.. flS. 

Caldegram i..l((t». 

Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile.,ls and upward. Selling. 

I . . . Boserrian :!. . I(>2. 

‘ . . . \ iperine .T..I(N(. 

I ... .\g no I,* -1 . . 1(N(. 

...Deacon :!.. KC. 

. . .Brad>-n .T. .Di.T. 

. . .Beiisoiilinrsl 7..102. 

. . .Hnsicd .T. .Kr2. 

. . . I'ciiiecss Xlari«‘ 3.. .Vi. 

...Trixie While .T..KNI. 

Ingeiine 3.. NIL 

...St. Idlewavs I.. IIS. 

...XVesi Brooklield .T..HI. 

Seventh Race — 1 1-lG Miles. 

Time. 4:10J. 

Winner B. g. Ii.v Handsome-- I'almelto drained li.v S. X’ellcli). 

Went lo imsl at 3:211. .XI post 1 minute. Start gixMl. XX'on easily; second driving: tliird Hi,‘ same. 
Kalm. after iM-ing skillfully placed in forwar,! piirsnil of Hie pacemakers, drew onl and won off after 
landing il Hie Iasi ohslaele. Dave I.«‘W is. in neatest pursuit of the pacemaker from Hie start. tiMik the 
le:id on Hie haekstrelch in Hie last time aroniid. Imt ipiickly siieeiimlied to Hie winner's slreleli cliallenge. 
Bclligerctil. more or Ics;- inlcifcicd vvilli. loomed up well on Hie last Inin, hill lire.l tiiniliy. Kalhilieen 
lii.'ide the niniiing for a mile and a half. Imt failed to sla.v. I’a.v'onet, hadl.v ridden, was a keen eonten- 
Iier :il the Iasi jump, wlieie lie landed i»iorly and his filler fell off. |tr. ilellsvvorth fell at the liisl Jump. 
Seralelied I21SCI CommiMlore Konlaiiie. 1 l.T; CH7.SI Essi'X II.. l.Ti. 


Kill KTII RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 1 47;12.T— 1 ;.T2— 4 - !H.) Spindrift Stakes. $3 ,ii(NI added. 
:;-year olds. .Net value to winner $I.Ho. 

0081 S3. 

3-year-oIds and upward. 

. .(jiiagga 


. . .!.. 01. 

■ X. 


n;ot;iHi) . 

. . I’rineess Drna 

. . 7 . 


. X . 


t;0N0i . . 

. .ilazel Baleh 

. . 2,. 


. X . 


C0S7I . . 


. . .2 . 

. !47. 




. .Heiirv D 


• lot. 

. X . 


t«;o.MO) , 

. .S<':il|thM'k 

.. 1. 

. hm;. 

■ X. 


ICOCOl 1 . 

..Miss Kill.v 

.. t. 

• log. 

. >' . 


n:o7oi 1 . 


. . . 



0!4st;.s. . 

. .Eeh-rlie 

.. 0. 

. loi. 

. X . 



I’l'oliahilil ies; Weather clear; track fast. 
Baein.g starts at 2:4.T p. m. 

> Kilns well in mild. ©Superior mud runner. 

fillSfil r.XDOI'HOX wit 1113 3 7 4“ 4l‘ T.'i :!h 33 IX K I.owe .1 it Keene 12 2.T 20 8 4 

ii:s;m;2i.XK< '.X I'Tl'll t W HI 1 1 B' H* l'' T‘ 2'> 23 XX’ .Miller Newcastle Stalde 2 2X H Ti; 5 3-5 

fill7:!fi .XtlXIOT.X W !•(! 2 fi 3X 3X 4' 4^ 4‘ :',l> iieekiiian I, .X l.iviligslnti 10 12 10 I 2 

fi!ix::.T3K I I.L.X l.l lE W 108 H T fi3 r,3 «-’ fi'X r,i 42 Mountain H 1’ Wliltliey 4 5 4 7 5 3-5 

Dl7fil-'Tl,iX y ii’.XI’ST wsiiH I 4 1 23 23 2= 2'i 1' .T' Cartier .S <’ Hildretli fi fi 4 8 5 4-5 

fi!>7:ifi I’K. H.XMl’TOX vv !l7 fi 2 7’ 7'1 7' 7' fij C* Brussel H I! Duryi-.a 20 20 2il 7 3X 

t>!“Slo .XKi'ITI-! wn 112 7 8 It It S3 S3 73 73 Troxler (1 .1 5 In S 3 S 5 

fiasH H( il.l >K.\.'8T wit no 5 3 S' sx :i !i S> S" M I'reston .V It il.imilton loo loo liNi 40 20 

fi!'5H3 1-'orXT.\IX BLI’K Wit HI 8 !• .5= 5'3 f,i .72 ;i p p; Dugan .1 B Br:idy .5 10 8 3 8 5 

Time. 12S. 2IX. .".c;, I.S.i, HlMl.t. I:!:!;. 1 :'2i;3, 1 : icj, 1 :.5:!j. 

XX’inner — I!, c, l,.v Bisgiiise- Ilnmiie Cem ilriined hy .1. Itovve). 

Went lo post at ;!:.5 !i. .H post 2 mimiles. Slart giMsl. Won handily; second driving: third the same. 
CaliiM-iion lii'oke well, maintained close piirsi'il of tlie p.-ieeinaker and eanglil liim tiring in the sireteh and 
Won goin-; .-iwa.v. XleC.-irIcr was injndieioiisl.v sent on to s1-l Hie pace and siieenmiM-d to Hie winner's 
strel<'h elialleiige, Imt was iH-st. Xliniota, always well np. sIihhI a long and game slreleli drivi* to take 
Ihiril I'lai-e. Killahw- was eari'icl ont on Hie tii>t turn and lost a half dozim lengths, then elos.'tl a log 
gall Into a fast going foiirlh and ran a gr.ind rare. Ton.v Kaiist failed to sla.v after strenuous pnisiiit of 
XieCarler for Hie tirst milt- and was injndieioiisl.v ritiden. I'riiiee llampton steailil.v improved his posilion 
Iroiii a Hill ITHiletl starl. .Xrciie got away very liailly. w as eiirried out on Hit- Inrn and liiiisheil willi a fast 
sireteh effort. Koimlainliliie. away ver.v liadiv. ran out on Hie tmn iiiid was never dangerous. 

Seialel.ed C!i!i::c Don Enriipie, lir2; Clt.slii l>an l.iihri-, !12. 

( ivei weights I'rinei- Hiimploii. I iHiniul. 


I'lKTH l!ACE 1 1-2 Miles on Turf. (;:s— 3— !*7.) $l.2(Mi .-ohletl. 

ohis anil upward. Selling. .Net value to vvimier $1 .'nmi. 

First Race — 3-4 Mile. 



A Wll 



'1 ’j 









!• S 


3-ye;ir olds. Selling. 



4 4,!t.M2 



4 km; 




7 1 !l 4 


2 U 


E I Migan 

(' It Ellison 

1 5 

4 5 

:i r 

1 1 ont 

Horses. A. 




4 kn: 




1 * 7.’. 

4 ;'* 

7 .'. 

Not ter 

XX' II list on 




2 4 5 

4;otHM»> . 

.Ciena .Maeltridi- 

. 07. 

i:!isl 2 

'I'BENI )l-.\ 


4 kn: 




2li 1 1 




I ’.ai'iier 

.1 T Coiiihs 




fi 21 



. 0!4. 





5 108 




0 -fi 




1 trii.ssi-l 

A Stukt's 




2 1 

4;0!HH». . 

.’rhiMHliM’l:i .• 

. 07. 





i: Ki:; 



SD. fi" 




It Lowe 

• : L Itieliards 


74 1 


15 fi 

4;i»!MMt. . 

.B.eli Slille 

. ‘«4. 




:: 87 




.‘1.’. 22 


4 ;'* 



• ' F Chirk 

4 ; 



8 5 :!-5 

4;!4777. . 

..I.N- Fallert 






5 Kl5 




|( S' 




M iisgr’ VC 

S (' Hildreth 




15 C 

4;M2S. . 

j'tMtiM'V K 

. 00. 





:: 04i 



4 ;.'. 

fii> I) 




1 leekiiian 

XX’ 1. (diver 


l4Nt Oil 

20 in 

cos 17. . 











4‘. 71 




F A K-irsvIlie 




12 fi 

424S 17. . 

. ir 

. !4il. 



2". 2: 


. i;oiL I 


. 1 

1:11?.. 1:5 

73 . 2:10?, 2:3C1. 

. .Khe.'i Cariikin !i 

. .Helen IL HI Il 

Socoiid Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. 
2 year idds. Selling. 









• Senator J’avnier 



• 4 1 • i 

.MiekleOin .Maid 


• 1 1 • 4 



. 1 1 . f 








.(lilt of step 

.1 irieiit.'il (Jiieen 





Wiiimp I!, e, li.v Kiiigslon Koviil Itose 1 trained li.v (!. 1’. Bnizieri. 

XX'eni lo post at 4:311. .At |misI 2 iiiiiiiiles. Slart goiMl. Won liaiidil.v; second driving; tliinl the same. 
I.aneastrian, after U-iiig in cIom- ipiarlers :ind pi«-keled several limes, was reserved skilMTlIly lo Hie 
sireleh, vviiere lie drew onl and eiisily made giHsI in Hie limil sprint. I'limnap was shiillled hiiek in tin- 
lirsi ipiai'ler :ind went wide on Hie tmn. Imt moved np fasi on the f:ir liirii and made :i lielated sireleh 
ehalleiige. Trenol;i imule the running pr.iel ieally niiilisi iiI'Ih-iI lo Hie sireleh iiiid lii-ld on mii-\|»-eleill.v well 
in the closing drive. Banker in-oke liady ami ll•alled for Imlf Hie jonrney, Hii-ii elosi-d a Idg gup. Imt was 
Dvi|iieiil ly shut off' and poelicted. eoiild not get up and piilii-d np l:ime. I, onl Slaiiho|H- tired after going 
till- tirst mile. King Cole is :i iioii-slayer and i|iiil liadl.v. Ted ran like a erazy liorse eaily, interfering 
willi the winner and Kliiimap. Tlie vvimiei w as -eiilered for fl.niNi; no hid. 

Seralelied I CillssT I XIaxnar, lo.s. 

Ineorreet wviglit in entries I.ord Slanliope, S.S. 

Dverweiglits Isird Slanliop)-, 1 pound. 

Third Race— 1 Milo. 

4-year-olds and niiward. .Selling. 

.. Scarecrow .5..1(M’,. .X 

. .XIrs. Annie .5. . im. . X 

. . .Sliowniaii 7. . 114 . . X 

. . Exeileinelit 1..H5..© 

C!iS!ii;3. . .Doriiselle 

... .5. . mi. . X . .('iff 
... 7. .114. . X . .715 
... 1..H.5..©..715 

5.. 102 715 

C'tlt22 XLidden C..10I 715 

CIIS7.T. . . . Bonrhoii Xi-ws 4 . . 107. . X . .710 

iaiH213. . . Klreiia 1 . . 102. . X . .710 

C.IIIMMI Trenlon II 5.. 103 705 

CIIST2 Floral Artist 1 . . 107. . X . .7(HI 

ClisjC XVyelield 7..1(N!..X..TOO 

Fourth Race — Full Course. 

International Steepleeliase. X'alne $1,200. 

4-year-olds and upward. Handicap. 

C!Hr.2...*l'ieklime S . . L57 . . X - "(Ml 

Clisi.s. . . . I.iiln Young I*. . 1 1 1 . . X . .005 

(21x213 . . . 7. . 1-50. . X . .000 

C:tsls3. .♦Trenct Hie Xlere 0. .1 IS. . X . .08.5 

COS IS. .. .Bunk Holiday 0. . 1:‘,7. . X . .ti-SO 

•.X. L. l‘(Nd(- entry. 

Fifth Race — 3-4 Mile. 

3-ycar-olds. Selling. 

OOS53. . . .Beldemo lo7. . X . .725 

OiS.1'22. . . . Xlonere 107. .© . .720 

0KS72. . . . ImperHnom'c 07.. X.. 715 

(210.523. . .I'.lksino Itrj. . X . .715 

CI1S77 Edwin H Iir2. . x . .715 


Did Hors«-s 

fiT.IC.THE SQi’IltE 
Ii!l782 LD.XC BAI.I. 
fi!l7lls3H E.SSI.XX 
(i!i782 XI’.MBEIt ONE 
fi!i7'B KIXC .Sdl, 
fi!»7fi::3.l AXE SXVIET;::i i;(H,.\XD(i 
fia7l.3 TBOI'BI.ESOME 
fiH7fi3 ( '( IB.X( '< HI 
fi;i782 i'l'XCH 
1.115111 EILBEBT 

SIXTH ItACE 3-4 Mile Futurity Course. (0I7IH1 1 ;10?— 2— lOS.) $i.iMK» added. 

2 .v(-ar-olds. Xluidens. Siieeiul XX'eighls. Net value lo winner .$'.110. 

.XXX'I I'l’ SI U ’T •"! Sir Ein JiM-keys Dw ners D H C S 

: wn 107 2 5 1' 13 1* XX’ Milter .Xeweaslle Sl.tlde fi 8 fi 2 1 

w 11)7 1 I L’li 2‘ 23 2“ E Dugan T Hilelieoek Jr 10 12 10 4 2 

w 110 8 4 5' 3I' 31 3.x Horner -X .1 .loyner fi 5 7 5 7-5 3 5 1-3 

E w ]ii7 4 fi 41 5' 4* 4" earner l’ ().\x 3n to :io 12 « 

wn 112 IS 3 fii fill fil .53 .1 Xlartin B'leiglil’arkS’lde 20 30 20 8 4 

r w 110 II 7 7X 7-1 7‘i (i'l XV Knnpp it 'I'lieker 3 IX 4 fi 5 3 5 

Wll HO 15 2 3>| 41 .5' 7‘ AY Doyle T Fitzgerald 20 30 :!0 12 fi 

VIE vv HO 5 It NX ,si 83 Sh Xotlor .1 I. XleCinni.s 10 12 X 3 7 5 

wn Hll 17 S loii Hi !•' liX M I’reston E I, Xorloii 1"0 fiO 211 10 

wn 110 10 12 - - -- ..... . . 

wn 107 11 H 

12-' II-' KiX KD Harty 

.\I li Selivvarlz loo Km Kh) |o 20 

(;•.'8^T HAHTFOltD BOY 

wn HO K! 








\v 1 10 1: 








w HI 12 








w 107 7 







(y<S.38 B.ASE.MAX 

Wll 111) Ki 








w 107 3 







W 107 9 




■til 10I.X113 1|3 .Madeira -X Belmont Km KHIKki 40 20 

13 13*12 12 XV Burns XV' (' Daly KHi Km KHi 4o 20 

11 12 13 13 Beekinan AX' H Kk) loo liKi 4o 20 

Kay nor L .Stuart 
Shreve 11 (lots 
Finn J B Haggin 

Moiint.ain It H Bussell 
Miisgr've H X Criitin 

100 100 KNI 40 20 
Km Km KHI 40 :io 
KN) KNI KNI 40 ‘20 
8 12 10 4 2 

(1,11.572 1. 

..Chiirles 1.. Slone 


-X . 


4;*4S72. . 



• X. 



..Mary CnsHs 




..I’linee .XHles 

. X. 


Sixth Race — 5-8 Mile. 

2-year-(dds. .Maidens. Allowances. 




. 727 


..Black Rai'Kara 




..FhM-inee T 



(10771 . 

. .Slizel'llill 




4 10.727 . 

..HosHle Hyplieii 



C0S5I . 

. . I.islerlne 



i;i4074 4. 





..Wagner Jr 



Seventh Race — 1 1-lC Miles 

.3-rear olds and upward. Selling. 


..Ratlier Koyal 5. 




C0S2J . 

..Jetsam .5. 





..Halier 3. 




4;0024*. . 

. . .Alirrstor 4i. 


• X. 



..Hamilear 4. 


• X . 



..liiilHaleii - •«. 

07 . 

. X 



..Lillie Lighter 3. 

01 . 




..La 'J'liorpe 3. 





..Bentagon 4. 





..Marioibo 4. 




XX'iiiner — Cli. e, Ii.v I’riiieo of Xlellionnu Homespun (trained liy T. XX’elsIi). 

XX'eiif lo LMist at’.T;ir2. .\t jnisI 4 miniiles. Slart fair. XX'on driving; second and Hiird Hie same. 
The Sipiirc received siiiH-rior Imiidliiig and onlliroke and outpaced his opiHisillon lliroiiglioiit, Imt 
tiring al the end. K.all was always in nearest pursuit of Hie winner and liiiislied wearing liim down 
slowl.v. Hessian ran|H>iiitliigl.v. finished a dislant third, was never really dangeioiis and was pioha 
Id.v liiek.v lo savt- Ihird place. .\niolM-r (Hie «-ame fast from Hi(> rear ami would liave heen Hiird in a few 
more sirides. King Sol. an (‘using np liflli, coiiM have l«-eii closer np. Jane .Swift, away ver.v leidl.v, 
was crowded on the Inrn and had no ehanee in Hie last half. Btdando. knocked liaek on the Inrn, came 
again. Herlde liled and was pulled no. 

Seral- lied i:!i,S(i2 Keep .Moving. ln7; (2II.S.3 Cymlial, IKl; (1I1.8.3.S Siikey’s Son, tlO. 

Ineorreel weiglils in entries -Fillierl, I Id; Herhi,-. Ho. 

Dverweighls — King Sol, 2 pounds; Jane Swift, 3; Franklin, 1. 



WINDSOR, ONT., Friday, July 5, 1907. — EigliKciiHi ilay. Higliland Bark Cliili. Summer Meeting (2.’X 
da.vs). Weather cloudy; track fast. (.S lHM>ks on. 1 

Bresiding Judge, Cliarles F. Brice. Slarler. Kieliard Dwyer. S eeretar.v, XValler (>. Biiriiier. 

Kai-ing starts a( 2:45 p. m. XX' Indieutes whip, S spurs. B Idinkers. Figures in parenthesis following 
tlie disl.iioe of eaeh race iiidieale index niiii,lH-r, Iraek record, age of loM-se and vvelglit carried. 


Inrt IJorses 

(2MSH73B1 1.Fll. 
filiSyil XX’ACNEK JR. 

FlKS’r RACE 5-8 Mile. Kit IIM5- 1 ;iHli — 2 - 10.5. ) Burse $300. 2 year olds. Selling 

Net value lo winner $‘225. 

AXVt BB St” 1i~74~Slr Fin Jockey s Ow ners ^11 II C_I^S 

F. wsn 102 1 3 3‘1 2‘ lo 1’ J Murphy S T AVhite 2i 2X 2J 1 1-2 

WB 113 I! 2 1' 1' 23 2* Jiio Heo'syB IViwers 2h 24 2X 1 1-2 

VV Kil 5 8 93 7* «( 3i> Ijelatiy J MoClei nand fs) fin fio 20 10 

K WS Kh: 4 U f,iiN 411I1 34 44 Stille Mrs D B CiKvk 15 15 15 6 3 

JRN w 107 7 5 2(( 3'J 4i 54 Kunz C \V J Blssell 5 G 8 2 8-5 

■A. w 103 9 1 7J 6J 5‘ 6‘ Moreland A Brown 15 15 15 * 3 


^ Aif % r 

6ys!)7 MEADOWGKEKN w 103 2 4 4' 5^ 7* 7i E Burton B .1 Mil. s 10 10 10 4 2 

bWiOO I. HAM w 104 8 7 0‘ 8’ 8^ Snk H Boland Mrs M (loldMatt T> 0 8 2 6-5 

69525 CAPTAIX CHILDS w 106 3 10 10 10 10 9* (5 Swain B M McDoviU 10 15 15 6 3 

69899>ABUUBT ws 101 10 9 8i 9i 91 10 J Connolly G C Bennett 5 5 5 3 1 

Tiliio. 13. 33i!, 36. 4!l. 1:1*2. 

Winner — B. f, l>.v Csllautry — K:ishlomil>le (trained t>y W. (J. Krien). 

Went to iM)st at 2:.^><». At post 2 niinnles. Start ttoial. Won easily; weond and tlilrd drivini;. Calli 
»rlne F., in keen emitenlion from tlie start, steadily improved ber isjsltion. wore down the lead of Biltil 
in the final furlong and won going away. Blllil set a fast paee, but tired in tlie closing strbles. Wagne^- 
.Ir. ran a wintiing race, got off badly, took the overland roitte and outgamed Bayou Lark for third idace. 
Lady Elkiioru showed speed, but tired in the rim through the stretch. The winner was entered for 
no bid. 

Overweights — 1. Ham, 1 |H>und. 

4' 52 7* 74 E Burton P .1 Miles 10 10 10 4 

tji 82 Snk H Boland Mrs M (loldblatt T, 6 6 2 

10 10 10 9* (5 Swain B M McDevitt 10 15 15 6 

84 94 91 10 J Connelly G C Bennett 5 5 5 3 

6 2 6-5 

15 6 3 

5 3 1 

4 3 1 out 

16-53 1 out 


SECOXB KA('K 3-4 Mile. (.".TStgi— 1:123— 3— 86.) Purse $3."iO. 3-year-olds and up- 
ward. Fillies atid .Marcs. Selling. Net value to winner f275. 

AWtPPStH Vi %StrFin Jockeys 

69730'>MAR.STER WB 4 105 1 3 Z'l 3> 3'i 3‘ Diggins W T Townes 4 4 3 1 out 

69S302SIR EDIVARD AVB44JC34! 4 4 4 4 Goldstein J J Walsh 3 16-53 1 out 

• Time. 233. 473, 1:1^3- • 

Winner — Br. f. by Filigratie — Merriuess (trained by ('. ('. Hall). 

Went to post at 4;.'>r>. At laist 1 minute. Start giMMl. Won easily: second the same; Ihird driving. 
Tickle dashed into the lead at mice, set a very fast pace all the way and won eas»>d up. Spion was hard 
ridden on Ihe backstretch, but could never get to the front and was doing his la-st all the way. Marster 
ran well and outstayed Sir Edward under a drive. The latter was always outrun. 

Scratched — 6!*!13;{ St. ' Josi'pli. BtT; (6!*t*32)Mark Antony II., 112. 

FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. (tK)674— 1 :30— ;5— 92.) $100 added. 3-year-olds and upward. 

§ .Mlowances. Net value to winner $325. 

Ind Hors es .i V WtPPSt Vs ?4 Sir Fin Jockeys O wners O H C P_S__ 

69499=AMPEI)0 w 3 106 1 3 Ih PJ 1‘ P 1« C Grand E W’aylamI 2 13-524 out— 

6y7:!n-B(»I!BIE KE AX Wsit 6 109 2 2 2* 2“ 2’ 2* 2» Jos Hogg C C Smithson 1-2 1-2 1-3 out— 

697572LYXDHURST B3 97 313 3 3 3 3 Watts J E Seagram 20 50 40 4 out 

6y7:!n-B(»I!BIE KEAX 

6979r.2I..\ GI.ORIA 
698."s! KiA.MESHA II. 
169770* BOB’S PET 
69 S.'s!MTNGEXT 
69819 MARY'^ Cl'.<TIS 

WB 4 115 





1 = 


G Swain 

Pasadena Stable 6-5 S-5 



-5 oyt 


4 107 








Mrs J B Brannon 11) 12 





3 1112 





E Burton 

t! I’angritz 15 15 




3 11*5 







.T H Sliouldico 8-3 S-5 



-5 out 


:! 95 







J Connelly G C Bennett 5 6 




64625 GREAT SORCERESS w 3 98 

20 :;o 30 10 4 
4447-5 4-5 
40 100 100 30 15 

69819 MARY’’ Cl'STIS w 3 H*0 6 6 7'i 8 66 6‘ C Riley P Gallagher 20 30 30 10 4 

t.91!*4 MISS GAIETY w T> 105 1 7 O'* 5^ 5* 7* J Murphy E Glasseo 4 4 4 7-5 4-5 

64625 GREAT SORCERESS w 3 98 7 8 5‘ 6* 8 8 Jno Hen'syG W Carmack 40 100 100 30 15 

Time, 2:!, -iK. 1:13*. 

Winner — Cli. f, by Wmdsthorpo- -Sister .Monica 1 trained by P. J. tVilliains). 

tVent to m*st at ;!:17. -M post 1 minute. Start g<Mid. Won easily; second driving; third the same. 
La Gloria op<'ne<i a winning lead at the first ipiarter and won all the way. Kiamesha 11. followed the 
pai'einaker closely and was comiielled to do her liest at the end to stall off the rush of Bob’s I’et. The 
ialler, in forward eontenlion all the way, finished with a rush and would have been second In am*ther 
stride. Royal River could never get u)*. 1‘migent was shuttled hack at the start. The winner was cn- 
(ered for $718*; no hid. 

Sci-alched— 699iK*-(:iciia MaeBride, 97; 69S72 Taunt, 93; 09S96 Raining Leaves, 11*4; lK)S18=.Snow- 
drifl. 113. 

Overweights— Mary Custis. 1 |M>iind. 

A TIllRB R.M’E— 1 Mile. (6!211— 1 ;.’!9i— 4— lO’J.) Purse $4(*0. 3-year-obls and upward. 

a W a f > * Allow ances. Net value to w inner .$.'!1K*. 

Ind Horses .\lVt PP St ',4 Vi *4 St r Fill JiK’keys Ow ners <) HOPS 

697572LYXDHURST B3 97 313 3 3 3 3 Watts J E Seagram 20 DO 40 4 out 

Time, 24?, 4,8. 1:12*. l:.39i. 

IVinner — Br. e, liy Alvescot — Bay Bream (train ed I*.v E. Wayland). 

M'ent to !8*st at •4:.5.8. .\t pist 1 minute. Start giKMl. M'mi cantering; second easily. .Vin|M>do went 

to tlie front with a rush on the first turn, shook off Bobbie Kean in the run down the hackstreteh. opimed 
a long w'iiiniiig lead on the far turn and was cased up through Ihe last sixteenth. Bobide Kean tried to 
run out on tlie turn into the backstretch and was hard ridden all the way down Ihe backstretch. Lyiid- 
hurst was outclassed. 

Scratched— 69iC.6LMar9lcrs. 106; 1M*!M*l! Toscan, 106. 

SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. (69.52S— 1 : 133— 3— 98.) $100 ailih>d. 3-ycur-uIds 
*o"l niiwanl. Selling. Net value to winner $3:J0. 

Ind Horses AWtPPSt V* Vi % Str Fin Jocke ys Owners O II C P S 

lt:9'8l7)SCHR()ED. MIUW’Y’wb 3 99 1 1 3 3 3 3 I'JJ McC’rthy.I Shannon 8-5 2 1 out- 

698, S;{ XIBLK'K wsi* 5 U12 2 2 1* 1* Ink Ink 26 Goldstein 11 Mason 7-5 9-5 3-2 out— 

(698S3)XELL1E BURX W 4 1011 3 3 2‘ 2“k 2* 2?. 3 Lycurgus W Walker 11-53 2i out— 

Time, 23J, 4.8*. l;13g. l:41*i. 1:44J. 

Winner — t’li. e. by Bel Paso II. — Bansante (trained by E. Steeds). 

YVent to iH>st at .'):22. .\t post 1 minute. Start gmxl. Won easily; second driving. Schroeder’s Mid- 

way liad a roiigli trip, was on tlie inside and in a t««’ket on tlie hackstretcli and sharply cut off on the 
far turn, out came through next to the rail in tlie stretcli and, eatching tlie leaders tiring, wmi going 
away. Xiliiirk was iiiiieh used in setting tlie pace and liad uolliing left to stall off the winner’s challenge. 
Nellie Bill'll ran on the outside of the leaders all the way. 'The winner, entered fur $l,0<Ht, was hid up 
and iHiiight in for $I..5iH*. 

Scratched — 61*,8:!2 t’aptain Hale, 94; 6!Hi72 Right Royal. 106. 

l69'8l7)SrHR()ED. MIUW’Y’WB 3 99 1 1 3 
698, S;{ XIBLK’K Wsi* 5 Ul2 2 2 1* 

(698S3)XELL1E BURX W 4 1011 3 3 2‘ 

69872 Taunt, 93; 09896 Raining Leaves, 11*4; lK)818*.Snow- 

69849*X.\T B. WII 5 104 2 4 3>. 2'i 2' 2* lit D Boland G Hendrie 2-i 2i 2i 7-lOout 

69898* RE.S IDE WS 3 96 1 1 I'i 1’ I'i I'J 2* E Burton 1! C Evans 3 3 3 4-."» out 

ti!*797*l'ETER STERLIXG W 4 112 4 3 4 36 3* 3* 3* Moreland A Brown 1 6-5 6-5 2-.1 out 

C'898’GAl{GAN'rU -Y w 3 99 3 2 2J 4 4 4 4 Jno Hen’syMrs M Goldblatt 4 4 4 6-5 out 

Time, 2.5. 4!*i, 1:15. 1 ::n**. 

'Winner— (’ll. li, liy Maddalo — Mary I'owau (trained liy .1. Walters). 

Went lo iMtst at '.”.: 11*. .\t I«>st 3 niiiiutes. Start giMxl. YVoii driving; second and tliiid the same. 

Nat B. ran clos«‘ in Im'IiIiiiI Reside for three-ipiarteis, caught him on the turn for home, fought it out 
gamely all of the last sixteenth and drew away in the closing strbles. Reside set the pace fast and liiii'g 
on galnelv. but tired in the last strides. Peter Sleiiing was outpaced to tlie stretch and came with a 
rush at the end when Imi late. Gargaiitiia could not km>p up and tired badly. 



COVINGTON, KY., Friday, July 5, 1907.— Twenly-Hilrd day. 
days). Weather clear; track fast. (20 iKxiks on.) 

Latoiiia Jockey Cluli. Sjtriiig Meeting (SO 

Presiding Judge, E. U. Hopia-r. .Starter. J. J. HoUmaii. 

Secretary, Joiin I!. Billon. 



FBLRTII RAI'E- 4 1-2 Furlongs. (2l*l.:i 
-Mlowances. Net value to winner $ 
AM’TT’P St *4 Vi % Str Fin 

-118*.) Purse $3.50. 

69724*1’R1.\CESS LOl’ISE 

w ini 






E Trotter 




1.!6::!li»OSC.XR T. 

w 101 



]uk 2'i 

E I’.urton 

C I’angritz 







XV S 99 




4« 3*^ 


X Straus 







W 104 



1 = 

3* 4« 

G Swain 

J Mcl.ciinan 






i;:' 897 CltDY’DOX 

W 102 




66 51 

C Riley 

P Gallagher 






68947 .-XROMATIZE 






71 61 

C Bilker 

I’asadenii Stable 






1.98211 YVIXXETKA 





53 7uk 

A Lee 

Y\' Shields 






69897 CHARl.lE MANGE 

XV* 1051 



11.2, 2: 

** . 

IS?. .541. 

E S Gardner 






0 p. 111. W indicates whip, S spurs, B lilinkers. Figures in iiareiiUiesis following 
‘ indicate index niin'lH>r, track record, age of hm-se and weight cairied. 

T first R.VCE 3-4 Mile. (.50621* 1:123— ll—lIH*.) Purse $518). 3-year olds aud *ip- 

X ward. Fillies ami Mares. Selling. "Net value to winner $418). 

lud Horses AWTl’I~St *4 Vi %~sTr" Fin Jmkeys (*wnt>rs () ^II C 1^ 

li'HJi’S MATTIE MACK w 3 98 12 4 26 2* 2>i PI Pickens S K Hughes 6 7 6 11-511-10 

l!!*76.5 AGXE.S VIKGIXIA ws 5 105 1 2 I'll* 1* 2* D Austin S M Henderson 2J 5 4J 8-.5 4-5 . 

i69X41).MAKMOREAX w 3 !*9 2 1 l!i 6* ,5i 3* E Martin W Smith 2 2 8-5 7-101-3 

l!97li.5 OUR AXXA wsii 3 91 6 .5 4> 4i 3i 4* A WilliamsB Schreiber 12 20 20 7 3 

69441 LADY’ ARIO.V Wl( 3 91 4 9 5'i 5* 66 51 J Butler W tSratcr 20 4ll 30 10 5 

69319 SlSl'Elt I’OI.I.Y’ wi! 3 94 9 12 12 9‘ 8* 6»k YV Ott J Arthur 25 40 40 15 6 

69165 Ul EEX CA Bl II.lXEwsB 1 100 11 3 .3"k 31 4‘ 7* T Taylor YV E Cisco 1-5 1,5 10 4 2 

i;!*:*1.5*ANXA RUSKIN Ws 3 S6 8 6 81 ,S6 96 86 Skirvin 11 Mcl'arren Jr 10 12 12 4 2 

69715 ELO.S.S S. w 4 105 3 S 9* 7nk 7* 9* \' I’owers .1 McDonald 12 25 ’20 7 3| 

69161 YY'IMPLE w :’, 91 10 10 10' 10' 10* 10* T Steele 5’ H Stevens 15 15 10 4 2 

66413 IDA BAILEY’ w 3 91 7 7 76 II* 11> ll'i Biftc E Cook 20 40 40 15 7 

69765 GEPPIXA w 3 91 5 11 116 12 12 12 Trueman E E Lyne 30 40 40 15 6 

Time. 24ii. 41*. 1:14;. 

YY'iniicr -B. f, tiy Reiiss<‘laer- Brnsilla II. (Iraineil by S. K. Hughes). 

YY'eiit lo |M>st at 2:2!l. .\t jiost 11* iiiinotes. Start bad. YY'on easily: second and third driving. Mattie 

Mack followed the pacemaker closely for Ihe first half, wore down .\giies Y’ii'giiiia in the stretch and won 
going away. .Ygiics Y'irginia acted Iiailly at (lie |Hist, lint lirokc fast and. taking a long lead, appeared a 
eei'taiii winner, lint tired sliglilly in tile last furlong. .Marnioreaii had seant rliiiiiee with an iiieoiii|H'tent 
ride and tinislied giiiiiely on tier own coiinige. lliir .Ynna and Lady .\rion I’an fairl.v well. Queen I'aroliiio 
a -led fiMcdonsly at tlie l«>st. YY’iiiuile was liadly kicked while at the post. The winner was entered f'*2 
$6181: no hid. 

Dverw-iglils — Mattie Mack, 1 |«>und; Sister I’olly, 

YViiiner — B. f. Ii.v Bobliy Beacli — 1'rinri‘ss Rost- (tl'ained li.v E. Troiii*r). 

YY'ent to iMist at 4:1*8.' ,\t jaist .”> niimites. Start giH>d. YY'on easily; second and liiird llic same. 

I’rincess Louise got off in a tangle, lint worked lier way up 011 tlie inside, caiiglil Oscar 'I', after lieiiig 

slraiglilei'cd out for tlie final drive, raced liiin into dcK'at and won drawing out. T. tired after 

lacing R.'vcry into defeat. Eleanor Fay steadily improved her iiositiou aud had no coutyntion for third 

place. Revery was speedy, hut uuit badly when challenged. 

ScraK’hcd -6!8i!is YY’asli. !l!*. 

Overweiglits — Charlie .Mange. 31 iiolinds. 

l*i9S41).MARMOREAX w 3 !*9 2 1 

69765 OUR AXX.Y Wsn 3 94 6 5 

69141 LADY' AR1(*.V Wl( 3 91 4 9 

69319 SISTER POLLY’ WI! 3 91 9 12 

69165 UI EEX CA R1 ILlXEwsli 1 1(8) 11 3 

i;!*91.5*.\NX.V RUSKIN Ws 3 S6 8 6 

69715 FLOSS S. w 4 105 3 S 

69164 YVJMPLE W :’, 91 10 10 

664)3 IDA BAILEY’ w 3 91 7 7 

69765 GEPPIXA W 3 91 5 11 

11 Mcl'arren Jr 10 12 12 4 2 

.1 McDonald 12 25 ’2i* 7 34 

T M Stevens 15 15 10 4 2 

E Cook 21* 40 41* 15 7 

E E Lyne 30 40 40 15 6 


lii'l Horses 

FIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. lAiig. 1!*. I.s<*.5--1:.54— 1—11*7.) Purse $3,511. 3 year-olds 

and upward. Selling. Net value to winn»*r $27.5. 

A^YY’Tl’FSt Flii Jmk'cys Owncr.i 6~ll~ U~P~s' 

i.;.l8il K. OF T. Y'.YLL’Y'wn 7 IW 8 7 

698)7 .MONTEREY wit 4 ]0S 1> 4 

*.!'87.5 CUHSrs WH 7 102 7 ,5 

r.'l 3' 2'i 2'5 1' J Connelly .1 A Sykes 

3* li 11 1'“'' 2* D Boland P M Civill 

2* 2'ik 3* 3* 3' .1 Mun*hy .1 I’-nrttschcll 

69927 K. ELLSYY'OKTH Wit 6 114 1 2 S 8 8 7» 5"k pik -Moreland E Trotter 

61 5* Dllbei 

3 41 46 56 4'J 41 6' Holmes 
6 61 66 7* 61 7'* 7“" Oaugcl 

Diibi'i T YV Flynn 

Holmes E .1 Y’aicntinc 

Oaugcl G Y\’ Cook 

.Ino Hen’syG S Kerr 

2 2 2 4-5 2-5 

15 20 20 S 4 

5 6 5 2 4-5 

4 5 5 2 1 

3 4 1 8-5 4-5 

8 10 s :i 7-5 

Q SECOND RA(’E-5-8 Mile. 1.56.567— 1 :(8t!— 2—1 10.) Purse $.51)0. 2 year-olds. Selling. 

^*’t value to wimicr i^4l8*. 

Bid Horses 

AYVt IT* St ',4 •’ii Str Pin JiH kcys 

2 3 3 1 1-2 

60 100 loo 10 20 

|69926)PLE1.\1* W 3 87 4 8 Ti'k 7“k 66 51 111 5* Dllbi'i T YV Elynii 3 4 1 8-5 4-5 

I,9852*cil.\xir>.\ W'li 6 104 5 3 41 46 56 4'J 41 6' Holmes E .1 Y’aicntinc 8 10 S :i 7-5 

ti9,8,5H*Ii'Ai'T(*Tr.\1 w 4 li:: 3 11 lli 66 7* 111 7'* 7“" Oaugcl G YY’ Cook 2 .’! 3 1 1-2 

69’.88l PEARL HAYS Wli 5 98 2 1 11 14 I'l S 8 S .Ino Hen’syG S Kerr 60 100 loO 10 20 

Time. 21. i:*i!. 1:11*:, 1:11, 1 :.53l (new track record*. 

YY’iiiner -Br. g, bv YV.'idsworIh — Bresileiit 1 1raineil liy YV. Hedges). 

YVenI lo imsl at l:.':6. .\l post 2 niimiles. Starl giMiil. Won easily: second driving; tlilrd flic saiiiti. 
King of llic Yalloy. niiicli llic liest, was saved from lli<‘ earl.v pace, saved groiiiid on tlie (miis, moved up 
fast, raced Moiilere.v into defeat and was going awa.v al tlie end. Monterey, rimiiiiig lo liis Ix-st form, 
l.ictd I’earl Hays into earl.v defeat, bill had iiolliiiig left when challenged by the winner. 1’nrsns ran 
forwnrdly tlironglioiit, bill tired in tlie final drive. Kin.g Ellsworlli elos«iil a liig gap and I'nislK-d willi a 
iiisli. Pleiad can do lieller. I’earl Hays sliowed s)«‘ed, Init failed to stay. Tlie winner was entered 
tor $.5181; no bid. 

69866 .YIARG’T- RANDOLPH W 107 1 1 

ti!;814*L.\\'ATRI.\'.\ w lOS 6 5 

69811 PI. EAS. VIEYV BELLEwl07 1l 6 
69289 HESTER ZOltU.V w 107 5 2 

169S66IS.U!.\1*0 Wli 110 1 I 

69224 THIRD RAIL Wlil07 3 3 

69S42 YVALDORE BELLE w 107 10 1'* 

6 ! 8 i! 8 l GREMSE WS Io7 2 11 

69793 DE.YIO.N'STRA'rE W it 107 9 7 

6:h: 3I ROBERTA .MOORE w 107 7 9 

1) II C. P S 

16 1* 11 1' J Fee .1 S Hawkins 3 -h ;’.l 7 5 7-10 

5* 4.'. 3" 2" Cherrv .1 C Milam 4 7 7 21 6-5 

31 6' 4* 3' T Taylor .1 R Taylor 10 15 15 6 3 

2' 21 21 4“6 Grillith I’ Hayes 4 41 4 2 1 

6'ik 5'i 5'1 .56 V Powers Y\’ .1 Donohuo 3 31 3 6-5 3 5 

76 71 7* 6* Helgcscn C I! Iteid 15 15 15 5 21 

lo' 6* 7* I. Bailey MillerX.Iohnston 10 20 20 7 3 

Silk 86 9' S' I’iekens .1 H Young 8 15 12 5 2i 

I'I 9"k S' 9* I. YVillhunsT I, Carpenter 15 30 :>o 12 6 

9.’. 10 ' 10' 10’ M B YVimmIP South III I’ll* 60 25 12 

race 5 1-2 Furlongs. ( I.371— 1 :i8ij_2— SI.) $.’;.5II. 3-ycar-.Mds ami 

Xy f f ^ upward. Selling. Net value lo winner $27.5. 

Bid Horses .WVI PP St 14 '-1 -14 Sir Fin JiH-kc ys Ow iicrs () H t' i’ S 

169S.',3»11 .M.TOX wit 3 li8i 7 2 3* 2'll"kl' G Swain Pa.sadcna Stalde 2 21 21 7-in<»ut 

I'a.lsTI Glt.XCCliUS Wli 3 liHI S 6 51 Ink ;!nk I’lik ) mliei YY' Gerst 10 15 ir7 5 2 

67::i7 ELKSLNO w 3 '.8', 5 1 1' 1' 2* li'l F Burton C I’angritz 20 25 ’2.5 8 4 

ii,;iS96iCi lUSI N KATE wn 4 113 6 5 4' 6 * (i* 46 Jno Hen’syE I’ttcrliack 6 5 li-5 6-5 2-5 out 

iitami WEBBER w 3 !I 9 3 3 ’26 3iik I-' 56 .1 .Mur|iliy .1 YY’alters 2 2 3-2 3-5 out 

69795 DEMI ’ItRER W 9 1 I 0 1 4 6* 5iik .56 6' Yloreland .1 Clay 8 lit 10 3 6-5 

6.5I6S ISADAISY’ W 4 loi 2 7 7" T-' 7* 7* Dclaliv A .lones 20 :!0 30 10 4 

i.'9S72 HEI.E.N .MII.I.ER w 4 105 1 8 8 8 8 8 Klein B E Gutlirie 50 60 60 20 10 

Time. 11?,. 22;'.. :!.5. 4S. l:lll. i :07.;. 

YViniier Br. c. liy Giganteiiiii Levant (trained liy P. .1. Williams). 

Weill to post al .5:181. .\i post I iniiiiile. Slarl giMid. Won easil.v; s<‘eond and tliird driving. Ilaltoii 

ran (orwardly all Hie way, eanglil Elksino on tlie turn for liome. raced liim into defeat aim drew awa.v in 

tile final diive. 1 1raeeliiis. in close ipiarters until llie turn for lionie was reaelied. came tliroiigli fast next 

to tile rail and oiilgamed Elksino for seemid place. Tlie latter sliowed (lie most earl.v speed and set a 

fas| iiaee, lull tired near Hie end. Welilier ipiit as if siiort. Cousin Kate was knocked liack and linis'ied 
fast. Till' winner was ciilcred for $.':iMi; no Idd. 

Scralciicd — iiit*77:;iAyr Water. II 8 I; i;;*7.5ii .losepliiiic E.. !H ; (ii!i!i2.’!)I.cft Guard. Hll; f.!l77:5 l.cgatiou. 

169S.-,3»11 Al.TOX 
69874 GltACCHUS 
67317 ELKSI.NO 
ii,;.896lCi lUSIN KATE 
i.tami WEBBER 
69795 HEMi ltRER 
6.5I6S IS.Ml.MSY’ 

1.-9872 IIEI.EX MII.I.ER 

_0_II_t'_i^ S_ 

2 21 21 7-lOout 

10 15 15 5 2 

20 25 ’2.5 8 4 

6 -5 6-5 6-5 2-5 out 
2 2 3-2 3-5 out 

8 10 HI 6-5 

20 :10 30 10 4 
50 60 60 20 10 

6:h: 3I ROBERTA .MOORE w 107 7 9 9.’. HH 10' 101 M B YVimmII* South III 68* 60 25 12 

69866 <’. OE MEI.BOl’RXE w 107 8 8 11 II 11 11 D Austin S M Henderson 15 20 20 7 3J 

Time. 21;;. I*.*;, 1:112;. 

YVimier - 1!. f. liy l.ougsl reel — .Metrical Itraiiied li.v .1. S. Ilawkiiis). 

YY’ent to post at 3:111. .\t (misI 2 niiniHes. Start laid. YY'on driving; second and Hiird Hie same. 

.Margaret Raiidolpli. well ridden and awa.v forwardl.v. ran a fast race tliroiigliont and, standing a liaid 

drive gamely, won well in liand. I.avalrlna. for I wide most of Hie wa.v. eaiiie fast Hiroiigli Hie streleli 

ami liMik second place in Hn* last stride. I’leasant View Btdit' iK'gaii slowly, Init saved gronml on tlie 
streleli turn and linisiied willi a riisli. Hester Zorra. favored at Hie starl, followed Hie winner elosel.v 
for Hic first lialf. lint tired in Hie last furlong. Saliado ran piHul.v and can do iniieli iH-tter. Tliir.i KiHI 
sliowed improvemeiil and is roiiiidiiig into giMxl form. YY'aldoif Belle ran a liad race ami can do much 
liettcr. 'liic winner was entered for $1181; no hid. 

Scratched — Tanpiiii, liu. 

Overweights -I.avalliiia. 1 imiiiiiiI. 

Q TIIIKB RACE-7-8 Mile. l.5i!I.S!)-l :2.5? HH.) Piiis<> $.5181. 4 -ye ir olds aud iip- 

11 > J tr ward. Colts, Horm-s ami Geldings. Selling. Net value to winner $llHt. 

Bid lli*rs7's ^YYVt PP St Fii 

69819 DEVOPT 
6S97iPAFP.1.:kT P'IH 
689<H Cl ’El. 

6;i816 REBOl’XHER 
6:ili16 I.A.ND BREEZE 

WII 5 107 7 6 66 46 2-1 16 T Taylor .1 YV Eorman 

w 5 107 2 2 46 26 1' 11 2“k E Martin G H Marlman 

wn 1 108 :i 16 6* 5* 3' 3* cherry C E Pattersor 

W I 102 .S S 7' 3'1 2' t'i 46 .1 Lee .1 C.rilTin 

w 5 112 I 1 ri"k 7'’ li' 5' 5' Pickens E Kachlcr 

w 4 102 10 7 2'i 16 4i 6* 6* 1* .Yustilt E .Mvey 

.1 YV Eorman 4 4 16,-5:!-2 7-10 

1 1 H .Marlman 4 4 3J 7-5 7-10 

C E Patterson ;’.l 6 li 2i 6 5 

.1 Grim It S 13 12 5 2-i 

E Kachlcr it lo 10 4 8-5 

E A Ivey 10 13 12 5 2 

YY' G K Dodds 30 30 I’ll 8 4 


(KI-rNH.W'l)RTH I’AKK.) 

BUFFALO. N. Y.. Friday. July 5. 1907. — EiglileeiiHi day. P.iilTalo Racing .XsMHdation. .Summer Meeting, 
l-'il days.) YVeather clear: track fast, i’2l ImmiUs on.) 

Presiding Judge, .losepli .X. .Xliirpliy. Slarter. -X. B. Bade. Secretary, W. IL Lereh. 

Ilaeiiig starts al .’1:1.5 (i. in. W iiidieates whip. S s|iiirs. P. blinkers. Figures in pareiHliesis followiii.g 
the dislanee of eaeli race indicate index iiiimlier, Iriiek record, age of horse and wtdglit e.irried. 

69D53 ' 

IRST It.XCE 5-8 Mile. (r.29lil 1 ;ini.i 

Special XX'eiglils. Net value to winner $:iiill. 

P22.) $118* added. 2 year-olds. Maidens. 

Bid Horses 


' St 

14 '1: 

*4 -sir 


w 110 1; 




w.s mo \ 


2- 2'.l 

69776 .MEURIMAC 

wn 109 9 



3' 4* 

69878 D.XRKMGHT 

wit 112 1 



4' :!' 

6!IS.55 SALT ram 

WS 10!» 7 



7.\ 7- 

68.52.5 SILX’ER BROOK 

w u»o r> 



1.981*1 J.XX'LIX 

usil 112 8 in 


0 - 0* 

69879 SUPINE 

w 199 in 



81 86 

69831 -’77 ENE XVI *01 ) 

w in!i 11 



r»ii r»i 

6:;ii!* ocE.xxic 

w 112 2 



11 in'.'.l 

67768 OUR BOY 

w 112 3 



im.’.ii ] 

'I iiiu-. 

23;. 47 

4* 3' .1 .Sehaller W T Townes 3 I 4 

3' 46 Nicol AX' .1 Y'oung 2i 3 3 

7* .5* It McDau’n: T Wilson Jr 10 15 12 
5' li' L Smith 11 Rites 40 .50 40 

9* V* Diggins '1' Cl.vde 12 12 12 


















































Ii;i816 REBOl’XDER w i: 5 107 5 1 ,:6 .56 7« 73 73 .j Baker W G K I todds 30 30 lit 8 4 

lii'opi I, AND liREEZE wn 1 H'l 9 9 !*' 9* 8* S' 8* Minder W’fordA- Ituekner 20 ::o ;!il 10 5 

16'.IS45*GRE.XT w 4 109 4 10 10 10 10 9* 9" L YY’illiams.M C Moore :!! 3i 3i :! 2 7 10 

69871 PR. SlLVEUXVLN’GSwu li 111 6 .5 8« 86 9* 10 10 YV Ott G Borkel 12 25 25 10 5 

Time. 21?. 4!l. 1:1.5, 1 :2SJ. 

YY’iiiinu' — (’ll. h, by Piety .Xggle Mardeii Itraiiied liy .1. YY'. Forman). 

YX'eiit lo ;iosl at 3:3!*. .XI [wisl 1 miiiiiti'. Start giHil. Won driving; second and lliird Hie same. 
Bevoiit wis reserved in Hie earl.v singes, moved n|i resolutely after roimdiiig Hic sircleli turn and. fiiiisli- 
iiig witli a riisli. oiilsia.vcd .Xlliert Fir in II11 closing drive. .XIlKO t Fir ran a good race and was a forward 
eoiileiidet- I roiii Hie slarl. Iiiit lired sliglilly near Hie end and may liave lieeii short. Ttdi'giaplier suffered 
from Intel fereiiee and was gniiiiiig at Hie end wlien lie secured clear sailiii.g. Cull moved up resolutely 
■ifter going Hiree furlongs, but tired in Hie stretch. Kohnollaw ran a fairl.v good half licforc llriiig. Br. 
.S|iriiill r;iii a bad r:iec and can do imicli better. Great got off badl.v, but ran far below his l«*st form. 
The winner was entered for $4i8i: no hid. 

.Scraliiied iI'.ITHl Lieiiteiiaiit Rice, HIT; lillS!*.5 YY'ater Lake, 10.5. 

Overweiglits — Telegraplier. 1 iioiiiid. 

FiH RTII U.Xt'E About 1 3-4 Miles. Steeplechase. (II9.51S— 3:2.5?— .5 - 1.”,!).) Purse 

A 1 • f • y ^~t~ $.5181. ;; year-olds and iipw iird. Handicap. Net value lo winner $4181. 

Ind Horses 

AWtPPSt 4 7 10 13 StrFin Jockeys 

69893*1 ’BASS LEADER W 7 liiS 3 

li 3' 3* ,’i* 1* P Y'ourcll 

69MUPETE Vl.NEG.XR w 4 132 1 1 46 41 4* 2’uk 5* 2"> YX’cltoii 

.1 (i .Mitchell 
W .1 Donohue 

0_H_C_P_ S_ 

3 3 2J 4-5 out 

S 8 6 6-5 out 

•2 5 3-5 3-5 out — 
*2-5 3-5 3-3 out — 

12 '25 25 5 out 
21* 50 40 10 3 

'lime. 23;, 47.;. 1:1*1?. 

XX’iiilicr I!r. f. In Saiidringliam Sea Ny^lili (trained iiy M. YX'cIsli). 

YX'enI to (Hist ill 3:H:. .\t post 1 iiiixiilc. Siart giMsI. Won easily; second Hic same; Hiird 
,X;iliriMlile. a giHMl horse loda.v. left lier opponenis witli a nisli and opened up a wide lead in tlie first 
furlong, maintained lier advaiilage willioiit miieli efforl and ran unexleiided ail Hie wav. Besideratum 
biiislied iiinre gamtd.v Hian usual and lield Hie others safe all Hiroiigii Hie Iasi i|iiarter. .Mi rrimac sliowed 
s|M'td. lull lired and swerved over lo Hie inside at Hic sixIcciiHi jiost and Interfered with Biirkiiiglit. The 
latter ran in iniieli improved form. .Sallra:n finished well. Gene WiK*d unit. 

Scralilicd f.!*!8l2-Miss Calcsliy. ]1»!t. 

«>vcrwciglils— ApliriHlitc. 1 po’mid; Barknight, 3. 

SECiiNB RACE— 5-8 Mile. (Ii294i:- l:i*n?-2— 122.) $418) added. 2 .vcar-idds. 
.Xllow aiiccs. Net value lo winner $::;:ii. 

69S93-'.I()HX DILLD.N w 4 1.53 6 6 5* 6 5* 5''" 4*» 3* T J’oweis Mrs W XVelib *2 5 3-5 3-5 out— 

169792* DELL l.E.XTH w 6 1.59 5 5 3' 2* 2* 1' 21 4*" McClure K A Libby *2-5 3-5 3-3 out— 

69SH WEBERKIELDS Ws ,5 i:!6 4 3 1* 1" 1* 46 ,5*" 5*" Pollock W Gerst 12 ’20 25 5 out 

6:8i30 PEX1*R.XC.(*X w 5 128 2 1 2’i 5i li 6 li ti Sobtd Hill I’.ros 21* 50 40 10 3 

“Collided ill lietliiig. Time. 3:2liJ. 

Wiiimi -Cli. g, by Carlsbad —Genoa (Iraiiied by G. II. .Marimaii). 

YY'ent to iiost at 4:i*2. .\t iiost 1 miiiotc. Start gixiil. YY’on easil.v: second and tliird the same. 

I lass Ia*ader, well ridden and favored by giMal raring luck. I'aii into Hic lead at Hic scvciiHi .illliip and 
W.I.; iK'Vcr in danger of defeat Hicreaftcr. I’ctc Y’iiicgar. sliowiiig im|irovcmciil. iH-eamc .1 sliar(i factor 
after going one round of Hic field and tinislied willi a riisli. Joliii Billon, after trailing far l>ack in Hic 
earl.v stages, moved iiii resoliilel.v at the streleli liiirdle and tinislied gaiiiel.v under weak liaiidliiig. Bell 
Lealli was given a liad ride. .McClure liHikiiig around freipiiMit l.v, and finally pulled out |o allow Class' 
Li jider lo pass liim after taking Hie sevmiHi jump, can do mitcli ladtcr and ran far beliwv Ids iK'St form. 
WclK‘ffieid-1 sliowed speed for one turn of Hie course and tired badl.v. 

.loliii Billon, sin gly, place, 3 to 2; sliow , .’! to .5. Bell Leatli. singly, place, 1 t*> 2; show, out. 

Px 1'*FT1I RACE-3-4 Mile. (.518:21*— 1 ; 12 J— 3— 100.) Purse $.518*. 3-year olds. 
Allowances. Net value to winner $4i8*. 

Bill Horses 

AYVtPPSt’i Vi Str Fin Jinkcys 

O H C P S 

Bid Hors«-s 


St 14 *5 

Sir Fin 



0 H C 



699i*4nVM. H. LYON 

w 107 


1 1' 

I'l 1* 





4-5 9-11*4-5 


1 6961 r.i ) K ETC H E M 1 K E 

XVII 110 


2 2- 

•»3 •»;: 





S-5 9 5 8-5 




XV nil 


3 4'1 

36 1* 


A Brown 



in 20 15 




XV 111” 


4 3nk 

43 2?, 


Jos Hogg 


L Hayman 

10 :;o :;o 



1 69801 *LUZ ETTA 

XXB 1117 


5 5 

T) b 


C Grand 


A Bronder 

7 12 12 



Time. 2::?. 47?. l:i*lj. 

YY'imicr Br. g. ti.y l liarade— Booking Glass (Iraiiied liy J. GimmHih-). 

YYeiii to post at .■!;ll. .\t (Hist 2 minutes. Start giKsl. YY'on easil.v-; second and Hiird driving. YY'm. 

n. I, yon oiillirokc his opponents and set Ibe pace while under restraint all the wa.v. Keteliemikc. alwa.vs 
in innires) iiiirsiiit. was liard ridden Hiroiigli Hie last furlong, imt was niialde to improve his position. 
Tom Shaw* finislied well and outstayed John P. Bergen when it came to the final drive. The latter Is a 
giM'd liHiker. ran well and slioiild imiirove. 

Scratclied--i::*S7!*-AppIe TiMldy, 114. 

OQOPTffT TIIIKB RACE— About 2 Miles. .Steeidcehasc. (13!2<8i— .’{:.51i?— 4 —l.V>. ) $418* added. 

4-year-o1ds and upward .Xllowances. Net value to winner $340. 

O H C P S 

4 -3 4-3 3-5 out— 

6 10 8 
6 8 7 

Ind Horses AYVtPP.St 4 7 10 13 StrEin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 

K98.8I*=DULCIAN W 4 142 7 1 1* !• 1' 1* 1* 1* Rodrock J YV Colt 4 -3 4 -3 3-5 out- 

69828 DU.XHEATH Ws 7 1.50 1 .5 6 6 21 2'» 2'“ 2*" T YY’ilson Mr Chetland 15 ‘D 15 5 8-5 

6!i7i8i lili’HAUD JR. Ws 5 141 5 4 3* 3‘1 :!6 ;t* 3" 3«k Bowser C C Harbottle 6 8 8 2J 1 

r..5371*MEHRY’ M.XKER ws 8 145 4 3 2' 2' 5* 4* 4'* 4=* P Hagan C J Murray 6 10 8 3 6-3 

IW.572 GARTERETTE w 4 130 6 2 5' 5'i 4* 5** .5=* 5'® S McClain R Neville 6 8 7 2i 1 

69706 BEN L.XL.X ws5]46 3 6 41 4uk 6 6 6 6 .Saffel O C SmKh.son 2J 5 5 2 4-5 

b9462*JUDGE CARTER ws 7 145 2 7 Fell. Rae J YV Hammond 8 10 10 3 6-5 

Time. 4:1*2;. 

YX’itmer — B. g, liy Sau .Tiiaii Biilceiiia (trained liv M. J. Baly). 

YY’ent to jMist at 4:ik5. .Xt [Mist 3 minutes. Start goial. XV on easilv; secoiid driving; tliird Hie same. 
Bnleiaii outjnmia-d and oiHihii Hie oHiers all Hn- way and was well in iiaiid at Hie Htiish. Bmila-aHi was 
A keen coutender nearly all of Hie last turn of the field, hiit stiimided after landing at a couple of Hie 

fences and pulled nji lame. Richard Jr. showed improvement, but was tiring in Hie final drive. Merry 

Maker finislied well and would have been tliird iu a few more strides. Judge Carter fell at the second 
jump and liroke Ids neck. 

Scrateheil— (>9.'!93*BiII>erry, 141. 

69S16*COLLl*QrY’ w 107 7 5 I'l I'i 1' Ink E Martin G H Hollo 1-4 1-4 1-6 out— 

6'.l894 EI.ECTORI.NE W 98 5 2 2' 2i 2* 2' V Powers D Lehan 7 10 10 H-PKiut 

69816 OX'El.A.NDO W 102 6 1 36 3'i :!« 3'* Pickens M Dovie 8 16 16 ;j-2 2-3 

6991S GEM OE THE YY’ILDS WB 97 4 7 7 6 5* 4* Bilac J T Clay 7.5 Hm 75 20 4 

6!*66l .XL XV. wn liHl 3 1 5* 4* 4' 5* T Taylor H S Berry Ino 2i8l 2*Hl In 12 

*>1770 TOM M’.XEEE w 99 1 6 6® ri* 6 6 Trueman Y\’ .f Donohue 60 21H) 21KI 40 12 

1689;W)KOKOM() Will! 2 3 4' Threw rider. D Austin'!' H Ryan 10 13 13 8-5 3-5 

Time. 24*. 4S?, 1:14. 

Y\ inner — I!, f, liy Kns.sell — l.,a Tour ( trained by YV. 1,. Lewis). 

YY'ent to (Hist at 4:2!*. .XI post ’2 minutes. .Start giMxl. XX'on driving; second and Hiird the same. 

Coll apiy made tile I'luiiiing Hironglioiit, liilt tired fast in Hie streleli and liad to la- hard ridden lo outlast 

Eleeioriiie. Tin- latter ran a giHal race and was a slmri* eonleiider tliroiiglioiit. Gvelain'.o tired in Hie 
closing drive. 1ml ran falll.v well and was la-st of ihe tiHiers. Gem of Hie YX’ilds was a distant trailer for 
tlie first lialf. Imt was gaining at Hu- end. .XI XX'. sliowed fair form for a halt. Kokomo wheeleil and 

unseated liis rider at Ihe Hiree furlong jiost and jiiiniied Hu- track fence. 

$erat(lu-d -li!*.S!t4*I,a Veita. !»7; ia*!)17 Redgauntlet, 102; (itIKOt* Javanese, 102; 09S94 Zlnfandel. UKl. 

Overweights — Eleetorine, 1 poimd; Al XX'., 1. * 

OQQ y| O SLNTH*R.X(’E-1 Mile. (ti2(>77— 1;39J— 4— KM*.) Purse $500. 3-year-olds. Sellhig. 
value to winner $4i8). 

AYVtPP$t14 1b % Str Fin Joi key.s 

O H C P S 



1 6987 1 ) XX’OO L.S r OX E 



698<*l H.XRTIXG 

69818 (T)UNTY CLERK 

WB 101 1 2 76 56 31 J iij 45 o Austin J C Milam 3 4i 4 8-5 7-10 

w 100 8 11 11 11 6'* 26 2" Trueman I., .V Celia 5 a.J 5J 11-56-5 

w 111 7 5 3'J 46 ink 31 3'1 T Taylor I, V Bellew 3 51 51 21 11-10 

ws 1011 3 8 8' 9'i 8' 4' 4* Minder YV H Koliitison 5 9 9* 3 8-5 

w 97 9 4 4' 31 26 5' 5* Skirvin H McCarren Jr 8 8 7 21 6-5 

WB 97 11 7 2'1 2' 16 66 6' E Martin Mrs J Perkins 15 15 7 3 8-5 

w 109 4 3 10' 10* 9* 7«k 711 L YY’illiamsl’eyton & Aken 8 15 45 3 21 

FOURTH It.XCE 3-4 Mile. (('.070.5— 1 :12-4-11 1.) $.5tK) added. .3-venr-olds and iip- 

Vf ward, llamlieap. N»-t value lo w inner $131*. 

Ind Hors es 



■ YYY't PP St 1/4 Vi % Str Fin .J o ckeys Own ers O HOPS 

w 4 112 4 1 Ink I'l 1* l< R McDan’I.V D Parr S-5 2? 11-57-lOout 

w 3 108 2 4 26 26 2* 2» J McC’rthyJ S Ward 2 li-52 1-2 out 

69871 YV.XRXER CRISWELL w 11*5 10 9 6' 7“k 56 9* 8* Pickens P Dunne 3 31 111 3-2 4 3 

6!I891 (lEXERAL EARLY ws 105 2 1 1* 16 7' 8' 9* YV Ott P I’ Johnston *K* UK* lot) 40 ’.’0 

6!H14 J. J. JR. w 98 6 6 5' S' 11 10' 10* V Powers H Vincent 2*) 40 40 13 8 

69841 YOUNG STEVENS XVB 102 5 10 9 »k 6' ID' 11 11 J Lee C Bloss 8 13 13 5 2* 

Time. 2.5. .V). 1:1.5?, 1:42. 

YY'imicr — Ch. e, liy St. Leonards — S|deiidour (trained liy .7. C. Milam). 

YY'ent to (lost at 4:.5'.). At post 1 minute. Start gixal. YY'on easily; st-cond and third driving. Oiiardi. 
hnrd riddoi and suffering from earl.v interference, found clear sailing on the stretch turn, where he saved 
grcimil and. finishing ganiel.v, held the others safe in the stretch rtin. Bele Stronie liegan with her cus- 

loiuar.v slowness. Imt moved ii|> slcadll.v in Hie last lialf and outstayed YY'oolstoiu- in Hu- last few strides. 

YViMdsloiu- liad no iiiisliaps and ran a giHxl race. Blaze o’l.iglit liad a roiigli trip and eiiii do miu-li iK-tlcr. 
Beiiio tireil after going tliri-e i|narters. Il.irling fired after sliowiiig iiiiicli speed for Hirj-t- ipiarlers. YY'ar- 
m-r Griswell, (xvirly ridden and suffering from interference, can do mm-h la-lter wlieii at liis ta-st. County 

Clerk was in a jam most of tlie wa.v. Tlie winner was entered for $,5(*0; no hid. 

.Scratelied -ti!*s!li = Kniglit of Ivanlux-, KK*. 

Overweights — Blaze o’Llght, ixiuuds; J. J, Jr., 1. 

Windsor Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, July 6. 


FIRST RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. SclUne- (.)7S«5— 1 : l-'s— 3— SC.) 
Index Course Dlst Time T’ck Wt St % % »i StrFln Jockeys 

GLENA MAC BRIDE, b. f, 3, by Dr. MacBride — Glendola (S. T. White). 

1 i:ti* fast Kto 
n-4 l;l-7 fast !I0 5 
3-1 l:Mii fast W 2 

4 .'.n r. 

2 2 3 

>trFln Jockeys Best Company 

idola (S. T. White). Weight today 97. 

Ink i>« H’menth’l Detilgre, I’l.ieklock. TIumhIimui. 

>>> r.’?. F Burton ilalton. l><-iii:;r»-. I’liugeiit. 

3, by Lackford — Helena (H. Schmidt). 

1 1:4 1,1 Bust H».-, 1114 4i B Boland 
1 1:4(12 hvy lo:’. SCO C 0 C»«J. Moreland 

3 11:15 fast % 

B’mentli’l C.Ward, ' Vl.Custls, Tliell.ofBrigbt’n 
t). Weight today 99. 

n Boland Iloniirre. C. MacBride. Tlnsidocia. 
’Moreland Halier, Raining Leav«‘S, Wooltessa. 

THEODOCIA. br. f, 3, by Pessara — Boo Hoo (L. Schuckman) 

CWdi Wind.sor 
C!*n 17 Windsor 
c;i77n Windsor 

1 1:111 fast I'Ki 3 
3 11:llifast a:!’ ft 
3 4 1:10Jgo<Ml !i5 

BEN STILLE, br. g, 3, by Alloway — Freshet (H. Ensenbark). 

CWHIO M iml.siir ll:11Jfast li'2 6 5 3 S'" Armst’ng IVi 

04W» Hamilton B-S 1:02 fast lOr. 8 6 C 6’ 7'^}.\’ng Re 

64S53 ilaniillon 6-8 1:0I« fast 99 9 2 4 4i 6»i iVrmst’ng Ch: 

JOE FALLERT, ch. c. 3. by Bassetlaw — Cloister (F. Risk). Weight todav 107. 

ti977,’i IVindsor 1 1-1'i 1:10 good :i4 7 5 U C C’’ 6‘t Jno Hen’syK.oftlieValley. Neoileslia. I..r,nard. 

C97.71 Windsor 1 l:lCji hvy 94 1 C 5 3 3‘ 3» Jno Hen'syKx 

COONEY K., b. g, 3, by Senator McCarren — Campania IT. D. Sullivan). 

3’ 3‘ Moreland F.K.Sliaw, I’ungent. Frank Collins. 
;huckman). Weight today 97. 

r,c 4" .1 Mun>hy Benigre, (5. MacBride, BlackUnk. 
(Ink .r,io o coi.h ( 'onsiileratlon. ('.Kale, I.eftCuard. 

4nk 4= It Cook Boh'sl’td, Klameshall., Iinperfnee. 

Bnsenbark). Weight today 99. 

S'o' Armst’ng Benigre, C. MacBride, Blackhn-k. 

6’ 7”}.\rmst’ng Refined,. Nioless. Edwin U. 

4i 6*i Armst’ng Charlie Gllliert, C. IVard. E. Marie. 

3 3‘ S'! jno Hen'syKxcitement, i’ompadour, Chanida. 6914.i Hamilton 

SUZERAIN, b. o, 2, by Prince of Melbourne — Suzon (W. Shields). Weight today 107. 

fi»m IVlndsor 5-S 1:03 S good ns S . 9 8 S’ 4’i Jno Hen’syCnraseo, Moxey Mead, Mollere. 

(;>»,'«; Windsor 4 1-Z f f.«* lay” 1»K 4 5 5* 3>>> Jno Ilcn’sy.Vnoura, Bayou Bark. Mosey Mead. 

C»L’S7 tlravrsond 5-8 l.oog fast 101 9 10 10 10 10=' Jno lIcn’syUalket, Uarcourt, Biskra. 

HOSTILE HYPHEN, b. c. 2. bv Hyphen — Hostile (Oots Bros.). Weight today 108. 

t.;‘:.2.5 Wind.sor D-S l:n;:2 101 2 10 10 Hl« 10« n Boland Maston, Mollere. Merry Blue. 

K9’24 Chur. Itmvns 4 1-2 f 5«2 hvy 113 7 9 10= r.’=»iMinder Bnnvegan, J. S. Mc.^llster, Rexall. 

68890 Chur. Bonus 4 1-2 f .5^ fast 107 5 12 llj 13‘® I> Austin J. Myers. SynchronlzcHl, B. Work. 

LISTERINE. ch. f, 2, hy liampUghter— Nellie Grand (S. T, White). Weight today 100. 

69S.51 IVindsor 5-S l:01i! fast 103 4 4 4 4= 4" B’menth’l Servile. Petulant. -Vquillne. 

69132 Chur. Downs 4 1-2 f 56S slow 101 13 12 12» ll'"JB’menth’l Oremse, Kvxall, Vietorene Hannon. 

69068 Chur. Downs 4 1-2 f 55g mud 102 9 10 10* 9'® Blum’thal Brimmer, .M. Talliot. Bosom Itlend. 

CROYDON, b. c, 2. hy Jonah White— Orange and Black (P. Gallagher). Weight today 103. 

(•4t!».".ti (See Wit(dsor chart In this paper). 

69897 Windsor 5-S 1:0H fast 102 8 C 7 7=® 7"1C Riley Afpilllne, P.ilfil. Red Hussar. 

69362 Hamilton 5-S 1:024 fast 110 4 4 5 6*® C'= J Daly J. Blake, Sir Brillar. Courtown 11. 

WAGNER. JR., br. c. 2, by Wagner— Prineew Rose U. (J. McClemand). Weight today 103. 

<2i;M7 (See Windsor chart in this paper). 

69s:i9 Windsor 5 1-2 f 1:09 fast 105 7 5 6 6= 7'=JL .Tones Senator Paynter, Fresenti, Abrupt. 

69851 Windsor 5-S l:01g fast 108 5 6 5 5= 5*® Delaby Servile, Petulant, A<iuiline. 

MONT LEE. h. f, 2, hy Mont d’Or— Alegro (I. P, Bernard). Weight today 100. 

69798 Windsor 5-S 1:02J fast 106 2 3 2 9i lO'^iL Jones Red Hussar, Abrupt, Meadowgr(>eu. 

SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. (C449.’>—l;lCi— 4-118.) 

RATHER ROYAL, b. g. 6, by Prince of Monace— Crowned Queen (E. Trotter). Weight today 104. 
Cfr.Mii Windsor 1 1-16 1:474 fast in7 1111 3nk ‘>n Moreland Kelpie. InilKHh'n, .\lta .McBonald. 

69274 Hamilton 1 1434 fast 111 4 2 2 2 1= JJ Moreland Pieansm. La ThoriK-, Bitter Hand. 

1 l:12g fast 109 14 3 

2= 2* Moreland Posing, Merlingo, Bou Mot. 

COONEY K., b. g, 3, by Senator McCarren — Campania IT. D. Sullivan). Weight today 99. 

684;;s .lamuica 5 1 9 f l:(i8g fast 92 12 12 12 12= 12=“ F Swan Ontario, Bario. Ooldeii West. 

6.V.II7 A.iucdurt 3 4 1:16 slow 97 Fell. C Brady Slar Cat. C. IVest. Royal Onyx. 

ti.-.242 .\nucduct 5-8 l:00g slow 86 6 6 6 5' 5*4 C Brady Athlete, Keatnr, Br. Hollis. 

ALVISE, ch. c, 3, hy Inspector B.— Nora (W, Gerst). Weight today 94. 

69NI7 Win.isiir 3 I BMifast 87 5 I 8 8- Si* Dnbci Consideration. C.Kaic, I.iinCnard. 

(i93t;5 Hamilton 5 1-2 f 1:08^ fast 108 3 2 1 2= 3) Dubel Butch Pete. Blackhs k. Ainbeiley. 

C9IS0 llatnilliin 51 2 f 1:14 hvy 101 4 11 3' 3= Dubel Mulvaliey, Amlierley, Lor. .Mack. 

ECCLESIASTIC, br. g. 3. hy Himyar — Maltese Cross (E. S. Gardner). Weight today 99. 

(;;i\(7 u indsiir 3 I 1:144 Last 92 6 9 7 nui- 9'= F Bmlnn Ciiiisiileration. C.Kate. f.i'flCuan^ 

6;tC.;‘.S Windsor 3 4 l:lls fast lo2 7 5 7 8 S'*'F Burton Craeclnis, Ilatier, Miilvaney. 

cjo.'Ut Fort Erie 5-8 1:021 good 105 6 6 6 6 6'=iMinder Crip, Ed. Wilder, My Bi'ssie. 

RHEA CARUKIN, ch. f. 3, hy Goldcrest — Jenny Monroe (G. Buell). Weight today 97. 

< 9773 Windsor 3 1 1:151. good sc s s 8 72 7'=M Connelly. Syr Water. Royal River. SocrelTop. 

(,:h; 3;1 Windsor 3-t l:lli; fast lift 5 8 9 8" 8'-’'<l .Swain C.Ward, .MaryCuslis, C. MacBride. 

ct.'a'o Windsor 5-S 1:014 fast li'2 9 10 lo 9>* 9= \ an’liout Eva Iser, Beiievole, .Miingtoii. 

HELEN H. III., b. f, 3. bv Charad e — Helen H. II. (F. Valentine). Weight today 97. 

(.9. Ii; W 7 s 1 :;125 hvy Io_* 4 4 7 7 7 7=' C I’.aker I.lBle Joker. Beiii.gre. Pleiad. 

f.4423 Windsor 5-S 1:03" fast 102 8 7 8 8= 8= Hogg Starglow, Charley Ward, Rome. 

JETSAM, blk. h, 5, hy Buck Massie— Castana (F. J. Kelly). 

69821 Windsor 1 1-S 1 :.54g good 111 1 5 5 3 ,5= 5“ C.augel 

C9t;65 IVindsor 7-S l:27g fast 114 2 2 3 3 3= 3=i D Riley 

G9570 IVindsor 1 1:42 fast 106 3 2 2 1 Dk 1' Oaugel 

C9ti65 IVindsor 
695,0 IVindsor 

HABER, hr. g, 3, by Victory — Chione (K. P. Shipp). 
6;“.t27 Windsor 1 l:40i fast 96 1 1 1 1 l‘i 

698.52 IVind.sor 1 1-S 1 :.54 fast 92 2 3 3 4 4= 

69725 Windsor 7-S 1:294 good 100 7 5 3 3 4= 

ANCESTOR, b. m, 8, by Plaudit— A ddie C. (A. Bailer). 

Kelly). Weight today 98. 

5= 5“ riaugel Pleiad, .\ncpstnr. Little B«H>t. 

3* 3=4 D Riley Ruiloha. Prlncipla, Secret. 

Ink 1’ Oaugel ByeByell., S.Uoeamora, Restora’n. 
pp). Weight today 89. 

1'5 1' B’mcnth’l Redondo, rhnrl<*ylVard. LittleBoot. 
4* 4” J Connelly K.of the Valley, Chanida, Matahou. 
4= 5* Dubel Bazil, Bye Bye II., Haltoii. 

6442:! Windsor 

-S 1:03 fast 102 S 

Eva Iser, Beiievole, .VIdngtoii. 

Weight today 97. 
I.lBle Joker. Benigre. Pleiad. 
Starglow, Charley Ward, Rome. 

SECOND RACE — 4 1-2 Furlongs. 2-ycar-olds. Selling. (2(il::i;^." H— 2— BKI. ) 

BOLL WEEVIL, b. f, 2. bv C-ayuga — Georgia F. (J. C. Harris). Weight today 108, 

I.9S7:: Windsor 5 8 l:02i fasL ]o5 1 3 4 7' 7“ .1 Miirpby 'roinnahat, Max!oii. Moliere. 

1* 1= .1 Muriiii.v P« liihdit, Florenee T., Biliil. | PENTAGON, i 

1= 1= J Murphy Revery. Bandy Dancer. Out of Step. (;:c,:.‘7 Windsor 

;), Weight today 95. 69774 WiniDor 

42 4® .T Murphy Senator Baynter. Frcsi-ali. .\briiid. MARIMBO, I 

]ii 1=2 .1 Murphy Seu.Payiiler. BropSiileii. B.Baucer. (>(; Windsor 

62 5*" J Murjihy Out of Step, Rimw, Lady Elkhorn. 6;(7:,i Windsor 

(,(.;h; Wimisor 4 1-2 f 51-1 fa“1 )o3 1 1 1* 1= .1 Muriiliy l*< t iihdit. Florence T., Bdlil. | 

69723 Windsor 1-2 49 good lol 2 1 1= 1= J Murpliy Revery. Bandy Dancer. Out of Step. 

FARE, ch. f. I, bv Box— Kepigon (Mrs. P. J. Miles). Weight today 95. 

)k'c99 Wiiid.'--or 5 1 2 f 1 :o9 fast PC 4 4 42 4® .T Murphy Senator Baynter. Frcsi-ali. .\briiid. 

69719 Windsor 5-8 l:o5;J hvy 91 5 4 3 ]i> 1=2 .1 Murphy Sen.Payider. BropSiileii. B.Baucer. 

696 ih: Wiiid.sor 4 1-2 f 55“ fast id 6 6 62 5* J Murjihy Out of Step, Rimw, Lady Elkhorn. 

SENATOR PAYNTER. h. c. 2, hy S.?orpion — Linderletto (B. C. Evans). Weight today 100. 

6!iv99 Winiisor 5 1-2fl:"9 fast ln2 2 111= 1'' F Burton I'rescati. .\hrnid. Fare. 

69920 W indsor . 5 S 1 :02il giMxl IH! 4 4 6 5' 6=2 F Burlon 2dc|ang|.. Catherine F.. Maxton. 

(.•i7h» Windsor 5 S 1:054 livy IT, 2 3 2 3= 2=4 F Iturlon Fare, Drop Sliteh. Bandy Dancer. 

MICKT.ETON MAID, hr. f, 2. by Mincemeat — Alice Farley (Mrs. E, Harris). Weight today 103. I 

ANCESTOR, b. m, 8, by Plaudit— A ddie C. (A. Bailer). Weight today 93. 

■ 6!.9'26 Wind.-:or 1 I S 1:554 fast 111 3 112 3"k 4* Jno Ilcn'syPIelad, The Gleam, Reveille. 

' 69821 AVind.sor 1 1-S 1:51S good 1U2 1 7 7 4 3= 2= Moreland Pleiad, Little Boot, Bevellli'. 

HAMILCAR, b. g, 4 , by Sam Phil lip»— Tin Cup (W, B. Laird). Weight today 100. 

6992(i Windsor 1 1:422 good ln7 1 4 4 3 1* 1= Moreland Mrs. Annie, Mulvaney. Kilwin 11. 

■ W'inilsor 7-S 1:292 fast 101 4 2 2 2 34 3*4 Moreland Buxom, Mary Cu.slis, Denigre. 

IMBODEN, ch. g, 6, hy Guido— Sound (B. M. McDevitt). Weight today 95. 

(Si;iol 2Vind.sor 1 1 16 1 :473 Last !iS 5 4 2 2 I*' 3= ,T Murphy Kelpie. Rather Royal. Me Bona Id. 

69667 Wind.sor 1 1-16 1:48 fast 1(M) 111 1 1>4 i' J ConnollyNeodeslia, K.oftheVal'y, Mrs.Annle 

LITTLE LIGHTER, ch. e. 3, by Lamplighter— Tocsin iW. H. McMullen). Weight today 91. 

69819 Windsor 7-8 1:28 fast !r.» 7 4 4 4 4nk Oaugel Hr. Mack. Reside. Xat B. 

! 69716 Windsor 7-8 1:323 hvy 112 3 11 1 1= 1* Moreland Benigre, Pleiad, Mamie Lloyd, 

i LA THORPE, ch. f, 3, by Woolsthorpe — La Fourmi (T. E. Crist), Weight today 85. 

. (i98,53 Windsor 3-4i:i5 fast !»:! 1 10 10 Fell. Gaugel Halton. Ih'nigre, Pungent. 

I (i977o Windsor 3 -1 1:16J good .85 3 4 5 5"k 5»J J .Murphy Boh’sPet, Kiaiiieshall.. Iniport’ncp. 

I PENTAGON, ch. g, 4 , by Octabon — Mischief (G. Howard), Weight today 98. 

;:i:r‘7 Windsor 1 l:loJ fast 9!' 8 7 7 8 7= 8'=2.T Connelly Haber, Redondo, Charley W'ard. 

69774 WiniDor 1 1-16 1:.504 good 101 6 2 1 2 3nk 4a Gaugel Little Boot, The (llobe. Buxom. 

MARIMBO, blk. g, 4 , hy Masetto — Romany Rawny (J. Burttachell), Weight today 93. 

i?.*826 Windsor 1 1:422 good 102 4 2 2 6 76 9”4J Murphy Haniilcar. Mrs. Annie, .Molvaiiey. 

69751 Windsor 1 l:46g hvy 96 8 8 10 9 7“k 7‘=4J Murphy Exeiteiiieiit, I’oniiiadonr, .loeFaliert. 

ii!i876 Wiliil.s. If 
(.9.fT, W indsor 

4 1 2 f .55r fast 110 
5 s l:irJh fast 91 

I'lk 3=.'. Kunz 
7 7'* Imliei 

CARASCO, b. g, 8, hy Shapfell — Anna Wiood^ord (J. M. Henry). 

En;i. Black Barbara. Canlless. 
Ltdoliaichie, Ena, Catlierine F. 

W= eight today 103. 
Melange, ('alherinc F., Maxton. 
Mie.cvMcad. MolieVc. Suzerain. 
B.l’ancer, CatherineF., Orl. Queen. 

610 :;0 Windsor 5 s 1 : 032 good h'T 9 1 1 F l‘i Ktniz Melange, ('alherinc F., Maxioti. 

697il Windsor 5S i:o:;:; g,HHl I10 3 1 I 1= l''^ <1 Swain Mie.cvMcad. MolieVc. Suzerain. 

61T,;:i Windsor 5 8 1:014 fast 98 1 1 2 24 3'’4C .Swain B.l’ancer, CatherineF., Orl. Queen. 

FANDANGO, b. f, 2, by Ornament — Star Dreamer (G. W. J. Bissell), Weight today 106. 

(.97 •:! Windsor 1 2 49 gooil 110 1 3 4= .5® 1> Boland Boll Weevil. Revery. llaiidy Baneer. 

•;‘h;:: 6 Windsor 1-2 482 fast M5 2 1 7 7’'! 1> l!ol:ind .\i|nlline. Boll Weevil, iisear T. 

(,9|ii:; Windsor 1 2 49 J fast I 06 2 8 14 I'i B Boland Bandy Dancer, Ena, Auhurndale. 

!^ew York Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, July b. 


FIRST RACE — 3-4 Mile Main Course. 3-year-olds and upward. Highweight Handicap. ((l.’lfKH) — 1:12 
— :;-B.7.) 

Index Course Dlst Time T’ek 'Wt St % *4 StrFln Jockeys Best Company 

StrFln Jockeys 

EOSEBEN, b, g, 8, by Ben Strome — Roseleaf (D. C. Johnson). 

LEE OREST, b. c, 2. by Goldcrest — Grace Lee (N. Strauss). 

6989 1 Slie, |i. liay 
61Si85 .'^licop. Jhiy 
691551 Sheep. Bay 

.: I 1:13! fast i::o 1 
1 — fast 115 3 

3 11:13 fast 110 5 

2 2 1' P .1 Marlin 

1112'! 3= J Martin 
2 2 2'“ 2= J .Martin 

(.9925 W illdsor 
69S73 Windsor 
69::ol MoiiB'cmI 

5 8 1 :6i;'. List lol 
5 8 1:024 fast lo:i 
1 2 504 livy lot 

Bandy Dancer. Molh-re. M, hinge. 
Toioiialiat. Maxlon. Moliere. 

Weight today 103. pkenCE HAMBURG, b. h, 6, by H amburg— Maori (H. P, Whitney). 

4'® McNam’a I.ailyPowell, Gaiuiiiight, Patrician. I ft’ij-i ’six-,.!)] l;gv 

OUT OF STEP, b. f, 2, by Havoc — New D.ance (T. Smith). Weight today ICO. 

Cl, Hi w inoMir 4 12 r .iP. fust lull 4 I 5'* 1! Swain Bull Weevil, I’litulaiit. Florence T. 

697 '3 Windsor 1-2 49 good loii 5 5 5= 4 '1 Moreland Boll Weevil. Revery, Bandy Baneer. 

lihliiM: Windsor 4 1-2 f .=iTi2 fast 107 2 1 2= 1 = ' J Fol.-y Rixis. Lady Elkhorn. William Peim. 

ORIENTAL QUEEN, b, f, 2. hy Greenan — Empress Dowager (W. Gerst). Weight today 95. 

696::i w iiiih or 5 8 I :op, fast 105 6 5 5 4'1 4“.! Diiln i IhiiicIyBaiicer. Cather’eF.. Caraseo. 

(.•«.': Windsor 4 1 ’ f 5'= fast Io2 6 6 1= 3=*. Bnlici B.ofBawn, L. Elkhorn, Ban. Baneer. 

69210 Hamilton 4 1 2 f .58 slow 110 9 9 lo‘ 8'= Duliei Ketcheiiiike, Bev.-ry, WilliaiiiPenn 

'IIIIKB RACE — 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. (0:1211 — — 1 — KV2. ) 

1 1 S 1:..:;. fasi 110 5 
3 I 1:1.3?. fast ]:!0 4 
3-41:13 fast 120 1 

5' 6=4 .Moimlahi 
24 I'i Radtke 

Best Company 

Weight today 140. 
Ilaensel. Berwick. Ciiiiicdienhe. 
Frank Gill, C.Edward. F.Preinliim. 
PriiiceHamhurg,, Heaslip. 

Weight today 126. 
rottnnt’n. S.LymicwiHl, F.Preiuium 
King’s Baugliter. Zal, Gallavaiit. 

Ink 12 \v .Miller Ito-srhen, La Isinde, Heaslip. 

VOORHEES, b. c, 4 , by Solitaire II. — Carnation II. (A. B. Spreckels). 

69.5.55 Gravesend 
69:175 Gravesend 
69253 Gravesend 

Ah :: 4 1:09? fast H6 3 
11 16 1:17 fast 114 2 
All 3 4 1:09 g<H)d lOS 2 

Weight today 116. 

3'4 -3'= W Doyle J. C. Core. .Tacolilte, Toii.v Faust. 

,, ....... ....... . 1*41= W Boyle Crackentliorpe, Blandy, Zlenap. 

Kixis. Elkhorn. William I eim. 69i.>5:t Gravesend Ah 3 4 1:09 g<H>d los 2 3 3 26 Ik E Biigan Dreamer, Brook. Nyngih, Halifax. 

today 95. PENARRIS. b. g, 3, bv Garry Hermann — Peninah (M. L. Schwartz), Weight today 102. 

IJaiic yBaiicer’ ( athi-r el' t araseo. -^i„.,.p. Bay 3 I 1 :13.l fast loi lo ll 11 lo= 6= M Preston TonyFanst. K. Daughter. Dreamer. 

B.ofBawn L.EIkhorn, I . ■in. Baneer. (;;g>;.; Gravesi-inl 1 1 16 1:I6= fast lo7 6 6 6 8 8 8''4M Preston Caboclioti. Run. Water, BoiiEurbiue. 

Ketcheiiiike, l.ev.'i-y, W illiaiiil eun g;i:;i 2 Gravesend Ab 3 4 1 :09it fast 118 2 2 2 2= 2* .M PresI on (llias. Edward, Eddie\V.nre, Br. I>»e. 

— 1::!'.|J — 1 — KV2. ) M'CARTER, h. c, 3, by Knight of the Thistle — Candle (Newcastle Stable). Weight today 117. 

HTT • . J 6'.'!6’.,s (See Sheepslicad Bay chart in this paper). 

Weight today 10b. gx!«?2 liclmont Pk 1 l-li! 1:45* mud 100 8 2 1 1 1' 1" W Miller Frank Gill. Nealon, Go Between. 

Frank Collins. Ballm Box. Etreiia. g^sii® Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:09* fast 116 3 2 2 2» Ik W Miller Dreamer, Be Miiml. IT. Haiiiluirg. 

’riiiiui-md. ITinciiiia. Haniiakis. gjinss Belmont Pk 3-4 1:16| mud 109 5 5 5 5* 4* W Miller Ben Ban, PanUmlle, Red River. 

K.EIIsworlli, .Matahon, S UiM-amora. d^eaMER. b. g, 5, by Hamburg- Forget (H. B. Duryea). Weight today 11 

Weight today 99. (;;isc,| siiee)i. P.ay 1 1-16 1 :49i fast 113 1 3 2 2 I® ;.=4 .1 Martin Saracinesen. TonyP.oiiero. GolfBa 

I.iglit Nolo. Si'cret, The Gleam. 6 *.h; 33 Sheep. P.ay 3-4 1:1.3* fast 112 1 5 5 24 3'J J Martin Tony Faust. K. Baugliter, J.C.Oo 

Haniilcar, Mulvaney, Edwin IE 6!(2.53 Gravesend Ab .3-4 1:09 giKxl 111 1 2 2 3= 2k J Martin Voorhees, Brook. Nymph, Hallfa 

69C37 Windsor 1 1:BA fast 1(T, 3 3 3 2 24 3-’ G Sw.ain 

MRS. ANNIE, ch. m. 6. hy St. Blaise — Bcltnrbet (J. Himy). 

6;i975 Windsor 1 1 16 1:18? List 99 1 7 7 8 76 8"4 Rosen 

6!i926 Wind.siir 1 1:42? goo«l lol 3 5 5 4 3= 2= Rosen 

SHOWMAN, blk, g, 7, bv Atheling — Jody (Mrs. G. F. Richings). 
6IV122 Windsor 3 I 1:1::? fast 112 6 6 6 6= 5' D I’.ol.ani 

i' 9874 Windsor 3 1 l:i:il fast Io5 4 5 6 6' 5'-4 .1 Minpl 

SCARECROW, b. r. 6. by Plaudit —Suaoenae (P. Gallagher). Weight today 10b. gx!«?2 lielmont Pk 1 1-16 1:45* mud 100 8 2 1 1 1' 1" W 

69;tjl Wind.sor 5 1 2 f I :o7? fast iC. 8 6 7 6= 6® .1 Connelly Frank Collins. Ballm Box. Etreiia. 68862 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:09* 116 3 2 2 I’k Ik W 

69726 Windsor 1 1 12? good lol 7 7 5 6 6-- 6>“ C Riley Tlioui-md. ITinciiiia. Ilaniiaki.s. 68683 P.elmont Pk 3-4 1:16| mud 109 5 5 5 5* 4* W 

69.'(::i Wind.sor 3 4 1:1!* fast li'2 7 7 7 5= 5=4 Gaugel 

EXCITEMENT, b. o, 4. hy Scoroion — Handmaid II. (E. Trotter). 
60751 Windsor 1 1:16? hvy I06 :: 3 3 2 I"® 1= ilordand 

6>;6.5 Windsor 7-S 1 :27? 99 9 9 9 9 7- 7'= . Stovall 

6;i521 Windsor 3 1 1:1 1,( List Im: 2 5 4 4’ 4= .Moreland 

DORASETTE, ch. m, 5. by Golden Garter — Joiza (H. Eecther). 
l.WlMi Wind.sor .3-1 1:13* fast 107 1 -4 14= 3=4 D Bolani 

6977;! Winds ir 3 I 1 :15J good lol 1 i; 5 45 4=4 1) Riley 

(k'SHil Clnircliill D 11-16 1:48 Last l"l 5 9 9 9 9 9=' J Lee 

my). Weight today 99. sheep.' P.a’v 

8"4 Rosen I.iglit Nolo. Secret, The Gleam. (V.H! Sheep. P.ay 
2= Rosen Haniilcar, Mulvaney, Edwin H. 692-V! Gravesend 
Richings). Weight today 114. hANDZARRA, i 

5' D I’.ol.and .1. W.B’Neill. Batlimaria. Coiisider’ii 6x939 Gravesend 
5"'4 ■) Minpliy Shiiiciiii, Mattie IE. .1. W. B'Neill. 68887 Gravi'scml 

MADDEN, b. g, 6. by Applegate— Tootsy (F. B. Littleton). 
69:)22 W indsor 3-1 ];i::;: fast lot x 8 8 8= 8= K 

7 5= 5=4 Gaugel .Mat lie II., Bazil, Pungent. 

3 II. (E. Trotter). Weight today 115. 

2 ]"6 1= iloreland Pompailonr, Joe Fallert. Chanida. 

9 7- 7'= Stovall Ruiloha, Priiiclpia, .IiUsam. 

4 4= 4= .Moreland Redondo, NeiMleslia, Gracclins. 

(H. Eecther). Weight today 102. 

1 4= 3=4 D Roland Cousin Kate, oleasa. EizzieMcI.eaii. 

5 44 4=4 1) Riley ,\yr Water, Royal River. SorrelTop. 

9 9 9=' J Lee Golden .Mineral, Posliiiaii. Docile. 

. Littleton). Weight today 101. 

HANDZARRA, cb.m. 5, hy Handzcl — Elzarra (D, C. Johnson). 
6x939 Gravesend Ali 3-4 1:10 fast ll" (» 5 5 4k 4*4 -I M 

CSS87 Gravi scnd Ab 3-4 1:(I9? fast 110 4 4 4 5'® 5'“ J 5 

68811 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:12? mud 124 

Duryea). Weight today 113, 

16 5=4 .1 Martin Saracinesen, TonyP.oiiero. GolfBail. 
24 3'.4 J Martin Tony Faust. K. Baugliter, J.C.Oore 
3= 2k J Martin Voorhees, Brook. Nymph, Halifax. 

Johnson). 'Weight today 110. 

4k 4*4 -I Martin Rohinllooil. MissStr’me, Gold’nWest 
5'® 5'“ .1 Martin .Tai“ohile, I’retension. Panloiitle. 

34 S=* J Martin Jack .Mkin, Viavrliees, (ientian. 

69795 Wiiidsiir 
68(617 Ascot I’ark 

5l-2fl;"7 fast no 
1 1:41 fast 107 

;• Kunz 
7'= B Riley 
1® Jno Carroll 

.T.W.O’Ncill. BaMiiiiaria. Consiiler’n 69860 .Sheep. 11a y 
Redondo. La Gloria. .1. W. B Neill. 697*!6 S.i(*ep B'lv 
1.1. C. Clem, .Merlingo, Rama. x;i,p,.p! p.jV 

BOURBON VMW8, b. c, 4, by Cesarion — Colleen Rhue (F. Risk). 
69x75 Windsor 1 I 16 1 : 18? Kd 5 2 2 5 8 7x41- .bmes 

691(61 Winils((r 3 4 1:15 fast 118 7 7 S 7= 7‘= I. .loncs 

ETRENA, b. f, 4 - by The Pepper — Picayune II. (J. H. Boyd). 
(.:(931 W indsor 5 1 2 f 1:07? fast '6: j 1 2 36k:;-4(; Swain 

69836 Windsor 1 1:12? g(M>d UK! 7 7 7 5 5* .5® Duncan 

TRENTON II., ch. g, 6, hy Peyton ia — Cynthia H, (G, Howard). 

Weight today 107. 
Light Note. Secret. The Gleam. 
Showman, Prineipia, Etreiia. 

CONVILLE. ch. c, 3, hy Dieudonne — Gualala (T, Hitchcock, Jr.). Weight today 109. 

64650 Coney Island 3-4 1:13* fast 118 2 4 3 3= 3'“ Sewell Ken. Beau, McCarter. Pr. Haniptou 

‘►1482 Coney Island 3-4 l:I3jj fast 117 12 11 11 9' 8= Sewell Electioneer, Po[H‘ Joan, Be Muud. 

64,37.5 .S.aratoga 3-4 1:15 good 122 2 2 2 ^ I'J 1* W Miller Grlnuildl, yaiiki>eGirl. liigh.liimper. 

COMEDIENNE, ch, f, 4, hy Plaudi t— Maxine Elliott (J, T. Muir). Weight today 102. 

(198x4 Sheep. Bay .3-1 1:13* fast I08 3 3 3 3* 4= F. Dugan Roselien. Ilaensel. Berwick. 

(■.9(;23 Sheep. Bay 3-4 1:13* fast lol 7 9 9 13 13 Blllou T((nyFaiist. K. Baugliter, Bre.smer. 

69178 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 109 5 5 6 7= 8®4 Dillon Grimaldi, Ben Ban, Zal. 

J. C. CORE. ch. g, 3. by Garry Hermann — Purity (Newcastle Stable). Weight today 110. 

69860 Sheep. Bay 6 1-2 f 1:19 fast l'i7 5 4 4 4® 2= W Miller Suffrage. Bar.Belle. (irackentluirpe. 

697;!6 SIi(-ep. Bay 7-S 1:27* mud 113 3 5 3 3 4' 4= W Miller P.ahy Wolf, C. Edward. Ethoii. 

Ci.962;i Sheep. Bay 3-1 1:13* fast 110 5 4 4 4k 4= W Miller TonyFanst, K. Daughter, Dreamer. 

*T. VALENTINE, b- h. 6. by Himyar— Bracelet (A. P. Ginter). Weight today 101. 

698x7 Sheep. Ray 1 1-4 2:07? fast 100 2 1 1 1 3'4 5® M Preston Maxnar. Red Friar. First .Mason. 

neipja, Etreiia. | (;;,si2 Shi-ep. Psi.y 1 3-16 2:oi= mud lo3 5 5 5 5 64 7'* Henry 

Weight today 102. | 6973>8 Slii-ep. Bay 1 1:42* mud 109 7 6 5 5 4= 2= Henry 

FraiikCollins. Ballot Bex. Timl Hirst. , CEDERSTROME, b. h. 6, by Ben Strome— Lasca (R, W. Nelson), 
llamilcar. .Mrs. .\miie. Mulvaney. (instill .sheep. I!.av 61 2 f 1:19 fast SS 6 6 6 6 6'=4Sumter 

099(61 Whids’ir 
6957(1 Windsor 

I 1 :11* fast 1(19 11 12 12 II 11 = 
1 1:12 fast 10| 9 9 9 9 9 

ward). Weight today 103. (;98:!7 Sheep. Bay 

Vneleave Benigre, G. MacBride. l!lackl<s-k. 69511 Gravesend 

0 1-2 f 1:21* 115 
1 1-8 1:53 fast 89 

l.aneastrian, .\iigler, Flliiiiiap. 
Herman, <5. Shore, Flowawa,v. 

Weight today 89. 
SiifTragp, .T.C.Core, Barhary Bidle. 
Giiielte, ('liantill.v, Grimaldi. 

FLORAL ARTIST, ch. c. 4. hy Goodrich — Miss Emily (Oots Bros.). 

.Tetsaiii. I’.yid’.yell.. Snz.Rocamora. rqALTA, ch. c, 3, by— M iss Eowena (T. H. Williams). 

6' 6'“1M Preston ZaiiitwsI, Blanily, Foimtalnbliie. 

Weight today 107. 66275 oaki.and D-S 1;02? slow 112 3 1 6 64 6"’JW Miller SI. Elmwood,, Arteriiiiilli 

K.of Ihe Valley, ('hauida. MaialHOi. 6fi076 Oakland 5-8 1 :02* slow 113 6 6 6 9 9*O.W Miller Ingliaiii, Como, F. Neugeiit. 

live live II.. idglit Note. Pungent. 6.5(i95 Oakland 5-S 1:01? slop 109 8 6 7 7 7'=^S.andy ('aiii(|iie. Furze, Como. 

Kilgely, Monterey, Clifton Forge. d’ARKLE, b. g, 6, by Arkle— Dareka (J. J. Moran). Weight today 89. 

Weight today 103. (Ki738 Sheep. Bay 1 1:42* mud 105 5 5 6 6 6* 7'* Brussel Herman, St. Valeiilimx G. Shore. 

ITamilear, Mrs. .\ntiie. Mulvaney. 69621 Sheep. Bay 6 1-2 f 1:20 fast 110 14 15 15 15 15 Brussel Barhary Belle, Orhiciilar, Moyea. 

Prin. ipia, Lizzie McLean, Lazil. TRUE BOY, b. c, 4, hy Captain Sifsbee — Truant (J. E. Widener). Weight today 88. 

rear-olds and unward Handicap. 69.6IS Sheep. F.ay ;; 4 1:14 fast 116 9 9 7 7= 6»4 Garner Clianlilly. La Lomle, Ben Ban. 

rear-oms ami upwa.a. nanaicap. „ i_e r,:01* hvy 132 3 3 4 4 4= 4'=4Weir Hylas. Blue Pigeon. Leonalla. 

Weight today 157. 6.500S Brighton B 1 1-4 2:o,.i slop 93 7 6 0 5 6* 6®i J Johnson Far IVest, J. Reildick, T. Waddell. 

Gipsano. .Tu.lge Carter. Dawson. MEXICAN SILVER, b. g. 3. by Indio— Silver Wave (L. Block). Weight today 92. 

Bawxoii. Bilberry. Kara. 69787 .Sheep. Bay 11:41? fast 98 4 10 13 13 13 13 Garner Lady Vincent. Crafty. Easloii. 

Weight today 144. 656 (h; Bcnning 3-4 1:16 slow 98 5 4 6 6 7'* M Murphy Lee Flarrl.soti II., Beleast, Botanist. 

Kilmorie, .Snowdrift, Tr. the .Merc. 65569 Benning 3-4 1:15* mud 109 3 4 5 7 7*' R McDan’lL. Boanerges, I.andsmaii, Botanist. 

Br. Ilearil. Mauzau((. Flying Blover. COMMODORE ANSON, b. c, 3, by Florizel II. — Spectrum (G. F. Johnson). Weight today 100. 

Full of Fun, Snowdrift, Tony Hart. r,4S40 Brooklyn 5 1-2 f 1:08 faft 113 1 4 5 5h 9==iS1ia\v Ace High. Pr. Ilamiitoii. Philander. 

Weight today loO. 64733 Brooklyn 6 1-3 f 1:09 fast 110 1 11 1* 1= Radtke Troublemaker, IT. Nettie, S. Bernard 

Br.IIeard FIv’gPlover. I.nhtVonng 64610 Coney Island 5-8 1:01 fast 112 4 2 2 5J S= Radtke Joe Miller, Sen. Clay, Conimoii Sue. 

69>5‘ Wiiiilsiir 118 1:51 fast 96 5 5 8 8 8 7' '•’’I''” brother K.of Hie Valiev. Cliauida. Maialsm. 6fi076 Oakland 

t.®lx(Ki Wind.sor I 1:11? fast 1(6! 9 S 9 S 6® 5" I”brotln r Bye Bye II.. I.iglit Note. Pungent. 6.5695 Oakland 

6:6;;i9 Winds((r 3 4 1:16 livy I116 7 9 9 6= 5'* D Boland Kdgely, Monterey, Clifton Forge. D’ARKLE, b. g 

WYEFIELD, ch. g, 7, hy Locohatchee — Puzzle (Mrs. J. F. McCarthy). Weight today 103. (K(7;!8 SI Bay 

».9x-(6 Wimlxor 1 1:12" good 116 8 8 8 7 6= 6® \V Hicks ITamilear, Mrs. .\iitiie. Mulvaney. (;962l Slieei>. Bay 

697(11 Windsor 3-4 1:16* hvy 1U2 8 8 8 8 S=-=4Duhei Brin. i|iia, Lizzie McLean, Bazil. TRUE BOY, b. 

FOURTH RACE — Full Coiirre. Intcma.tional Steeplechase. 

PICKTIKE. b. h, 8, by Pickpocket— Fast Time (A. L. Poole). Weight today 157. 

(.;'462 Ilaniillon .\b 2 i 14:11 fust 156 4 I 4 4 4 4 Dayton Gipsano. .Tndge Carter. Dawson. 

69:::::: llamiltou Ah 2 I I l::!9 fast 166 4 3 5 4 3' ::= Dayton Dawson. P.ilbeny. Kara. 

LULU YOUNG, ch. m. 9. by Long Tom — Diana (J. Burttschell) . Weight today 144. 

)?*xjv Windsor SC 3:;‘»5 fast 1.52 1 6 5 5 5 * 5'=Minfrman Hilmorie, Snowdrift, Tr. the .Merc. 

69X21 ]•' C 3::!6 good 153 1 !! Fell. Graham Br.IIeard. Manzano. Flying Blover. COMMODORE 

6;«;n;: Windsor S G 3:46 fast 148 6 4;? 1 1* 1'® Bae Full of Fun, Snowdrift, Tony Hart. 64840 Brooklyn 

MANZANO, b. g, 7, by Santiago — Martina II. (F. Fox). Weight today loO. 64733 Brooklyn 

69X21 W hnl.sor F C 3::!C g.Mid ).5n 2 1 1 2 2 2* O’Connor Br.IIixard, Fly’gPlover. I.iiht Voiiiig. 64610 Coney Isl 

69721 Windsor S C 3::!7 giM»l 1 16 2 1 1 1 1= 1* O’Connor P..iloliday, SaiiiParmer, Fly. Plover. 

69449 Windsor 1 18 l:5t;5 slow 111 1 3 5 7 7 7==i.\rmstr’g Matabon’, Secret, llarinakis. 

TRENCT THE MERE. L. g. 9, by Carlsbad — Buff and Blue (A. L. Poole). Weight today 143. 

(.9x18 Wind.sor S C 3::’2i Last 111 1 4 4 2 3= 3* Dayton Kihiiore. Snowdrift. Bank Holiday. 

(,!)66 1 1\' illdsor S C 3:37 fast 118 Refused. Graham Dr.Ibxtrd. Sam Parnior, ToiiyHart. 

(VI614 Windsor ,S C 3:27? fast K!6 5 Bolted. J Murphy S. Uesarius, S. Parmer, L. Wally. 

BANK HOLIDAY, ch. m, C. hy Ben Holladay — Josie Rood (Mrs. G. H. Pierce). Weight today 137. 

Prin. iiiia, Lizzie McLoan, Bazil. 
4-year-olds and upward. Handicap, 
Weight today 157. 

I. Williams). Weight today 97. 

64 6'"JW Miller SI. Elmwood, F.Neugent, Artermiilh 
9 9'^AV Miller Ingham, Como, F. Neugent. 

7 7'=^S.andy ('auii|ue. Furze, Como. 

I. Weight today 89. 

6* 7'* Brussel Herman, St. Valeiilimx G. Shore. 

15 15 Brussel Barhary Belle, Orhiciilar, Moye.a. 

. E. Widener). Weight today 88. 

T= 6*i Garner Chantilly. La I.omle, Ben Ban. 

4= 4*®|,Weir Hylas. Blue Pigeon, Leonalla. 

i:.HoIiday. SamParmer, Fly.Plover. ] CAPTAIN EMERICH, b. c, 3, by Solitaiie II.— Georgia VI. (A. B. Spreckels). 

Matabon, Secret, llarinakis. 

11:40* fast lien 3 

Weight today 94. 

(216.56 Sheep. Bay 1 1 :40* fast 116 11 3 4 4 5k )5 E Dii.gan Saraeinesca, Zelliua, Pr. Hamploii. 

5 Grave.somi Ab 3-4 1:09? fast 93 5 6 6 6 6®4 G Burn.s .1. C. Core. Jacxibite, Voorhees. 

2 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1 :()!*» fast 105 9 7 7 7* 7*“ G Bimker Chas. Edward, Peiiarris, EddleWare. 

Newcastle Stable eiitr.v — .McCarter and .7. C. Core. 

I). C. lohiisoii entry — Kosebeii and Hamizarra. 

-\. B. Spreckels entry —Captain Enierich and Voorhees. 

Weight today 143. 69.555 Grave.sond Ab 3-4 1:09? fast 93 5 

ift. Bank Holiday. 69312 Gravesend _ Ab 3-4 1 ;l)9» fast 105 9 

(2,818 Wiinlsor S C 3;:r. fast b’s! 6 3 3 4 4'= 4=5 I’ierce 

69721 Windsor SC 3:37 gisid 1 (4 3 4 4 2 2= 2' Pierce 

69522 Wiiidxor S C :!;r41 fast 143 4 2 1 2 2 2= Pierce 

.\. L. PiMiIe entry— Picklime and Trcnct lh(‘ Mere. 

FIFTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. <5786.5— 1 :12,?—.’i 
BELDEMO, b. g, 3, by Bel Denionio — Morbid (P. Cannon). 

Kilmorie, Snowdrift. Tr. the Mere. ^ 

Manzano. Sam Parmer, Flyingl'lover k;o.) 
Br. Heard. FullofFnn, SamParmer. 

SECOND RACE — Full Course. Steeplechase, 4-year-olds and upward. Handicap. (01,501 — 5:0.5 — 7— 

5M, b. c, 4. by Handsome— Palmetto (C. H. Smith). Weight today 143. 

(,9.8.53 Wind.sor 
(2tX'25 Windsor 
69V-50 Windsor 

3 I 1:15 fast 110 7 
3 1 1:1(1 gt« Ml 98 4 
.’! 11:18 hvy 96 1 

7 7® Jno llon’syllalton, Benigre. Pungent. 

Ink 21 .Ino 1 leii’syBoi-KvIe, r.E.Sliau. Imi>crtinciice. 
6* 6=1 Jno Hen’sy IMgely, Pungent, Ilalhtnaria. 

MONERE. b. 0, 3, by Bowling Brook or Sorcerer — Wary (J. McClemand). Weight today 107, 

69;i22 Wind.sor 3 1 1:13:! fast 93 I 5 5 5' 4=1 Delaby .l.W. O’Neill. Ba’limari i, Consiih-r'i 

69X72 Wind.sor 3 11:11* fast 96 4 6 6 6"k 6=i I )elaby Prolific. Ballot Box. Frank Collins, 

69S;!5 Windsor 3 4 1:14* good 101 7 7 7 6' 5=J Delaby Doe Kyle, Beldeiiio, F. E. Shaw. 

IMPERTINENCE, b. f. 3, by Intni sive— Dot S. (G. C. Bennett). Weight today 97. 

69X72 Vi’indsor 3-1 1:14* 89 8 7 8 8= 7® . I Connelly Prolific, Ballot Box, Frank Collins 

69X25 Windsor 3 4 1:14* good 88 3 3 4 4= 4= J Connelly Doe Kyle, Beldemo, F. E. Shaw. 

ELKSINO, h. f, 3, by Elkhorn — Elsino (C. Pangritz). Weight today 102 

(;;i'.i..2 l.See WiinBo'r eh-irt in this paperi. 

PALM, b. c, 4. by Handsome— Palmetto (C. H. Smith). Weight today 143. 

i;!i!t::7 t.See Sheepsliead Bay chart In this p!i|)or). 

69.807 Shi'ep. Bay S C 4:09? .slow 133 5 5 3 3 3= 4®J G B W’sonBelcanla. Bidllgermit. Hot Shot. 

690:!6 Belmont Pk.Ah 2 1-2 5:24 fast 112 6 4 5 5 D 5=“ ,'=affel T. S. Martin, G. & Plenty. Agent. 

Weight today 107. 68963 Belmont Pk Ab 2 1-2 6:04 mud 131 2 3 2 2 1® 2= SalTel Mr. .MH'anii, G.arrptt, Fallaheeu. 

: BUCKMAN, ch. g, 7. by Dorian— Miss Buckinan (T. Hitchcock. Jr.). Weight today 140. 

aw. imixrtintmt. (;.,7,-,;» .sbee]). P.ay F C 5:15 slow i:l;l 3 11 1 2= 3=® I’aliucr Agent, Rocki't. Kernel, 

t, j.aiimiaria. (:;»179 Gravesend Ab 2 1 2 4;55S fast i:!9 4 2 2 2 Fell. Palmer She^rifT Williams, Realm, Bnlcian. 

Weight today 107. C92S3 Gravesend .\b 2 1-2 4:52 fast 142 3 1 1 1 2'® 3=® Ray Caller, Blue Pigeon, Suiiglow. 

(.7317 oaklawn 
67245 0:il;lawn 

3 I 1:17? slow 100 2 
5 1-2 f 1:10? mud Ki3 3 

9=® Shreve I>r.I,.lTiiffman. Chancellor, Mariposa 
5= C H SliiirgXancy. Rose Hart, Edith M. 

EDWIN H., b. o, S, by Sain— Free Pass (E. Utterback). 

69.877 Windsor 
6;i,826 Windsor 

1 1:11 fast 101 7 5 
1 1 : 12? good 97 6 6 

CHARLES L. STONtf, b. c. 3, bv Sir Dixon— English Lady (J. P. Atkin). 

(4:572 Ascot Piirk 11:14 fast 107 4 2 1 1 1= 2'> C Koerner Happy Bice. Arragon. Taos. 697S4 Sheep." Bav 

66177 .\si-ot Park 1 1;IP, sl.iw 107 3 5 4 3 3= 2= C Koerin r Lit. .Minister, Hap. Bicc. .\tliena. 6S7111 Belmont Pk A 

TAUNT, b. f, S, by Toddington — Lian« (T. E. Crist). Weight today 102. 6.8421 Pimlico 

69872 Windsor 3 I 1:11* fast 89 9 8 9 9'® 9= Pohanka Pridific, Ballot Box, Frank Collins. JUDGE O’GIN, h 

69825 Windsor 3 4 1:11* good 99 9 9 9 S' 7® Gaugel Boc Kyle, Beldemo. F. E. Shaw. 63167 Coney* Islam 

MARY CUSTIS, b. f, 3, "by Velasqu ez— Tabitha (P. Gallagher). Weight today 102. 62(212 Belmont Pk 

(nc.MS (.See Windsor i liari in (his paperi. 6’2593 Belmont I’k 

(i98(9 Wind.-a^ir 7-8 1:28 fast 92 3 3 3 5 S'® Jno Tlen’syBr. Mack. Reside, Nat B. LARONE, hr. g, 

69,x(i0 Windsor 1 1:41? Lost 87 3 Fell. Muicaliy live Bye II., Liglit Note, Pungent. (kis 61 .®?heep. Bay ' 

PRINCE MILES, ch, c, 3. hy Bob Miles — Princess Annie (J. T, West). Weight today 99. ‘'97x4 Sliccp. Bay 

6(16:2: Windsor 3 4 1:14? fast 1<(2 8 9 8 9 9=' I) Riley C.Ward. MaryCiistls, O. 5lacBride. 695.54 Gr.avpsend 

(i9*4»7 Windsor 3 I 1:15 ;c! 9 13 12 12® P!'® R Sniilli F. E. Shaw, Pungent, lila'cklock. T. Mitelicock, 

SIXTH RACE — 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. (01196 -1 :00*— 2— 165.) ^^^^HIRD^ RACE 

MOLIERE. br. C, 2, by Masetto — Maltese Cross (E. B. Gardner). Weight today 107. " 

6y.i:’5 Wind.sor .5 S 1:91* fast 91 8 8 8 3' 2'* Delaby Bandy Dancer, Melange, Bon Q. JULIA POWEL, c 

G!!;:73 Wind.Mor 5-8 Blfi* fast 98 7 5 5 ’ 5' 3=i .1 Connelly Toinnabat. .Maxton. Catherine F. 6!'862 .Sheep. Bay 

63771 Windsor 5-8 l:(i;:!! giMMl 113 2 5 4 3k 3' F Burlon Caraseo, .Moxey >fead. ’Siizoxain. 697C2! Sheep. Bay 

BLACK BARBARA, blk. f, 2, by Loyalist — Madge (G. Hendrie). Weight today 107. MOMBASSA, ch. 

99S76 Windsor 4 1-2 f .55? fast liu 7 4 4'' 2= D Bolanil En.a, .Mickleton Maid. Oantless. 6976(1 Sheep. Bay 

FLORENCE T., b. f, 2, by Sorcerer — Jean (C. Pangritz), Weight today 104. 

Weight today 102. 6,8421 Pimlico 

Pridific, Ballot Box, Frank Collins. 
Boc Kyle, Beldemo, F. E. Sliaw. 

Weight today 102. 

Weight today 107. r,92S3 Gravesend -\h 2 1-2 4:52 fast 142 3 1 1 1 2'® 3=® Ray Caller, Blue Pigeon, Suiiglow. 

COMMODORE FONTAINE, hr. g. 4 , by Gerolstein— Fusee (J. W. Colt). Weight today 154. 

I iiihlii. I.iilliit B..X, iM.iuk ( ollm (K.SC1 .xtheep. Bay F C 5:19 131 7 4 4 1 Fell. Dupee Plianfom. .T.Laiie. Slier. Williams. 

Hoc Kyle, Beldemo, !• . E. Mi.iu. 69249 Gravesend Ab 2 1-2 4:.57 good 134 3 4 3 4 4 4== Owens El Ciiclilllo. Rocket, Dick Shaw. 

Weight today 9i. 68267 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:32g fast 132 2 2 1 1 1* 2'i Mclner’y Hot Shot, Arabo, Drone. 

BAYONET, h. c, 4, by H.andspring— Voltario (F. A. Clark). Weight today 152. 

10, 1 . r.. oii.iw. (;<M);!7 (See Sheepsliead Bay eliart in tliis paper). 

Weight today 102. 69784 .'8h"ep. Bav SC 4:19 fust 137 7 . 6 5 4 1'5.1® T O’Brien Slier. Williams. BiekShaw. EssexII. 

69129 Belmont I’k Ab 2 1:((9? good 138 4 2 2 2 5=® 3'= T O’Brien Navajo, BlckSIiaw, SheriffWllliaiiis. 

laiicellor, Mariposa 62960 Brooklyn Im 70y 1:46* fast 112 7 6 3 3 4' 4®i J Martin Stimulant, KoynlSeopIre, Coiupiest. 

t. Editli M. GARRETT, hr. h, 5, by Woolsthcrp»— Mabel Duffy (T. Hitchcock, Jr.). Weight todav 150. 

Weight today 102. 697"9 .®!hcep. Bay S C 4:10? 1 ."k 8 8 5 5 6 5= 2' Mitchell Dick Shaw, Sir Tristan, B.IMgeon. 

Bye II.. BocKyle. 6S9a3 Belmont Pk Ab 2 1-2 6:04 mud 145 6 6 6 4 4=» 3=® Ray Mr. MK’ann. Palm, Fallaheen. 

iiinie. Mulvaney. 68791 Belmont Pk Ab 2 1-2 5:45 slow 163 8 5 3 2 1® 1‘® Ray Essex II.. Navajo, Guardian. 

Weight today 104. ESSEX II.. b. g, 6, by Judge Morrow— Mimosa (D. K. Kerr). Weight today 148. 

igoii. Taos. 697S4 Siieep. Bay S C 4:10 fast 151 1 7 6 6 6=® 4'= Dupee Bayonet, Slier. Williams. BiekSliaw. 

ip. Bice, .\tliena. 68791 Belmont Pk Ab 2 1-2 5:45 slow 1,56 4 3. 2 1 2=® 2*® Mr D KerrGarrett, Navajo, Gnanlian. 

Weight today 102. 

4 6((k 6“ Jno TTen’syRoyai Biver. Bye Bye II.. BocKyle. esoai Belmont Pk Ab 2 1-2 6:04 mud 145 6 6 6 
2 2«i' 4= .Ino Hen’syllamilenr, .Mrs. .\nnie. Mulvaney. 68791 Belmont Pk Ab 2 1-2 5:45 slow 163 8 5 3 

Weight today 104. 

Ab 2 4:44 slow 146 3 2 1 

1'® 1® Mr D Kerr(iuardian, Firefly, Fearless. 

JUDGE O’GIN, h. h, 7, by Judge Morrow — Ginka (E. L. Stevens). Weight today 140. 

63167 Coney* Island R G 4:10 fast 147 6 5 6 5 5 5'=®Mr Page K. of Elway, T. Cogan, Bnmiedary 
62(212 Belmont Pk Ab 2 4fl3 fast 1.32 5 6 Fell. .Savage Herciiloid, Graiiilp.-i, Bromeilary. 

S’JeOS Itelniont I’k Ab 2* 6:03 slop 132 6 2 

G Wilson Palm Rikiiii, Mamie H., Pliaiitoiu. 

LARONE, hr. g, 4, by Tithonus — Valeriana (J. E. Widener). 

1 Sheep. Bay ' F C 5:19 fast 131 5 Fell, 

i Sheep. Bay S C 4:10 fast i:!7 Fell. 

: Gr.avesend Ab 2 3:.59 fast 135 4 5 6 6 

T. Mitelicock, Jr., entry — Biickmnn am". Giirrelt. 

cr). Weight today 1S4. 

Butner F’linntom, J.Lane. Slier. Williams. 
A Siiiitii Bayonet, Slier. Williams, BickStiaw. 
Butner Belcanta, Sh.WUiinms, Dick Shaw.- 

THIRD RACE — 5-8 Mile Futurity Course. Vernal Stakes, 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances, (200.39 
’2— 11.5.) 

FLORENCE T., b. f, 2, by Sorcerer— Jean (C. Pangritz), Weight today 

63.‘«; Windsor 4 1 2 f 54* fast 97 2 2 2.? 3= F Burlon Bull IVeevIi. Petniaiil, Biliil. 

68897 Toronto 4 1-2 f 55” fast ln8 11 H 11= 11‘®»I.Ioyd Joliiiule Blake. Larilien, Wastl. 

17718 Oaklawa 1-3 4Sj fast 96 U 7 7* 8‘® Trueman Hollow, Rustle, Water Lock. 

JULIA POWEL, ch, f, 2, by Watercress — Cottage Girl (W. B. Jennings). Weight today 107. 

69862 .sheep. Bay 5-S 1:01? fast 112 2 2 2 2® 2-J Sandy Xotasiilga. Parkview, .Megg’s Hill. 

697C2! Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1 :(h;J .slow 111 11 11 11 11 S"iKiidtke MiH'liek, Besom, Jane Swift. 

MOMBASSA, cb. f. 2. by Nasturtium — The Lioness (H. P. Whitney), Weight today 119. 

69760 Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1 :06* slow 111 4 4 4 3= 1* Mountain Restigoiiciie, Sir ('leges, Ben Fleet. 

68908 Grave.H'iid 5-8 1:02 fast 109 5 9 9 8“ 9**iC K-m'rner Miss Angle, Gohllinn, R. Taylor. 

LADY WINIFRED, ch. f, 2, bv Plaudit — Passan (F. Johnson). Weight today 122. 

69809 Sheep. l!ay 3 4 1:12? slow 119 1 19 9* 9“* Garner Colin, Meeilck. MoiioiKillst. 

69711 Shei’p. Bay 5 1-2 f 1;U7* fast 117 2 II 1* 1“ Garuer Live Wire, Woodlane, King Jamea, 



Whitney). Weight today 107. 

4 l:Kli l:iKl lU ~i i! (■ Kih'imk".' •'I).ipullep«‘P, Kin^.TiiitU'S. Itajniniitl. 

5 1 :0t*j| f:iKt 111 .I 5 r> 4J 4’ M Proston Coliort. .ViiiM’i' P.. K.ilr.i<la. 

5-8 1.01 fast 107 ” 3 3 2‘ C Kooriior Mogg’sHill. IlaUSoverelfni, B.Mald. 

f, 2. by Ben Brush— Euiiaway Girl (J. B. Keene). Weight today 115. 

5-S l;0p; 1 h:4 1Io 1 4 4= I'i \V .MilUl- .Nulasul^'a, .Iiilia P.m.-I, Parkvii w. 

5-8 1 :0*ij fast 117 1 3 3 4 4'^i W Miller Niitasiil^a, J. Swift, llalfSoveroi^ii. 

5-8 1:01 fast 107 1 3 3 1* 1‘ Pfottcr Faiiey, Half Sovereign, Berry Maid. 

ELLA O’KEILL, ch. f. 2, by Handspring — Boyal Approval (F. Burle-w), Weight today 119. 

fiOlsit ilravesi'ml 3-.S 1;0'J slow 119 :! 3 3 3*i Xotter I^adyWinifred. Megs'sHill, .VlmeeC. 

(k'<7S9 Belmont l*k 4 1-3 f 54 slow 119 1 1 I'i in^ Xotter Half Sovereign. Ooldtlnn, .M. Hill. 

0873.5 Belmont Pk 5 8 1:00 gixxl 91 — — — 1’ 1* Xotter L. Byes, Masks & Faces, Sanguine. 

HALF SOVEREIGN, ch. f, 2, by Hastings — Souveraine (A. Belmont). Weight today 115- 

FANCT, b. f, 2, by Worcester — Regatta IL (H. F. 

oseno Sheep. Hay 
090.79 Slu'ep. Bay 
l»:t.l7fi Hntvesenii 

hkgg;;s hill. b. 

liliMil’ .'-Jm ep. Bay 
ti'-USt Sheep. i;ay 
69376 Gravesend 

si:iHi“fast ir. 1 4 4 

5 8 1:01 Bust 113 5 4 4 3^ 

0-8 1:03 -slow 114 r, 6 6 

2, bv Watercolor — Maiden Poem (F. 

.■7 8 1 :00J fast lio 1 1 1 3’. 

5 8 l;iioJ fast 111 1 1 1 16 

5-8 1:01 fast 91 C n C G- 

ANNOYANCE. b. f, 2. by Meddler— Victoria IV. (W. 

09:0:: Sheei>. Hav .7 ’ f 1 :0<:r sl.iw 1U9 9 9 9 9.4 

119687 Sllia.p. Bay 5 13 f — 113 — — 8 C6 

WOODLANE. ch. f, 2. by Octagon — Woodvine (R. Tucker) 
6:tS86 siii'i'p. Hay :: 1 1:1.7 fasl 9;i 9 il 6 3'' 7''7 !■' 

•i;a;81 .Sheep. I!a.\ 
ti9:;76 Graves.-nd 
69189 Graves.-nd 
AIMEE C., b. f, 
697:’;’. ShtS'p. Ikly 
(I'.Hl.".;! Sheep. Hay 
693.8;i Graveseml 

.Moiiiiiai!i Xolnsutga. .laneSwift. Megg'sllill. 
3- -Mountain Megg’s Hill Faney. Berry .Maid. 
f.'»lMountaln L.Vvinlfred, Megg’sllill, E.O’Xelll. 
J. Farrell). 'Weight today 107. 

3' .1 Martin .\drian.i, Boiupiet, i»i\on Bello. 

3* .1 .Marlin (’oliort, K.ticadn. Fancy. 

3- E Dugan Uoyal Vane, Hollister, Ill.icbo. 
Clay). Weight today 107. 

7a Canter Mealiek. P.esoni. .T.iiie Swift. 

G5 Garner I.iveWire, Uestigouche, Sir Cleges. 

Weight today 115. 
Swain Koval Vane. P.lacksheep. Sanguine. 

•69711 Sheep. Hay 5 1-2 f 1:07J fast 113 .3 3 3 21 3'i \V Knapp I.adylVinifred. I.lvelVire. K.Jamys. 

68;>!hi c’hnr. l>o\vns 5-8 1 :i.8lii fast 115 3 1 1 16 1* 1» ..\ustiii K. Queeu, 1). of Hawn, K. .Murphy 

MISS NORFOLK, br. f, 2. by 'Watercress — Empress of Norfolk (W. B. Jennings). Weight today 107. 
69'8.7 .'8heep. liay .5 1-2 f 1 :'H;j fast 113 :< s 8 7' 7'- \V Knapp Spisaier, .\imhns. Il.ilket. 

1.973:! SliiM-p. luiy 5-8 1 ;iM)g fast HO 9 9 9 10 11 W Kna|>p .Vilriaua, .\imee ('.. Hi>n<|uet. . 

BECKON, ch. f, 2, hy Plaudit— Se niaphoro (F. R. Hitchcock) 

69181 I Iravesend 
f.9;;78 I liavfSetid 
68100 I’iinluH) 
i;‘»i33 .'■'.he. p. Hay 
t.Opel Cra v.-seiiil 

Weight today 122. 
Clara .T., Wliip Top. Flower Queen. 
S|MMiuer. .Monopolist. Coineident. 
liillil. Glorious Jh-tsy, Merry Man. 

Weight today 107. 
Xolasnlga. Cohort, Niiiihns. 
Hekiiows, St. llario. Ineognlto. 

8 l;o|J fast 111 .7 3 3 3'f P Mountain 

7 S1;wlj fast 109 3 3 2 3- 3” Badlke 

4 1-3 r r>53 114 1 1 li 1’ Goldsleln 

, f, 2, by Hastings — Fond Hopes (A. Belmont). 

5S 1:0! fast 107 7 7 7 96 9‘" .Moinitain 

5 8 1;02. slow 109 6 4 4 55 1* Moiiiilalii 

NIGHT MIST, ch. f, 2. by Knight of Ellerslic — Quagmire (L. O. Appleby). Weight today 107. 

t.H. sheep. F.ay 7 s 1 :i"i3 fast llo I 4 4 46 7"’ It.nynor .Xd., .\imee c., I’.oiiipH't. 

69 .10 ( ;ra veseiid .7 8 l:'C"j fast lo:ill 4 4 46 7"1 Kav o"i' Wild.Slar, Bi.voii Belle, Gre.-it H.nine. 

I’.elinoiit eiilrv Fond Ileall and Half Soveieign. 

\V. I’., .leiiiiiiigs eiitf.v .Miss Norfolk .iiid .liilia I’owel. 

II. I’. \\hlliie.\ eoll.v Moiiih:i".a and Faiiey. 

roUUl'H RACE — 1 1-4 Miles. Commonwealth H.andicap. 3-ycar-olds and upward. < 1ihis(:_o;0!3 — I 
- 113.) 

FRANK GILT., ch. c, 3, by Collar — Ravello II. (J. L. McGinnis). 

69MO Sheep. H.iy 
6;<6s7 Slii'ep, Bay 
69.'.9:! .siheep. B.'iy 

Weight today 110. 

1 1 J 3::!.:.'. mail 13«; 3 4 4 :! 1' \V Knapp Monlg.aaeiy. Salvi.ii-U'. I’i.ilaader. 

1 — fast 117 0 6 6 :> 16 I” \V Knapp Chas.Bd\v;ird. Ito.sehen. F.l’reTaiaai. 

Ill 3:'6;>; fast ]"1 11 :i 3 44 11 Xolt. r Ne.iloa, .Moalgoaiery. I’.eaeon Light. 

iRUNSlDES, b. g, 4, by Meddler — Hanoaua (H. P. Whitney). 'Weight today 107. 

69s:i6 Shei-p. Pai v I .. i6 3:'d' tas) l|7 I 3 3 3'4 ''; C K<» rai't l»r. Ganlner. Bed Friar. Orhii-nlar. 

69330 Graveseini 1 1 16 1:18 slow 131 6 5 5 5 G' 7” G Kfa'rner Tileing .Masanlello, Had News. 

IIOiMKi BidmoiU Fk I'l 16 1:17 Last 118 3 3 3 1 1* 1* C Kfwrner Tokalon, I’hllander, Ban BaUre. 

I)R. GARDNER, b. c, 4. by Bannockburn— TTarda (T. D 

GLORIOUS BETSY, h. f, 2, Iff Co Mnte-r-Inconstancy (ChelsMi Stable). 

Weight today 89. 

E Dugan Bridge Whist, llerhie, Aley Grant. 
7 71 4'1 C Koenier WildStar, Bixon Belle. Gre.alBaine. 
9 9'- 9"’ili I.owe J.B. Brady, GeneRussell, JooNoalon. 

(J. U. Powers). Weight today 100. 

4 ?6 9’" Nidler Gene Kus.sidl, Smoker, Hiircourt. 

— 10 8“ W Biiguii Frlr.ette, Magiir.lne. Live Wire. 

1 1- 14 C Kihtiut LaSorellalL, Itusclmo, Waterfowl. 

Weight today 97. 
Br’geWhist, Herbie, GloriousBelsy. 

IM*S:!S .Sheep. Bay 5 1-3 f'4;(W4Tasr vt i , t 
6:4710 Gi-avesi>nd .5 8 1:03* fast l'l9 6 ■ 7 

6!CI3 Gravesend 5-8 l;00j! fast 99 10 9 

BELLE GRIFFON, b. f, 2. by Griff Jn — Beuema 

I.:i.4ts Grave, son! j 1-3 1 l:UVi fast H2 4 3 

6.8‘Mil Helaioat I’k 5 8 lau I 115 — — 

68S;3. Gravesend 5-S l;i)’3s sloyv’ 106 3 1 

CATHERINE M., br. f, 2. by Charade — Linda Stone (J. Burton). 

6'J8;i8 Sheep. Bay 5 1-3 f l:0Si fast 94 11 10 10 96 9» -McCahey 

CHORUS GIRL, ch. f, 2. hy Rensselaer — Sweet Singer (A. L. Aste). Weight today 89. 

6‘.*8.'Hi .''hee)>, l’.;ry 5 1-3 f 1:08 fast 105 14 30 30 30 30 Farrow Kara .Vvls. Royal Kvo\. St. llario. 

6:<T;3J -Sheep. Bay 5 S l:0o£ fast 110 16 IG 15 15 15 C Miller .\driana, Aliaee C.. l.oMiiet. 

MARION MOORE, b. f, 2, by Meadowthorpe— Golden Fleece (R. L. Thomas). 'Woight*oday 89. 

(SiT;3i .Sheei>. I ’piy .5-8 1 :01g fast 9ii 3 3 3 14 4“ \V Burns K. Vane. Langliing Eves, Ileknows. 

68788 Bs-Irnont I’k fr8 l:'Mig slow 91 10 10 30 84 8-'4 G Burns Hal. Bnda. Bead Gone. 

08698 Belmont I’k 4 1-3 f .54 List 100 10 9 9 8' G II Slill’gMiniile G., Sen. Beckham, Biskra. 

DIVORCEE, b. f, 2, by Ben Stro me— Broken Vows (L. A. Celia). 'Weight today 99. 

h.''865 Gr:i\ e.send '-8 1:034 fast 98 :i 4 5 54 5'‘i F Swain IlelenB., Wni.II.Lvon, G.Grvselli-. 

IK71G Belmont I’k 4 1-3 f .53* fast 107 12 13 13 l:!'*4 F Swain ' ' 

6.8613 Jamaica 5-8 1:01 mud l')6 3 2 3 34 36 AN’ Miller 

MONTAUK, ch. c, 2, by Star Shoot — Janie Clay (P J. D'wyer). 

6;is>i5 .-^liei p. Hay 3-1 1:1 F' fast :•? 3 4 54 51 U Lowe 

69405 Gravesenii 5 1-2 f 1:09? slop 97 8 7 8 8 S'- R Lowe 

6.‘'3S5 Gravesend 

Kordello, Hollister, Smlrker. 
Uuscimo, Spring Heel, .Minnie G. 

Weight today 97. 
,Tim‘ Xealon. Hal, Biskra. 

Gene Rus.sell, Blue Heron, Hollister. 

5-S 1:01 fast 100 9 8 8 S'J T* Jno Ilen’syKoyal Vane, Hollister, Ainiee C. 

c, 2, by Crighton — Rosy Cross (Seminole Stable). Weight today 96. 


First .start. 

SEVEaTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs Futurity Course. 2-year-olds. Selling. (2<’.n::7 — 1:04* — 2 — 122.) 

BRIDGE 'WHIST, b. o, 2. by Bridgewater — Miss Phoelie (H. T. Griffin). Weight today 100. 

o:'8:’-8 Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1 :OSJ fast HO l 4 4 36 16 Hiidtke llerhie. Glorious Betsy. ,\lex Graul. 

•iOl'.’T B.dmont I’k 5-8 l:0l good Hh; 7 11 11 76 12 Mount.ain Earl G., Scallop, .Lk* N’calon. 

6S731 Belmont Fk 4 12 f 52 good 107 10 10 10* 10'*4C II Shil’gScpoy, Se.vinonr I’a-uHer, Uialtu. 

TARTAR MAID, b. f, 2, by Star Ruby— Barhary Maid (A. J. Joyner), Weight today 96. 

r4)s63 .Slleeji. I !ay 
68638 .lamaic.a 
G.8.V3i .lamaiea 

Nidasiilga. Julia I’..wel. Farkview. 

Hustle. Hluelienin, Laughing E.ves. 
Frizctle, Ella O’.Ncill, Tea l.a‘af. 

Weight today 104. 

Weight today 104. 

I’ Vane. I’.laeksheeji, WiHHlIaiie 
Gene KiiMeell, .luldlee, .loliri .Marrs. 
Faleada, .Meellek, Live Wire. 

Weight today 102. 

Knyal Vane. Blaeksheep. WeiNll.siie 
ZIephen, Tliernildor. Hartford Boy. 

69.'v;6 Sheep. Ha.v 
69i61 Sheep. Bay 
G.s.’4;g .larnaica 

.'Oi. Bay 
i.:.'.i9:; .'^heep. Bay 
694;is l '.mveseiid 

1 I 

.1 .Martin 
.Marl in 

I6 3:"l' fasl L6 1 1 

1 l:4i>i! slow 136 4 4 5 9 9= S'=.l 
1 1-16 1:49* mud 13G 111 1 1» 1= J 
f, 4. hy Handspring — Alvaretta (J. A. Bennet). 

1 3 8 3;3H fast 131 5 .7 4 3 2' 3'’4 \V Knapp 

1 1 1 2:ih;'^ 130 16 17 17 17 II SL4 .1 Martin 
1 1 16 1 hvy 134 5 3 3 2 3>4 l'-4 Uadtke 

DANDELION, ch. h, 5, by Hamburg — Paniy (F. R. Hitchcock). 

sh. .-p. I’.av 1 1 I 2 :im;;-; 117 1 lo 11 12 10^ 7" R.adike 

68701 B. Imi.iu Fk 1 116 1:47* fast 136 1 3 2 2 1' H Badlke 

68645 Heliiioiit Fk ll:4o*hvy 119 11115 M IF 11'* Badlke 

COTTONTOWN, br. c, 4, by Captain Sigsbee — Lauretta Burke (P. J. Millett). Weight today IIG. 

6986: S!iee|>. Bay 1 I 8 1;71! fasl lls 6 ;; :! :: I'4 1'' Simd.v S. I.ymie wimmI, F.l’reuiiiim, F.iirii.g'm 

6;i..9:l Shee|). B.a’y 1 1 1 3:06ii fast 117 L! 13 i:i i:’, 13 13'*1.L WilliamsXealoti, .Montgomery, I’.eaeon Light 
6933'! Gi aveseiiil 3 1 16 t ; IS .slow l3ii 9 4 4 4 3' 564 1. Williams Tileing, .Masaniello, News. 

MONTGOMERY, ch. c, 3, by Pessa ra — Montgomery Cooper (E. Herz). Weight today 112. 

Weight today 124. 
Ironsides. Ked Friar. 1 Irhi. ular. 

.s. Bynnew’d, T.F.anst, FM’ivmiuin. 
Fhll.aiider, Okenlle, Ban lJuhre. 

Weight today 117. 
Peter Fan, Salvidere. Moiilg. pinery. 
N'e.iliiii. .Miintgoiuery, Heatnm Light. 
I’.rookd’eNyiiiph, (’oy.Mahl, Tokalon. 

Weight today 117. 
Neabm. Moiilgomery. Beaeon Li.ght. 
Nealoii, Hed I'rlar, Gissl Luck. 
Glis'ilicr, Okenile, Kesehen. 

6!I9|I .Sh. 
69810 Sh. 


I :ay 

I :: S 3:30 fa.8| 1 1 1 

1 I 3 3:::::* mud 136 
1 1 1 3:06)1 fast 10 1 

I* 3' 
36 3'-= 




PHILANDER, br. g, 3, by Ben Brush — Pink Domino (J. R. Keene) 

I I ’ 3::::;'. mu. I ii:: 9 6 7 7 r.'. i- M.-.ii 

1 1 1 3:08 fast 115 4 3 4 4 3' 1'4 W Miller 

1 1 4 3:08* slow lot! s 6 3 5 56 3* NoUer 

5, hy Wnolsthorpe — Misi Young (R. L. Thomas). 

1 1 8 1 r.-ist ill . 9 9 9 

1 1 4 2:ik;)! l' >i S 16 16 16 

1 1 8 1 :;.■•* l.-ist liHi 3 11 I 

FIRS’r PREMIUM, ch. c, 4. by Gorman— Premium 
t',;.86:: .sin I p. i;.i.v 1 I 8 b.,:: fast io;i 7 1 6 4 
6;i76l Sheeii. Hay 1 l'4o..; slow Fn: 7 8 s 5 

6'.t6s.i She. ).. B:iy 1 — fast 116 7 S S S 

l.;i.8pi SI I’.ity 

l.;)7lo sh. ' i>. Bay 

ti'.iltKi Braveseii.l 

WEXFORD, br. g 
i;;er,.‘, ShiM p. Hay 
6‘.)r>9;i .sliei'p, I '.ay 
6;i:!44 Braveaeii.l 

16 16 I 

1= I* 
(J. W. 

Feler Fan. Salvi.lcrc. Flip Flip. 
I'raiik Gill. Salviili’r.’. I’hllaii.ler. 
X.ali.n, Beacon Light. L'aust. 

Weight today 104. 
Fratik Bill. Montgomery. Salvidere. 
Hed Friar, Had News. W. H. (’.irey. 
Flip Flap, RiinnlngWater, Hedoulit 
Weight today 105. 
M Shiryl’ollourn. S.Ly imevv .si. i'.l’i-emiuiii 
II SliiM’gNealiMi. .Montgomery. H.'aeon Light. 
II Shil’yZaliihesl, Toiiiniy W.addell. FarWest 

-s 1:01* fast 113 3 5 4 5' Horner 

5-8 l:01i; slow 103 3 3 2 36 3* Horner 

.5 8 l:0::g mu.l I07 8 2 2 34 2* Horner 

WOODLANE (See Third Race). 

HOLLISTER, blk. g, 2, by Star Shoot — Janice II. (H, K. Vingut). 

li'issi; Shi'eii. I’.ay I l;17 fasl 6 9 7 7- 6".'.Gariiei’ 

69S:;;’. Sheeji. Bay 5 1 2 f 1 :Os:t fast 113 ti 5 4 2= 36 F Swain 

69.795 She.-p. Bay .5-8 l:0(tji fast 115 5 5 5 4'*. 2' Xotter 

MAGAZINE, b. c, 2, by Mazagan — Pink Rose (R. F. Carman), 

698St; Shi e|i. Hav 3 ! 1:17 last lo3 7 :! 3 6' S'* Noller 

69-103 Gravesend D 8 l:03g slop 106 1 111* F S.andy 

69314 Gnivesend 5 8 1;ol* fast lirj 4 5 5 5* 4* M I’roston Zleplien, Bolaiido, Miss Angie. 

GEORGE CONSIDINE, ch. c, 2. by Allan-a-Dale — Deuce of Hearts (F. J. Farrell), Weight today 07. 
6'i88ii Sheep. Hay 3 I 1:17 fasl !>i . 7 .8 S* 7'*H’.eeknian Koyal Vane. Hlaekslieep, WiHHtlaiie 

697:V.i Sheep. Hay .7 8 1 :03! mud I03 ;i 3 3 31 1' Bei kman Drena. Thurhet. Hoas. 

|'.,89;!6 Gravesend 58];i«>* fast 115 1 3 3 3' 464.1 Martin KoyalVaiie, Transvaal, Alnuda. 

LAUGHING EYES, ch. f, 2, by Planudes — Maxine Elliott (Chelsea Stable). Weight today 89, 

Sli.-ep. I’.iiy 5 8 1:01" fast 99 3 3 3 31- 37 Fiekett Itoyal Vane, Heknow.s. M. Mmvre. 

12)110 Grave.send .5-8 l;o:’. livy 93 3 6 6 6' 5* G Hums Servile, Hal, 'Tinker Hell. 

Gravesend 5 12 f LOS?, slow 9:t 11 10 G 6* 4'i G Burn.s Tilekilns, Helen H.. Tinker Bell. 

SANGUINE, ch. c, 2, by Ornament — Alarming (R. T. Wilson, Jr.) Weight today 102. 

697S6 Shee|>. Hav 3 I 1:15 fast P«i 1 5 t 4' -I W Miller Koyal Vane. T’.Iaekshei'n. W iHHilaue 

687:15 Belmont Fk 5-8 1 :'hi good PNi — — — .5' 4*4 T.loyd E. O’Neill. L. E.ves, M. & Faces. 

68i»<l Belmont I’k 5-8 1 :04» mud 117 2 2 2 L’h 2* W .Miller Smoker, .Vlauda, ' Bor.ante. 

BISKRA, br. f, 2, by Hormenco— Africa (B. C. Murrav). Weight today 94. 

|8::5 SI Hay 3 I 1:1 IV last 91 5 1 1 3'> 3'1 W Walsh .Tim Ni alon. Hal. Seallop. 

1.83 .Sliis'p. F,.ay .5 1-3 f l:il9 fast lo:( ] 1 it u 14 11 .Momilaiu Earl G.. Seallop. Wild Star. 

>634 .Sliei-p. Hay 5-S l:0lj fast lot 13 12 11 11 ]0"7(’ullen Jo<‘ Ni'alon, .\nsoni.i. Fresh. 

CASTLEWOOD. ch. c, 2. by Elkhorn — I.indomere (W. Gorst). Weight today 102. 

Stu'. p. Hav 5 12 f — fast 115 — — 2 26 4' M Pri'ston I.iveWire, Kestigoiielii-, Sir t.'leges. 

69595 .sh>'«-p. Bay r> 8 1 :00i: fast 118 4 4 4 5' .5*1 M Preston Faleada, Hollisicr. Meelick. 

ii:i37S Grav.-sen.l 5-8 1:01* fast 102 4 7 6 76 7"'4M I’reston Spisuier, Beckon, Monopolist. 

YOUTHFUL, ch. c, 2, by Juvenal — Immediate (J. L. McGinnis). Weight today 96. 

69783 Sh.-< p. F.ay 5 1 3 f 1 :n9 fast lo9 3 2 1 H' 7" .Nolt.-r Earl G.. Scallop. Wild Star. 

6;6t:’2: Heinmnl I’k 4 1 3 f last 97 1 1 3'. :!'.V Noller I/ailghiiig Eyes, Keipilte, Eonlle. 

(iS('k8i) Belmont I’k 4 1-2 f 56)! mml 113 6 6 6* .5* Noller W. Crest, K. Culiult, K. James. 

OUEEN’.S SOUVENIR, br. f, 2, bv Dinna Forget — Qtieen’s Bower (A. Belmont). Weight today 95. 

i;9:!-!3 Grave.-'.emI 
i'.91o8 Helmoi.f FI: 
69n:;;: I’.elim.iil Fk 
ALLOY, ch. f. 2 
T.973;’. Slic-i p. F.:iy 

t ’ I :. N .k . 
C Book 

MISS CRAWFORD, ch. m, G. by Tenny— Flo II. (W. W. Darden) 
I 1 S | •,51', fasl 1"’ 4 4 3 3 

1 ;; 16 3:o| I, 1 asl |o6 :’. 5 7 8 

1 I 16 1:19 slow liiS 3 2 2 2 

5, by Hastings — Belinda (A. 

69913 SI Bay 

r.98:;i; Sh. i |>. I’.a y 
6;>763 Shei p. Bay 
BLANDY, ch. h. 

1,971.1 Sli.-ep. |■.:l,v 
69511 Crave.seiid 
t.93i.. Gravesi'iiil 
FAUST, b. g. 3. by Mirthful— Tran (C 
i.'m;:... .<Iii'i |>. B.Ty I — fast pi| 

i.;t7;t3 Sli.-.'p, Bay 1 1 1 2;‘6'.2 fast *.«l 
I'.'.i'.o'.i Graves.-nd 1 1 16 1:47* fasl SS 

1". F-’ Garn. r 
8. 7"7\1 Fre; 

3'1 ;!*1 Gariur 

I 1 :hi7 slow IT 
1 1-8 1:53 fast 114 
i 1 16 1:47 fast 136 


2 3 3 3 

7 5 4 2 

E. Diirnell). 

1 1 I I 111 lit” 

4 11 1 36 4 ' 

5 11 1 1" 1* 

S'* 2* Mount.ain 
36 3*4 .Moiiiiiain 

1 lagan 

Weight today 104. 
•r I '<d loiitown. S.Lv niiewod. r.iiriig'i.i 
.stil l ymii'w'il, T. h'aiist. i 'airiigoi 111. 
er FrankGill, (’harh-sEilward, Kosehen. 

Weight today 100. 
G. L. M., ilslrieli. Bal.'hell 
ton Hr. Ganliier, Ir.msides. Ked ITiar. 
Sarai'iiiesea. (islrieh. I’ammmok. 

Weight today 112. 
P.T.ynnew'd. T. Faust. F.l’ivmhim. 
Zanihesi, Konntaiiri.lue, Coy Main. 
V.K>rhees, Crackenthorpe, Zienu|i. 

Weight today 100. 
FraiikGill. CharlesEdvvaril. Kos>-heii. 
Nealoii. Moiilgomery. Heai-oii Light. 
Col. While, .Mastersim, King Cole. 

COY MAID, br. m, 6, by Kingston — Bennie Gal (Kenilworth Stable). 

6;i86:’, Shi-i-p. I’.ay 
69761 Sheep. Bay 
69511 Gravesend 

1 1 8 I 

1 1 ; loi! slow 
1 I S 1:5;: fast 

1 4 4 

• ariier 
pi .5" c;anier 
44 4" 

Weight today 100. 
(’ollonl'n. S.I.vniii'ivoil. F.l’remimii 
S. ByniU'w’d, 'T. T'ansl. F. I’lv-mimn. 
Zamhesl. Bl.indy, FoiiiiLiinldiie. 

FIFTH RACE — 1 1-lC Miles on Turf, o-year-olds and upward. Selling. (i;!lTlL’— 1 : F 


WORKMAN, blk, h, 6, by Fatherless — Network (R. Ang.arola). 

I.99I;: Sh.ei.. F.av 1 1; 103 fast l'«: I li 8 9 8-4 3'4 Musgr’vc 

6'»,d Hav- 6l3fl;'Jii last 113 5 3 3 46 4*4 W .Miller 

69511 Graves, n.l Ah 3 1 1 ring fast lu'l 7 9 7 44 4" Henry 

ANDREW MACK, ell. h, 6, bv Cbarazus — Oenerine (W. Cahill). 
6;i8S8 .Sh.'ip. Bav 1 1 16 1:49? fast II 13 13 1:1 13 Si'il.Nutling 

i;:* :;’.7 Sh. 1 p. Bav 6 I 3 f 1 :31.'. fast 135 S 7 6 6 - 6*"’ Nulling 

1 1 16 1 ; I6i! M5 4 4 3 2 2'J l'‘k Niiltiiig 

bv Gotham — Ken more Queen (C. J. Broekmiller). 

6 I 2 r 1:19', fasl 111! :■ 8 7 7* p". ke 

Ah :: I 1:111? fast 1n9 8 3 3 3* 

3-4 l.i::* fast IH 4 2 2 1* 

6!i| 8.7 Oaklan.l 
CUTTER, b, m. 6, 
6971:: .Slii-ep. Bay 
69714 Gravesi iid 
68177 City Park 
IVANllOE. ch. c. 

6;.8T2 SI I’.ay 

69T..5.5 Sheeji. Bay 
6:il..'i Montreal 

Weight today 101. 

Saylor. E.l Hall, .loliii Siiiiilski. 
l’.:irhary Hi-He, Orldciilar, .Moyea. 
.Moyea, Ileiiie, Cutler. 

Weight today 101. 

K<•illI:Ioore. This' ledale. Bid. West. 

Giliefe. ( 'haul illy. Cederstrome. 

Stihara, K. Young, Christine -V. 

Weight today 101. 
CIoi»!eross. Wivo.ivviteli. Sailor Girl. 
3* G Koerncr Moyea. Heine. Workman. 

1' J Ia*e Foreigner, F. Brutus, Foxmead. 

5, by Hermence — Georgia Kinney (Arverne Stable). Weight today 10.1. 

1 3 :’:iU' mud lln 6 1. 6 6 :ii'8 8i“ .1 .I.ihiisoii L;iiicastrian, ,\ngler. Fill. map. 

118 1:76 fast M7 6 !t 5 5 4'> 17 J Johnson Hatieastrian. Fllmnapv Herman. 

J 1.11? fasl 119 4 :: 1 1 1' 36 .1 .lohiis.m Gilpin. Iliadley, 'Tuscan. 

Weight today 84. 
Ki', Thistledale. F. Cliiiig 
Ky.'. I 'loisliTess. .Mary F. 

Yorkist, Iiigliam, Moyi'a. 

Weight today 100. 
('rafly. Easton. Koyal I’mii. 
Cloistercss, W<«>dvvit<-li, Sailor Girl. 
KohinlliXMl, MIssSIr’me, Gidd'nWest 
Weight today 99. 

Kvc. Cloistcress. Mary I'. 
IlcriMlidiis. Troiildemaker. Orp.Lad. 
Harhary P.elle, nrhiciilar, Moyea. 

Weight today 94. 
"■JC Koeriu'r IliTiHlotiis, Golf Ball. Smiling Tom. 
6» J Fowers L. Divat, Yankee Girl. T. Bonero. 

Weight today 89. 
T.ady Vincent. Crafty, Eashni. 
Ivaiilio**, Lancastrian, Flimnap. 

Weight today 103. 
H.rinnell. ILSlman. Fersi'Verancc. 
Haiil’iilire, Bro.Tliomas, BriglilBoy. 
Grimaldi, Maryllall, I..ofrguigdeii. 

86 T“1 F Swain 
A. Forsythe). 

;i 81* .shri-vi- 
2* 17 
8' 6 1 7 F Swain 

GOLDEN WEST, b. f. 3, by Golden Garter — Auranta (F. E. Brown). 
l.;i:-88 sh.-. p. Hay 1 I u: I : Tin fast S| 3 1 :: 3 3' 3 - W Walsh 

l'.!is::i Slu-i-p. Hay 1 1::::' fast 87 3 2 3 3 3'.7 v,’’-! w Walsti 

1:975s Shio-p. B.'iy 3 1 1:11* slow lii3 1 3 3 24 2*4 W Milh r 

LADY VINCENT, b. f, 3, by St. Blaise — Lady Violet (A. L. Aste), 

i,.|-,8, Bay 1 I : IT-1 fust ;m; 6 I 6 6 4J l'> Beckman 

i',9713 Sh.-ep. F.ay 6 I 2 f 1 : T.i* fasl lo7 8 9 9 9' 

6>9:!9 Ah 3 4 1:10 fast 1U5 8 8 8 

RIFLEMAN, b. c, 3, by Pessara — Fanny Rikes (F. 
i:98:;| Shc-p. F.ay 1 1:::9;' last 9i 7 9 9 9 

i;'. 9K;! .shei-p. F.ay 1 — fast :il 2 — 

I.!«,i1 Shi-ef.. Hay 612fl:'jli fast 95 15 H 8 

BRIGHT BOY, ch. c, 3, by Star Bright — Gay Girl (S. Emery) 

1.6.SII Sheeii. Hay 1 1:43* mud 116 5 4 4 4 

697:s7 Sheep. Bay 1 1 S 1:7.53 mini 92 3 3 2 4 

ROYAL BEN. br. c, 3, by Royal Flush — Bendorita (C. F. Clark). 

697X7 Shi‘op. Bay 1 1:li:-l fast PH 13 1 1 1'' 1*4 Finn 

i;'.8:7.5 Sheep. Bay 118 1:'4; fast 86 7 7 8 8 lu* lil'*JSumter 

HELEN PORTER, eh. f, 4. by Ogden — Helen Thomas (T. L. Watt) 

69889 .'-•h.Mi>. Bay 11Sl:5Ffasl Hu 7 6 6 4 S' 10 W Doyle 

li’i'-j;: Gravesend liti 7uv 1:1.* slow lu7 7 Fell. W Hoyli- 

68914 Gravesend Ah 3 4 1 :in* fast lu7 11 11 9 9' 9**JBrussei 

CHANCELLOR, b. g, 3, by Oddfellow — Lconatus maro No. 2 (J. W. McClelland). 'Weight today 9L 
6'.i7.5S .Sheep. Bay 3 I 1 ;1 1* slow 1u:i pi 7 9 Id Ifi*' .las HetTsy Yorkist. Golden West. Iiigliam. 

68TJ1 .lamaiea 1 1-16 1:49 fast l(i;t 6 5 4 5 5‘ 5'* G II ShiTgMaralhon, L. Stanho|>e, Cohleskill 

GRACE LARSEN, b. f, 3, by Bowling Brook — Catharine of Navarre (C. R. Ellison). Weight today 86. 
69:!77 Gravesend 1 1 16 1:47 fast '.«i 6 7 8 8 10 10*» M I’rcston 'Tipping, Cloistcress, .Mary F. 

69191 Graveseml 1 1 -S 1:.76» slew SI 2 2 3 4 4 4'* G Burns Flavigny, Flowavvay, Slagna.Stella. 

NAGAZAM, b. g, 4, by Mazagan — La Bicbe (W. B. Jennings). Weight today 103. 

l,'.'787 Stiei-|i. Bay 1 Bllilfas’t luS 7 5 5 5 66 7"' Miisgr’ve T.ady Vincent. Crafl.v, Easton. 

6;h; 8:{ >;iieep. i:.a.v l — fast lu:: l<i — — 10'“ Beckman Killeman, Herodotus, Trouhlem’k’r. 

0. K., b. g, 4, by Handsome — Boroussia (T. Bellingham). Weight today 103 

i;!i777 Gravesend 1 1 16 1;t7* fast hd 111 :! 13 13 13 It'-" C II Shil’gSayTor, Orplian Lad. Ed Ball. 

6.7491 .\du<iluct 1 l;4'3i! hvy lu3 4 6 6 7 7 7’ Garner L..f.Hayinaii, Nelliel’.iirn, Ballleaxe 

KNOCKIRKY, ch. g, 3. by Concord— Marothen (W. C. Daly). Weight today 88 

6S441 .lamaiea Im 7uy 1:47* fast 87 6 6 6 6 6 6'* G Biiriis^ .lacqnin. Henry Waterson. Azora 

183118 Bi'iiiiing 7 8 1:33 slow lu:! 3 4 6 7 54 f'* Yorke 

SAILOR GIRL, br. f, 3, by The Sailor Prince — Deno (R. Stockton), 
li'dT! She'’]>. Bav 6 1 3 f 1:19» fast 96 Id 7 6 44 Musgr’ve 

' Ah 3 I l:10g Idl 7 9 9 CJ 3*J Beckman 

3, by Bradwardine— Total (W. H. Spence). 

1 1 16 1:193 fast Hd 14 9 7 6 6* 3" E Hiiean 

Ah 3-4 1:11* fast 112 8 8 8 3i 2* W Knapp 

2-year-olds. Selling. 

69512 Gravescn.l 

695'kS Gravesend 
689i:5 Gravi-scnd 

SIXTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs Futurity Course. 

JOE NEALON, ch, c, 2, by Kismet — Bonita R. (C. E. Durnell). 
69X6.5 Shee|i. Hay 3 1 1:11. fasl 92 1 5 5 J' 1' E Hugail 

6>6’l Sheep. I’.av 5 8 l;ld* fast 97 :i 3 3 36 1' E Hugaii 

69.7,5;! Gnivcsend R 1-2 f l:07g fast 93 9 10 9 6* 4* K Dugan 

HAL, ch. g, 2, by Hastings — Donna do Oro (F. Regan) 

6!>86.5 Sheep. Hay :! 1 1:11* Iti.-d 99 2 2 2 :i; 

697X2 Shis' I ). Bay 5 1-2fl9)!i fast 112 10 10 10 Id 

69.').'i3 tlravesend 5 1-2 f 1 ;07g fast 99 2 1 1 F 

BLACK MARY. blk. f, 2. by SUr Shoot — Maribel (E 
69Sii2 .Shi'ep. Bay .5-8 1;dl? fast H-5 7 6 6 6. 

68X93 <’hur. Downs D SPiHlJfast 115 9 8 8 9 

6.8741 (’hiir. J»owns 1 2 49g slop IIS 6 7 5 

THE DANE. b. c, 2, by Bassetlaw — Kmdane (Dominion Stable). 

697X2 siiiad). Buy 5 1 2 f 1 :U9 fast 113 19 19 19 19 19 Garm r 

69U59 Bidmont Fk 4 1-3 f 53* fast IdX 10 II 

6863:5 .lamaiea 5-8 1:03 shivv 107 1 13 

HEKNOW8, b. g, 2, by Heno— Intrepidity (Silver Brook Farm) 

69X.8.7 Sheep. F.ay 5 1-3 f 1:'6;* fast 113 8 7 6 

697;!5 Sheep. Bay 5-8 1 :dli( fast 111 1 11 

69314 Gravesi'ml 5-8 l:dl* last 110 3 3 3 

RUSCIMO, b, f, 2, by Ruskin IL— lister Molly (J 
6.8X;!.5 Gill veSeiid 5-S l:d3* slow 1U9 4 3 :i 

6.X7;!4 li.'lmont I’k 4 1-2 f 52 g..o:l ld6 5 5 

68612 Jamaica 5-8 1:04 mud 106 4 1 1 

THURBET, b. c, 2, by Knight of the Thistle — Belturbet (F. Biirlew) 
69739 siveeli. Bay ;.-S l;ll2g mud ld4 2 2 2 2-4 

68687 Sheep. Bay 5 1-- t 

M’mmymiK), Canvas, I’.aiid Needles 
Weight today 88. 
Cloistcress, Woodwilcli, Culler 
Little WimkIs, Dr. Lee. Golden West 
- Weight today 94 

I’.irk Row, of .\rms., 
Survelllanco, liicachoe, Cltrona 

(•20i»:’.7— 1 :h I * - 2—1 L»2. ) 

2* Harlv 
6-i P.ailtkc 
1* Harty 
R. Bradley). 
6” W 
7'i \v 

3* J la'e 

Weight today 101. 
link Hiskra, Se.illo|i. 

Ansonla. Fresh, S[>arkles. 

Hal, Herlile, Helen IJ. 

Weight today 99 
JiM' Nealoii. Biskra. Seallop. 

Earl G., Seallop. Wild Slar. 

Hcrlde, Helen B., .Toe Nealon. 

Weight today 95 
Mcln’rcNolasnIga, Julia I’mvel. I’arkvh-vv 
Mclnt’e.MuipK'lie, I’:ir. Moilel. Geneva S 

— fast 112 — — 

Ancient, WvMHilane, Geneva S. 

Weight today 102 
E.irl (!., Scallop. M’ihl Star. 
Marhles. <!. Betsy, Fordello. 
Sweet-taire, Alaiida, Dorante, 

Weight today 99. 
Spooner. Ninihus, llalket. 

K. Vane, Laughing E.ves, .M. Moore 
Zieplien, Bolaiiilo, Miss Angie. 

Weight today 94 
B. Griffon. LaSorellall., Waterfowl 
Si'poy, Sv'.vmoiir Ih'Utler. Klallo. 
Idvori-et', .Spring Heel, Minnie G. 

Weight today 94 

.las HeiTsyGeo.Considine, Oreiia. Boas. 

7** Jas llen’ayLlveWlre, RastlgouvUe, Sir Cleges. 

106 ii'^iMoiintaln 
3* 3* Garner 

16 3' Kailtke 
C* ld"iH Lowe 

3* :i-i J Martin 
5' 6" Mountain 
16 16 Mountain 

I;ikF fasl 97 V 
7 X 1 ;u3 slop 97 PI lu Id 

4 1 2 r 7:: Hist 97 Id 9 

by Golden Garter — Roscling (J. 
7 S 1 ;:kT-! List Hd 12 13 13 

13 II'*4Kosi-n .1.1!. Brady. GcneKiissell. JiM'Ne.ahm. 
pi-: pii* Kosi'ii Kilsih-. Gene Kiissi'll. Svvi'el ■ ta ire. 

96 9'’4 Kosi'ii Langliing Eyi-s, Keipiite, Yoillhful. 

G. Oxnard). Weight today 90. 

13 13 It I>vwe .\dfiana, .\imee (’., Boiiduet. 

Firsl .-.lari for the following: 

ARROW S\vIFT. ch. g, 2, by Belvidero — Miss Kinney (T. C. McDowell). 
HAZY, rh. c, 2. by Ooldcrest — Ilazrm.i. 

Weight today 104. 
Weight today 89. 

latonia Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, July 6. 


FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. 
Index Course 
ED KANE, ch. 

2-year-olds. Soiling. 


nist Time T’ek \Vt St U *4 % SlrFIn 
c, 2, by Henry of Navarre — Cecil B. (W. H. Fizer). 

1:00? 2 — 110.) 

1.9893 l.uh.iiii! .X l:id fasl 1 |u |ii pi pi pi'-' lu 

,9811 Bat. .Ilia .5-S 1;dJ fast lu:; 4 S S .56 3* .1 T.<'i 

69740 Balonia 5-S l;d;‘g goo.l lid 3- 7 8 7“k 6* D Austin 

LADY FLORA, b. f. 2, by Russell —Mvosoti, (G. H. Holle). 

I.iih.|ii:i ‘Il f ..-7* l:isl Hd t, !l s* B MarGu 

;9S11 Biiloiiia 5 8 1:113 fasl 95 5 HI Id ld'ld"'.'.K Marlin 

69761 Bal.mia 4 1-3 f 55 fast 105 4 8 64 4» Heidel 

BALLA, ch. f, t, by Fatherless — Eocene (L. A. Celia) 

I) .\ list ill 
D Austin 

!:i;>ll .7 13 f Box f:isl 107 6 6 4 

<2»7;t3 Balonia 5 8 1:03* fast 111 1 2 3 2-4 1 = 

lit'lkVS l.aloiiia r, 8 1 ;dl * fast lu:! 2 1 1 14 1" 

HOLLOW, h. 0, I, by Holstein — Follow (T. P. Hayesi. 

698 11 B.iloiiiri 7 S 1:03 fast T13 2 3 3 1' 6'.4 GriHitli 

69.'.iid B:ihinia 5 S 1 :i)2 lot 11 9 9 10* 9''’4GriHith 

6'j:!.8;; l.atioiia 5 8 l;dll hv.V HI 1 11 I'i 2* GrillUh 

LADY VIE, ch. f. 2. by Griffon— Vio (G. B. Ott). 

,6 I . nt . uli :! 7 1 3 f l : dX > fast lo :! 7 7 2 I4 7'4 Grinilli 

6976 ! Batoni .' i . 4 1-3 f 57 fast hdl 2 .8 2 * I'i Gritlith 

6 ‘. 8'.:id Isitoiiia 5Sl ; d6 livy HHi Id 8 6 5 ' 5 * F.ilac 

GRESHAM, b. c. 2, by Sir Hercules — Ethelwinda (B. Schreiber). 

6 !' S93 l .: iloiii:i 7 8 I ;ni f;isl Pd 1 , 4 4 Ipl . 71 " Fii ' k<‘liS 

6923X ciiiir . Howiis 5 8 1 : o:;s hvy lo7 2 s 12 13 * 12 '‘"‘. 4 .\ F.rowii 

6916 :! Cliiir . Howiis 5 8 l : d|l fast 110 1 2 2 4 * 4*4 -V Brown 

WHISK BROOM, ch. f. 2. by Cesarion— Elf (F. Cook). 

69S!2 Baloiihi 5 8 Bid f.-tsl pd :! 2 1 2.7 4*'. I’i.'keiis 

68231 City Bark 1 2 48* fast 115 7 6 61 6'*4D .\ustin 

.;8i:;il City Fuik 4 12 f .5.7i; fast IdF, 9 6 5'i 3*1 .1 T/'c 

J. S. M'ALISTTR, br. c. 2. by G, W. Johnson — Evergreen (W. H. Robinson). Weight today lUl. 

69379 I 'liiir. DovvilsI 1 3f 57 mud Id:. S 3 4' :!'i .less CnleyLaily Baldiir. Vaii.sel. Hiilo. 

Ii;i33l I'hiir. Downs I 1 3 f 74!.* hvy 113 4 6 41 3* .less C’nh‘vHiiiive.g;iii. Kev.ill, .Major .Maek. 

69064 Cliiir. Howiis 5 X 1:03* mini :i;i 9 9 7 7'* I!'.* Ih-ailKini K. .Miirpliy, L. Baldiir, S. Street. 

SIMON WEIL, ch. c, 2, by Sidney Lucas — Marshetta (A. L. Darnaby). Weight today 108. 

Batoiiia 7 1 3 f 1 :dS fust 91 9 8 4 41 ■4*1 Fogarty ilrdolio. S.. B.’iieva S. 

6976S l.iit.iiiia 5 X Bill* fast 9:! 3 5 5 4^4 3*1 Fogarl.v Haiihrhlge, I’.. Brigade, .M..\iire1ius. 

6II.7I5 l.atoiiia 4 1-3 f K'l fast 1 Id 13 13 13' 13'61Fogiirty J.. Moser, GraeloiisHame. Stoiieiimil. 

KATHERINE MURPHY, ch. f, 2. by Henry of Navarre— Grove Queen (H. R. Baker). Weight today 107. 

i;97M Igilidiki 7-X Bii:;? good lu7 I 1 :: S.* 9''! 'Trilem.aii EsIluTl’.rovvii. S:ih;ido. W.Mereliaiil. 

69i'.:id Butonia 5 S Bin! livy 97 2 1 1 1'* 1" 'Trueman StoiieSI reet,, Col.ltrad.v. 

694SX Butonia 4 1-2 f 55j! fast Idil 6 1 2"6 li.k 'Trueman Moseovv Belle, LadyFesea, KvelyuS. 

CLEAR RUN, ch. f, 2, by Beiidoran — Clearing (W. C. Overton). Weight today 95. 

Best Company 

Weight today lO."!. 
.Miiid. r I’arisiaiiModel. .MheilSlar. I’iiikida. 

V:iiisel. Baviitrina. F. View Ihdie. 

Ksllierl’.rovvn, S:ihado, W.Mi'reluiiit. 

Weight today 95. 
I’loyiie, .XiiaUi' Mar.v. Iiiviuilress. 

V. nisei. B.ivatrliia. Ed Kaiie. 

Lu'lyVie. .MlseiSi’liiriidiug. C. Bell. 

Weight today 111. 
H. I’ri'giide. Clieswardiiio. .Merrigo. 
Louise K., CalMia, .M;iy Jeiie. 
Hrlaiid^', C.Hiisuiiit, Cheswanllne. 

Weight today 102. 
Vausel. Lavatrin.-i. Ed Kane. 

F.iieket Hrigade, Col, I’.rad.v, Sil.f’iip. 
Buck. Brigade, W. Belle, lliiiivegan. 

'Weight today 103. 
S:i1i.‘ido. Merrigo.'I. 
MissSi-liiriidlug. (’best . Bell, 1.. Flora. 
Kath.. Murphy, StoiieStreet, L.FIora. 

Weight today 108. 
I’arishiiiModel. .UherlSIar, I'iiikola. 
C. Hiis:iiit. Wal. Belle. Vii-. Ihliiiiim 
Biiekett’.rigade, Vaiisel. Hollow. 

Weight today 105. 
I’aris.MiNlel, Gem-va .'4,, K.C.Kami. 
Blaek Mary, Saliiesaw, Freseali. 
Blue Is'e,' Baris. .Mislel, Zieplien. 

69X93 Biiloiii:! 7 S Bdl f.-isl 

69714 I.ah>nia 5 8 1:07? livy 97 1 6 5 9« 

6'ja'.N l,atoiiiii r. S l:id* fast 101 5 2 3 7'' 

CUP, b. c. 2, by Sorcerer — Claret Cup (M. Young). 
69109 I..atoiii,'i 4 1 2 f 56* good 103 6 9 9 

S"1.V \yiHi:ims|’arisi,iiiModi‘l. .\llMTtSI;ir. I’iiikola. 
9''' 'Ti ui'iiian Gra.Hame. Mar.Kaiulolpli, EvelynS. 
7"* Gritlitli Balia, Hrlandot, (’.ora Hiisant. 

Weight today 97. 

9**10 Swain Ben Sand, Rexall, Water Cooler. 

SECOND RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-clds and upward. Selling, (.5 (m; 2<) -1 ;1‘2 j — 3 — 100.) 
MARY BUCHANAN, b. f, 3, by Balgowan— Gertrude Elliott (W. 

it'.>‘i|.5 Latonia :!-l Bill fasl 

69741 IgU.mia 3-1 l:Mg gooil 91 4 11 

19349 Igitonia 3-4 1:21* hvy 92 5 5 7 

CAROLINE W,, b. f, 4, by Loyalist — Ollie (Casey & Riley). 

69X71 laitonia 1 1:112 fast 1'“' 4 2 2 :> 46 7"i \' Bowers 

69716 l.aloiiiii 3 4 Bit* fast Hit 7 7 6 56 .5'' .1 Butler 

693X-3 l,aloiiia 3 4 1:1X3 hvy 98 1 2 3 26 2iik J I’.iitler 

GALLITHEA, b. g, 6, by Hermence — Cherryflame (W. Wells). 

69917 l.atoiiia 3-1 1:11.1 fast 102 :! 4 :! 3' 1" Fiekmis 

69X67 I.atonia . 3-1 1:152 fast to;: 7 7 8 5* 5* I, Bailey 

69741 Latonia ’ 3-1 1:113 gooil im: 1 2 4 .34 3"4 L liailey 

LIEUTENANT RICE, b. h, 6. by Dr Rico— Bettina (J. Arthur). 

>i9719 Latonia 1 1:16 hvy Idl 7 6 7 4 5'4 .5« Elleiior 

61H’i(|il I.utonia 1 1-16 1:47* lo6 7 7 5 6 6' 6"4EHenor 

59:Kn l.atonia 3-4 1:17 hvy 106 8 8 7 6« 6» V Powers Potter, 

SYLVAN BELLE, ch. m, 6, by Fore st — Keturah (F. W, Torreyson). 

6!'7‘i7 I.atoiiia 3 1 Bl::? lot 11 11 12 11' 9'“ .1 Norris 

A. Kirwan). Weight today 89. 

Ill 2' Bilae ,\giiido. .\uiia Kiiskiii. Gallitliea. 

3* 2* V I’owers Berryman. GallillieH, No Quarter. 
9uklO'*lG Swain Floss S., Gold B>dl, I’laud. 

Weight today 98. 
Woolstono. Heiiio. Blazi‘ o'l.iglit. 
P.oserrian. Ilaiiglil.v. Careless. 
Y(Uin,gSlevens, Jo«*SliIelds, MintBoy. 

Weight today 102. 
.\-gnolo, M. P.iieliaiiaii, .\. Kiiskiii. 
Tsara. Viperiiie. Shuier Hill. 
Berryiiiaii, .M.Bueliaiiaii. NoQuarter. 

Weight today 105, 
HakGrove. Prince of Pless, Kedeoat, Hriiii, Sultry, Scal[il<H‘k. 
Ij«dy Carol, Laeaidie. 

Weight today 100. 
Itejilriei' K.. Cygnet, Ilaiiglity. 

696.79 l.,iitiinia 7-S 1:3* lo;i 9 13 13 11 14-’ 13'* Ilelgesen I’ellloone. Blaze o’Liglit, HiikGrove. 

69410 I..atonia 3-1 1:16 good 109 6 6 7 8* 5*4 Ilelgesen Cygnet, Hyperbole, Hella 'Thorpe. 

SPENDTHRIFT HELEN, ch. f, 4, by Handspring — Salvia (Harris Sc Meyer), Weight today 98. 

69!ll.7 Laloliiil ;; I BIIJ fasl 9!)4 5 6 6 76 pi** V P>iW 

6*1410 Igilonia 3-1 B16 go.ul 107 3 1 2 7' 7‘"4 J Leo 

69;iS2 Latonia 3 1 1:183 livy 98 6 7 6 10' 8* Pickens 

ERICSON, ch. c, 3, by King Eric — Spinuett (D. Lehan). 

|'.97!WI I.aloiiia .! I 1:171 f:ist KMI 7 7 6 7'> 8* J Baker 

6;h; 3S I.:Uoiiia 3-1 1:1.52 fast 110 1 2 2 11= i:!'" T Taylor 

051:55 Churchill D 5 1-2 f l:u9g hvy 110 2 6 6 CJ 7'* D Boland 

DR. M’CARTY, ch. c. 4. bv Inspector B.— West Anna (E. Stubbs). 
6'.'766 Tsilonia 1 1:11 fast lo7 12 8 6 7 

6'.iTiS9 I..atonia 3 4 1:19* hvy los 3 3 3 

69;;S3 Latonia 3 -1 1;1S|( hv.V 102 3 5 9 

MATHEW GAULT, b. h. 5, by Maoeo— Her Favor (J. Abrams). 

69.561 lavtonia 
66384 Latonia 
65.331 Ijitonla 

3 4 1:14* fast IT 
3-4 1:14* fast 112 S 
1 1:41 fast 102 3 

7 7 

9 9 

6 10 10 10' 10'»iU 

GOLD DUKE, ch. g. 3, by Ingoldsby— Rom Lady (C. De Witt) 

69:'::il l.atonia 
6!K>,89 T.atonia 
GOTH Chur. Down.s 

1 1:12 fast 107 1 3 7 6 6' 7" Minder 

3 4 1:19* hvy 91 6 6 8 8* 9».l Trueman 

1 l:42g fast 94 8 11 10 10 11* 11'“ 'Trueman 

SANDERSON, b. f, 3, by Sempronius — Dictynna (C. M. J.aeger), 
69186 l.atioiia 1 1:13 fasl 9!* '! 6 6 7 S* 8» Hiifiiagel 

ntilio Igilonia 3-4 1:16 tM! H 10 9 91 10" llufnagel 

6919S Chur. Howim 11 16 1 :49J fast 87 5 2 4 3 9 S» Hiifiiagel 

GEORGE YOUNG, b. c, 3, by Ben Bramble— Kinks (G. Jackson). 
li'.r.ilS Latonia 3-4 BT!* last X7 8 X 8 S 8*'’iBilac 

697;d Latonia 7-8 B3>.2 fast 103 2 5 5 6 6 6*' Watkins 

6‘>562 Latonia 1 1:41 fast 89J 6 5 5 5 6 6*« Bllac 

.Jgnolo. M. P.iieliaiiaii. \. Kiiskin. 
Cygnet, llyperlsile, Hi'Ila 'Tliorpe. 
Y’ligSteveiis, CaroIinoW., J. Shields. 

Weight today 94. 
P.ensoiiliiirst, B.iisra, Hr.L.HiifT’n. 
Orlandiviek, Minos. Hella Thorpe. 
Ueliiied, Alyth, Nedni. 

Weight today 103. 
7' 7'*4L l’..ailey llenr.v H.. Hevoiit. 'Tsara. 

4 nk 4 ? w H W’k’rlliisted. Lit.lieorge. Blaze o’Light. 
84 10*4 D Austin y’ligSteveiis, CaridineW., J. Shields. 

Weight today 102. 
6' 6"4V Powers Ttouehrake, Telesiaipe, Bealriee K. 
94 lo'*JWishard Conjuress. Red Thistle, St. Nis’L 
Austin Elliott, Uncle Henry, Reliuuuder. 

Weight today 91. 

Solly M.. Hmirdi. K. of Ivanlioe. 
Husted, Lit.fleiM'ge, Blaze o’T.ight. 
Western, Hazel Patch. Solly .M. 

Weight today 89. 
Woolstone. Solly .M., Hide Sfrome. 
Cygnet. Ilyperlsile, Ihdla Thorpe. 
Bendigo, Proteus, Sea Salt. 

Weight today 100, 
GoIdpriHif, Ciihlegralii. Morale.s. 
Minos. Convolo, Bottles. 

PliillTneh. Mike Sutton, PlaiiHand. 

THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. (. 5r2-,T, 7— 1 ;00s— 2— 110.) 

B. C. RANN, b. o, 2, by Lactantiiii — Cherry Button (J. C. Milam). 

69842 La I on la :5-S Bill jj last 1054 9 6 6 3'4 3' Cmmins 

tk97!7 Latonia 5 8 l:iKji hvy H5 3 4 4 4* :K Brown 

69631 LAtooia 4 1-2 t 55f fast 114 6 4 5* 3'-'* J Lea 

Weight today 113. 
Paris. Model, GenevaS.. W. Broom. 
Taekle, Joe Moser, .Mari'usAurelius. 
Evelyn Geneva S., Ben Sand, 


(Slu'opsUeBil H»y.) 

COLONEIi BOB, blk. c. 2, by Cesar ion — Fonsolette (T. F. Hayes'). 'Weight today 105. 

HSf.'it IjPxington 1-2 4S1 fast 113 4 2 2i !• Austin .lidiii Marrs, Crcat rriate.K.C.Kaiin 

673fiX Oaklawii 1-2 4sj KOod lir» 2 2 I'i I'i 1) Austin Ida May, Il<dl<nv, Kandaiiijo. 

67295 Oaklawn 1-2 48(( good 112 2 2 2t> 2'J D Au.stin Ida May, Jlollow, KatlierineMurphy 

CLOYNE. br, f, 2, by Cameron — Clara Meader (T. H. Stevons). Weight today 106. 

69S!to I.atonia 4 1-2 f 55; fast lilt 7 5 2t> I'i 1) Austin H.Mary, liivclitress, M.Scliiriidiiig. 

OHDONO, b. 0 , 2, by Orlando— Nettie Dutchman (J. Everman). Weight today 109. 

i:;i!tI6 I.iitoilia ••-N l:01t fast PIS 7 S 7 l>‘ 4'1 I’ickciis .Ita* Moser, Alliert Faiiz. tlra.llaiiie. 

69M7 i.atonia 5 1-2 f 1:08 fast 9S G 5 3 2> IJ Pickens Krelyn S.. Geneva S., Simon Weil. 

69717 laitonia 5-8 1:(l3| livy lo5 5 5 6 5‘® 5“i I’ickeiis Tackle, Joe Mo.ser, R. C. Rann. 

ADA 0. WALKER, blk. f, 2, by Handsome B creech (W. C. Overton). Weight today 106. 

G'.itip! I.atoiita .5-S l:01i fast pi.i G 4 2 4' 5“i II Austin Joe Moser, Albert Faiiz. Gra.Dume. 

69S17 I.atonia 6 1-2 f 1:08 fast 105 3 3 5 5* 5’J II Austin Ordono. Kvclyn S.. Geneva S. 

69659 l.ghinia' 5-S 1:01 fust 108 2 2 2 26 2“ I) Austin Hanbridge, B’ketBrlgade, Honest, 

ALBE^x STAR, b. c, 2, by Star Shoot — Lady Alberta (J. Gass). Weight today 97. 

69S92 I.atonia 5-S 1 :ol fast PH 1 6 6 P> 2- .1 Is-i- I’arisianMiMlei. IMiikola, M. Aurelius. 

68944 Cbur. Downs 5-8 1 :01i slop 102 10 11 10 10* 9** Dearborn R. C. Kami, Honest, Dew of Dawn. 

DUNITEGAN, b. o, 2 , by St. Simonian II.— Thistlefinch (J. S. Hawkins). 'Weight today 101. 

6;i(6s I.atonia 5-8 l:oH fast 99 8 6 7 5* 5" .1 lluller 1 laidiridge. R. Rriaade. Simon Weil. 

G9::x;5 i.atonia 5-8 1:01* livy Pl7 8 8 6 6' 4* .1 Kiiek. llrlgade. Hollow, Wald. Belle. 

69224 Chur. Downs 4 1-2 f 561 hvy 115 6 1 1* 1* J Dee J.S..Mc.\lister, Uexall, Major.Maek. 

mss SCHIRNDING, ch. f, 2, by 'Voter — Honcyswcet' (J. Griffin). Weight today 90. 

69S:hi I.atonia 4 1 2 f .55,; last IPi 2 2 4' 4'i l*ii-ki ns Cloyne. Snake Mary, Inventress. 

69812 I.atonia .5 8 1:012 fast 91 6 5 4 6'‘ s". Skirvin l•.•lris..MlMl^d. Geneva S., It.C.ltann. 

69761 ].atonia 4 1-2 f 55 fast Pi2 5 1 I'i 2'i I’ickcns I.adyVTe. ChestnutBell, I.adyl'Iora. 

CALTHA, ch. f, 2, by Utc — Cathay (E. W. Hagyard). • Weight today 90. 

69892 I.atonia 5-8 1_:ol fast 92 9 5 ;; 7'* 6"5 I’iiT.-itt I’arisianMiaioI. .\lberlSlar. I’inkola. 

69792 Latonia 5-S i:02i fast 95 2 2 2 Cnt 2=1 I’ieralt Balia. I.ouisc K., .May Jene. 

LADY MARTHA, br. f, 2, by Macco — Flash of Lightning (W. H. Crawford). Weight today 102. 

69761 l.utonia 4 1-2 f 55 last lo:! 1! 5 5' 5"1 J Kerris l.adyVle, Mis.4.Schlrndin,g, ('. Bell. 

BRONCHO BILL, ch. g, 2, by Algol — Rachel Ray (R. K. Lewis). Weight today 90. 

t'8152 l.exlngton 1-2 48;; fast Pi2 1 4 5= 4'‘ G Swain Ida May. Hollow, Cousin Frances. 

68129 I.a-xinKton 1-2 l8i! fast lo2 9 10 7= 7* G Swain John Marrs, Great Pirate, Col. Bob 

LAUREL LOCKE, ch. f, 2, by King Hanover— The Peach. Weight today 90. 

First start. 

69.S.5 1 = 
69 IMh;. 

.Anna May .3.. ,S7 

..\ list in .Mien ttt* 

.Tyrolian .5.. 91 

■ tVabasb Queen . S7 

.Ki.glit anil True 7.. !l!» 

• No Trninper 5.. !M> 

■ Ossineke 4. . 91 

• Trackless 5.. 91 

Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards, 
3-year olds and upward. Selling. 

. .Catiopian 4.. 102 

..Betsy P.lnford 2.. 101 

..Master Lester . 97 

..Halbard 2.. 91 

. .Nibliek ,5.. lot: 


. .Killieerankie 86 

...Asterisk ri..I 08 

..1’ilter Hand I.. 10 <| .5.. 98 

..June Time 2.. 97 

..Leo I •an I ;!.. !l| 

..stoney l,ee :!..]02 

..Lady Gay Spanker :i. . 91 

Probabililies: Weatlier clear; traek fast. 

Baring starts at 2:20 p. ui. (Hileago time, 1:20), 
XKuus w«dl in innd._ 0Snperior mud ruiiiier. 

First Race — 3-4 Mile Main Course. 
2-year-olds ami upward, llighweiglit llainlicap. 
1ml. Horses. A. AVt. llde|i 

(69.884).. tKOSKBKN 6. .1 lO. . X . .7.5 

69,8f2:. . . .Priuee llaiuburg 5. .126. . x . .74: 

695.5,5=. .fVtKirliees 4 . . 1 16. . X . .741 

6962.'!. .. .Pena rris ;!. . 102. . X . .7 P 

l«H»:kS'=..».\leCarter 2.. 117 74 

69.861. . . .Dreamer 5..11;; 7:! 

6.S!i;:9. . .tHaiidz.irra 5. . 1 10 . ,'S< . .72 

6 16.5tl= . . .Coiiville .2..109 7:! 

r,:t8M. . . .Coinedieime 4 . . 102. . X . .7;'. 

fKI8tM»= . C. (ore :;..110..x..7:: 

6:i,887. St. A’alentilie 6. . 1o( . . x . .72 

6!I860. . . .Cndersirome .5.. 89. . X . .72 

66’27.5 Koalla . 97 72 

69728 IfAlkle 5.. 89..X..71 

69iMi8 Tnie Boy I.. S.S..X..70 

69787. .. ..Mexican Silver 92..X..69 

6l8|o. . . .CommiHlore .Anson :!..liat 69 

696.56. . .JCaplaili Kmerleli 2.. 91 (i'.l 

•Newcastle Stalde entry. 

tl*. C. Jobuson entry. 

}.\. 1). Spreekels entry. 

Second Race — Full Course. 

4-year-olds and upward. Hamileap. 

(69927)... Palm I..147 7o 

6!»7.59= . .*Buekmau 7. .IP* 69 

69861 .. . .Commodore Foiitaiue .... 1..1.54 f>9 

6!l!i;!7. ... Bayonet 4. .1.52 69 

69709=. .»(;arrelt 5..I.50 6 kS 

699;: I = 
tK>‘Kl7 = 
t:»9.:i . 
t:978i . 
699;: I . 
I >9928. 
I '>9928. 

FOURTH RACE — 1 Mile, Merchants’ Stakes. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Sclljng, (62677 — l:29i — 4- 

llemember. this one must be 5 to 1 or 
belter or you get the ‘'ST.A.MI.A KI)" flee 
for one moiilii; must also win and win 
only or yon gi-t mir DAILY TIIKFL IPIKSK 
AVIKE free for ono week. 

is the prb'e. and yon eannot afford to miss 
this live one, especiall.v when you consider 
that a $20.00 straiglit lad on all Ih.rses on 
oiir DAILY TMKF.i; IHtKSE AVIKK sineu 
Miiy 22 would have won 

6.9.8( 12'-’ 

$ 1 , 064 . 00 ! 

Yesterday's wire gave: 

OUARDI ... 9-2 Won 
OSCAR T. . . 3-1 2nd 
CAPT. HALE, Scratched 

Thnrsda.v— J. W. O’NEILL. ... 2 to 1. WON 

Wednesday — SOLLY M 6 to 1, V/ON 

Tuesday — TSAR A 6 to 1, WON 

Best one last week.. .'HUSTED, 20 to 1, WON 
Regular price, $4.00 weekly; $1.00 daily. 


Tliese OCCASION'.AI.S uill aver.i; 
two or three bets a week, and are 
anieed lo run 12 or next wire fre 
Terms, $5.00 for 6 wires; $1.00 per wire. 

r about 
ill guar- 

Y'eslenlay's Form Special was: 

Pleasant View Belie, 15-1, 3rd 



FIFTH RACE — 1 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Handicap, (62677 — l;29i — 1 — 1(10.) 

THE MINKS, blk. c, 4, by Top Gallant — Isabinda (D. N. Prewitt). Weight today 106. 

69917 I.atonia 1 1 16 1:1< fast pi'i 6 9 Pi 11 7' 5= I, AA'illiamsPasaiUma. Mike .Sutton, l.exoline. 

69815 I.atonia 1 1:llifast Pis 2 2 2 2 2= 2'i D .Austin Knvoy, .Miss f.ida, Pliil Fincli. 

g:i 66(I I.atonia 1 1-8 I'SJf. fast 112 7 8 7 (i 5= 4= Nicol Tileing, Pasadena, Phil Fiiicli. 

JAVANESE, b. c, 3, by My Boy II. — Java (J. Did). Weight today 87. 

698!M l.iilonia 1 1 ;:!9i! fast SsJ 4 4 4 3 2i‘ 3"’i I’ioralt Tliet’laiismau, La Vella. .M. Sutton, 

twtsis ('bur. Downs 3-1 1:15; slow 111 5 5 5 6J K'i l> Boland Koval Biver, Nedra, No Quarter. 

64970 Hamilton 3-4 PM* PKl 4 1 1 1= 1« G II Shm’gDoc Kyle. Poiicmali, Nioless. 

MISS ALERT, ch. f. 3, by Handspring — Hattie Vaughan (J. W. Beall). Weight tod.ay 100. 

69869 l,alonia 114 2;07ii fast pi9 1111 2'i 2i,' Pickens Lillb'Tiirm'r. Missl.bja. AA'iiig l'ing. 

69797 AVimIsor 1 l: 4 o;t f.-ist 92 2 1 1 1 1' 1' G .8waiu .lacomo, PetiT .dtcrling. Fantastic. 

69605 Windsor 1 1:412 fust 95 2 2 2 1 Ini' 2' Oaugel Factotum, Headb'y, T.KngllsIiman. 

MISS LIDA, b. f, 3. by Ogden — Minnie Salesbary (A. D. Steele). Weight today 98. 

69869 I.atonia 1 1 I 2:072 fast ]09 2 I I 2 15 3' D .Austin l.illieTmncr. Miss.Alcil. AA'ingTing. 

69815 I.atonia 1 1:114 fust !to I 1 4 1 |i> 3*5 T Steele Knvoy, The Minks. Pliil Fimli. 

69662 l.utonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast Pi2 PI PI 8 2 1= 1' I’ickcns Qiiagga, Still.Alarni, CountyClerk. 

CABLEGRAM, br. o, 4, by Mazagan — Across-tbe-Sea (C. E. Greenwood), Weight today 109, 

69918 Latonia 3 I 1;13A fast ]|:! 3 3 3 35 2= .1 L<'<- ( :olilpriM>f, Morali's. I lazelt liorpe. 

•4>.'67 l.aloiiia 7 8 l;2iA fast 109 2 I 1 1 li 1" I' .Austin l,<'Xoline, ( Hill lonesl.v. K>-dganntl<‘t. 

69599 laitoilia 7-S 1:274 fust 109 111 1 1' 2“ D Austin Lexoline, Old Honesty, HarryScott. 

The Standard Turf Guide 

Room 212, 2d floor, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. 


NtlTK (liir GIt.A.Ml SPF.Cl.AL tcslay will 
lie w ir>‘il to any part of llm I'liileil Stales 
or t'.'imola. .All ont-of-town p«'opIe who have 
lo>l :ilre:id.v snliscriluMl to lliis can do so 
today l>y w il ing in a money ord"r. 

Our Long Shot Special 
Goes Today! 

SIXTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. loiHil’il— 1 ; I 

BOSERRIAN, b, e, 3, by Cegarion — Frincesf Bowling (P. Dunne). Weight today 102. 

69919 I.atonia 3-1 PPIjlfast 99 :! 2 2 1' I" I’ieki ns Barnsdaie, A'iperiiie, .Mit'bonl. 

6'.'870 Imtoiiia 3-4 1:11?! fast PHI 1 2 1 I'i 3'5 I’icki-ns Dr.l..lliilTman. I’.eat’i’cK. ilaiiglily. 

69813 I.atonia 3 1 1:11* fast ;i;i 4 5 4 4'5 2' I’iekens lieu Strong, .AleCliord, Telescope. 

VIPERINE, b. m, 6, by — Medusa (P. J. Nolan). Weight today 100. 

liieipi Lalciiia :: 1 1:132 fast pil 2 3 3 ;:'5 3=. \A' 11 \A”k’rl’.usi'ri'ian, Barnsdaie. .Mi-I’liord. 

6;i867 Laloiiia 3-1 ];15?1 fast ]ol 1 2 2 P' 2" Pickens Tsara. Sloner Hill. I’.ert Osra. 

6'JM;| I.atonia 3 1 1:14* ion 3 S 6 6' 5' I’ieralt Ben Strong, BoseiTbin, .Mcfliord. 

AGNOLO, ch. c, 4, by Ingoldsby — Agno (T, H. Stevens). Weight today 100. 

69915 I.atonia I l:ll.‘ fast pi'i 1 1 1 H 1" T Taylor M. Biielianan. .A.Kiiskin. Galiitliea. 

6;h;S 9"iiia 3 4 1:194 livy Pi5 1 I 1 2i' S® D Austin Iliisteil, Lit. George, Blaze o’l.iglit. 

6S704 Ctiiir. Down.'? 5 12 f 1:074 fast 112 3 10 S 11' H'=iT Taylor Aleneon, Bo.serrian. Dr.L. HulTman. 

DEACON, b. c, 3, by Alloway — Hallow (C. V. Mueller). Weight today 96. 

69769 l.atoiiia 1 1:11 fast 98 13:: I 15 2'5 I’ickeiis Camille. I ly pelliole. Solly M. 

69181 I.atonia I! 4 1:11= fast Ph: 1 2 2 1' 1= I’ickiais Monsigiior, Blaze o’l.iglit, Our.Aniia. 

C'.illICbiir. Downs 3 1 l:l7f, livy Pi2 3 10 7 9= 5* Pickens .Arlfulliodger, Camillo, Ilazell’aleb. 

BRADEN, b. h, 5. by Woolsthorpe — Edith Belmont (T. P. Hayes). Weight today 105, 

69.. Pi l.almiia 3 1 1:115 fast pis 1 ., 1 t'5 |> Griiliib ItosiTi'la ii. Haughty. Careless. 

69 ’ill I.atonia i! I 1:19 niu'l 1"6 10 pi pi In pi=* flrillitb Ilemo. Bonebrake. Marmorean. 

6S7IO Chur. Downs 3 1 l;Pii! slop PI7 4 7 6 G’ G"' D Austin Harold It., Devout, Gambrinii.s. 

BENSONHURBI, eh, g, 6. by Ben Stiome — Trvana fJ. W. Briggai Weight today 102. 

G!>87o Latonia 3 1 fast pi3 G pi pi pf pi''AA' Powers Dr. L. I liirrma n. Beat.K., Boserrian. 

G9790 Latonia :!-l l;I5A fast pi9 1 111= l'5C'mmins Dr.L. I liiffman. ItedwiHi.lU, 

GIN.57 Latonia i! 1 1:114 fast PI3 2 1 1 1' 2' V Powers Bi-ii Strong, Teles<-c>iie, Laeaelie. 

HUSTED, br. g, 6, by Uncommon — Marsara {.T. Griffin). Weight today 102. 

6;i;il9 l.atonip ;;-l l;i:’:! fast 102 8 s s 8> s"’5.l Let- Boserrian. Bariisdab'. A iiimiiic. 

G987II I.atonia 3 4 1:11* fast pi:! lo 6 7 G5 ,5= <!ril1itli Dr.L.Hilfrimin., Boseriiaii. 

(21813 Latonia 3-4 1:11* fast PH 9 7 8 8* lc'5 IC .Martin B"ii Strong, Bos«>rrian, MeClionl. 

PRINCESS MARIE, ch. f, 3, by Daniel — Queen Pepper (Miller & Johnston). Wciglit totlay 89. 

68(91 Cliiir. Iiowiis 5 1-2 f ! :o'l;: fast ;«i In 7 7 H"i. i:’.=’‘51 :ila,; Beatriei'K., Orlanduick, B. Strong. 

6.8667 Cliiir. Downs 3 4 1 : 18 * bvy 95 11 12 12 11= 1P'= 10 Marlin .Mary tirr, N'eilra, Lizzie Mel.eaii. 

618IHI Ky. S. Kair 5 1-2 f 1:12 mud ‘JS 6 6> 6 7J "‘"IWisluird I’laiisilde, Jessamy, Graeeliiis. 

TRIXIE WHITE, b. m, 5, by Box — Fannie Taylor (Hickey Bros). Weight today 100. 

.577-51 l.<(uisvillc 3 I 1:16 fast 99 12 11 Pl 9' 8''’5C .Aloiris Black Fox. Eclio Dale, .loc Goss. 

57162 Latonia 3- 1 1 :1 1* fast PH I 1 5 7= 5' J Harris La .Sagille, Jack Kaltiiii, Naiaii. 

INGENUE, ch. f, 3, by Standing — Hanolctta (John Marklein). Weight today 89. 

G.;i.54 AVind.sor 5-8 I;"!* livy ’.'8 2 5 8 5' ,i- I’l'ii’gast Reside, Tom (iilroy. Pedro. 

6,5321 AA'indsor 5-8 1 :02g fast 1"3 1 7 7 9' S"! I’en’gast .Miss Lida, Kesloralioii. Mzaniie. 

6:12.:7 Wiii'lsor 5-S 1:02 fast 96 7 7 7 7* 7"5 Pcn’gast Elksiiiu, Louisaiiiie, Miss Martini. 

ST. IDLEWAYS, ch. f. 4. by St. Julicn — Gadding. Weight today 98. 

:.18::9 l.onisville 4 1-2 f .55* fast 92 :! 7 PC pl'= Noonan L. Carol. Problem. Spend. Helen. 

51212 Nashville 4 12 f 564 fust l"l 2 4 7= 7''’ Grillith Briglit Slar. Lieb.Gore, CockSiiie. 

WEST BROOKFIELD, ch. h. 5, by Libertine — Florence B. (T. Carey). Weight today 111. 

.59i:'2’, .Ascot Park F <’ 1:11 good 108 8 5 5 65 pi'® ,A \\’ I S’kct 'I'laniolor. Seasick. .Alderman Bait. 

58911 -Ascot J’ark 3-1 1:134 fast P'..5 3 5 5 7 6== A W ll’ki-rllaiidzaiTa, KiHropaw, Big Ben, 

SEVENTH RACE — 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. (6203.8— 1 : L5i;— 4— lot.) 

QUAGGA. b. 0 , 3, by Dnngarven Xallana (J. Arthur). Weight today 91. 

69818 Latonia 1116 1:16 fast 9ii 2 114 ;;5 3=5 Trueman Still.Alarni, Hazell’aicb. B. o'Liglit. 

6:h; 62 Igitonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 96 3 3 3 4 35 2* Bilac .MissLida, StillAlarni, Comit.vCIerk. 

PRINCESS ORNA, b. m. 5, by Ornament — Princes! Over (H. P. Headley), Weight today 102. 

r.96(®i Latonia 1 1 16 1:17* fast ]06 5 1 1 1 1= 1'5 Grillith Snltr.v. .Scjiliibx-k, Florizcl. 

69116 Latonia 1 1-16 1:17 fast pl6 1 3 4 4 4' 4® Grillith Miss I.lda, Count.v Clerk, Webber. 

HAZEL PATCH, ch. c, 3, by Kinley Mack — Listen to the Band (J. C. dilam). Weight today 106. 

69891 Laloiiia 1 1 :3;i* fast 87 8 6 6 6 4“8 5'= .1 Butler ■riieCJansman, La Veita. .lavaiicsc. 

li'.'Slx Latonia 1 1-16 1:16 fast Pi2 7 11 1 I'A 2i* I’iekens Still Alarm, Quagga, Blaze o’Liglit. 

CAMILLE, blk. f, S, by Streamer — Modica (W. A. Bmith). Weight today 95. 

69871 Latonia 1 1:11* fast Pki pi 9 9 7 S' 4*5 K Martin AA'iMilstone. Deiiio, Blaze o’Liglit. 

69769 laitonia 1 1:11 fast 93 1 4 S G 41 1*5 E Marlin Deacon, Hyperbole, Solly M. 

HENRY O., br. g, B. by Charade — Fruit of the Loom (F. W. Torreyaon). Weight today 104. 

69895 l-alonia 1 1 8 1:55 last Ph; 2 2 2 5 55 3= Helgesen Clyde, Lou. Maefarlan. SavoirFalre. 

69846 1-gitoiiia 1 1-16 1:48 fast 106 7 4 5 4 46 6* Helgesen Sealploek, Sultry, Carew. 

■CALPLOCK, b. g, 4, by Oddfellow — Moya (J. Gass). Weight today 106. 

69846 l.3itonia 1 1 16 1:1s fast 105 5 6 1 1 1'5 1= J Lee Sultry. Cariwv. Mellvain. 

G9794 l.,atonia 1 1-4 2:08* fast PH 12 2 1 1= I'i Pickens Sultry, Water Lake, .Miss Hawley. 

MISS KITTY, br. f, 4, by Sir Dixon — Macconia (Talbot Bros.). Weight today 102. 

liVtlol I.atonia 1 1:42 102 2 3 .’5 2 26 15 D .\ustin Calabash, Blaze o’Light, Tinker. 

G'j'iM Chur. Downs 3-4 1:14 fast 99 9 5 9 5 * 5= J Butler Bert Osra, Kedwoml IL, Potter. 

MINOS, b. c, 3, by H^dsom^Venus III. (T. KUey). ’Weight today 103. 

You can got down good and strung and 
win sum mor vacat ion money. It’s I ho best 
tiling wo liavo bad tip our sloovo since wo 
put over Sir l^yiinewood at 15 to I, won. 


Friday HKSSIAN 7-.5 Krd 

Thursday . ..SAYLOR i)-l0 Won 

Wednesday. .ROYAL VANE 11 -.'5 Won 

Tuesday PHANTOM 8-5 Won 

Monday RUNNING WATER. 13-5 Lost 

Saturday .... LANCASTRIAN 13-5 Won 


Thursday ...SIR LYNNEWOOD. 15-1 Won 

Wednesday. . JtO YA L VANE (1-.5 Won 

Tuesday ULOISTERES'J 8-1 Won 


> TCRMS; $I OO Daily; $.5.00 Weekly 

> 1009 Chicago Opera Mouse Block, 

c W&shineton and Clark Streets. 

DEVOUT, 41. WOM ! 

our ibiilv one liiirse wire. S 

JOE MOSER . 6-5 Won # 


I’mbaliilil ies: Weiilber clear; (rack fast. 
Kaciiig starts at .’1:1.5 |>. m. (Cliicago lime. 2 
XHuus wi'll HI mud. ©Sii()i‘rii>r mud luiiiier. 
First Race — 6-8 Mile. 

2 year-olds. .Allowauees. 

Ind. llmses. ,A. AA't. I 

(i'i!i!Hi2) . . .1.1'xingloii Lady 1ii;i. 

(liniiTI I . . .Cam>l>ie Laki* i1‘2.... 

i;!i8.-,,",= . . . Baiiyaii 112.... 

(r,!iS.!n...Takbii 112 

li:i!i::2. . . .Giles Iir.i. 

ii’.is79= Apple TiMldy 112 

6!ilt.51 I.iizetla lo’.l 

ti'.M.'l . . . .1 iiiarda |o!!. . . . 

(1'.I42;!. . . .Caiiiiie .Alaid Ul'.l.... 

6!isii2= . . . Iliiiids .Ariiiiiid iu;l.... 

6117.52. . . . Iiiailgiiratioii I'll. . x 

tiUtilO. .. .Black Hawk 112..X 

Second Race — 1 1-4 Miles. 

3 ycar-olds and ii|iward. Selling. 

6!»K27=. . .Peter Knight .5..IOI..X 

t;:is,v: simnn D im.-x, 

6! I.S.S2 . . . . .AI a ry Darby .86...., 

(>!t!i.57= . . . Lyiidliiirst !>:!.... 

6!I‘J28 . . . . Lady Ga.v Spnaker 3.. 87.. X. 

Third Race — 3-4 Mile. 

3-year-olds and upward. .Yllowaiieos. 

. . I’reeii .5. . 1 12. . X 

.Sliekaway 4..Iu:!..X 

.Lord Boanerges 3..10U..X 

.Ilawkaimi 3.. sii..x 

. .Alarsti-r 4 . . 105 . . X 

■ TimUs .Alook 4.. PS..X 

..Master Lester 3.. !>7.... 

.Meddlesome Boy 3.. 91.. X 

.llaniliara . 9S.... 

.Captain Hale 3.. 92.. X 

Fourth Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 

Cataract Handicap. Value $1,.5(K>. 
3-year-olds aud upward. 

(69571)... Missouri Lad 4..114..X 

(i:;t.8.57) .. ..Martin Doyle .5..I27..X 

(69673>. . .ElMeott 3..116..X 

69.8.57= ... Lot us Eater 4..120. .X 

69,s;!0= ... Solon Shingle li. . 9.5.. X 

((i9s:!l») . . . Main Cliunce ::..112..X 

699.56. . . .Sir Edward 4..1(H!..x 

69574= ... Welboiirne 4..107..X 

(•>9169 The Abbot 3.. 107..© 

Fifth Rare — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 

3-year olils and upward. .Sidling. 

(69906). . .PENRHYN 1.. 9S..X 

69928= Alina Smith 4.. 94.. X 

Ii99;',;! Omall .1 .5.. 96.. X 

(K)92.S=. . .Paul Cliirora 9.. 91..© 

.69031. .. .XemuieraU'e 3.. 37.... 

Tile oiiiy iK.rse given out on yesterday. 

On Monday, July 9, 

Avc have a guaranteed speeial. 
Must Avin or next Special ‘‘free.” 
Expect odds ot 5 to 1 or better. 
PRICE, .$2.00. 

Record of our specials: 

Oil .lime 1.5 Miss Lida lo 1 AA'oii 

Oil. lime 21 Pleasant View Belle 20 lo 1 Lost 
On .lime 2.5 Gracious Damo I to 1 AVon 

Oil lime 2S Earl G. S to 1 Won 

Oil July 1 Redwood II. 2 to 1 2d 

Rusli Your Subscription. 

.All seleelions dailv tiled with Racing Fol'lii. 


50d, 171 Washington St., CHICAGO. 

6992S . 
69!M17 = 
6US32. , 

Room 312. 3rd Floor, 

59 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO. 

SATURDAY’S SPECIAL: (Uso Book No. 135): 68 

ENTRY LIST: G-503-504-505-507-519-532-547-548- 


Horse Sense Costs Nothing 

Don’t keep on eliasing rainlaiws fori'ver. I will 
send ni.v iMMiklet'. “Horso Sense,” to .von absolutely 
free. It corrects many mistakes tliat nearly all 
turf foll(»wcr.s make every da.v and eoiilains timely 
and seiisilile eommeiits on tlie value ami use of 
systems. It is well worth the trouble it takes to 
send your name and address to 



Poplar was eoiisigiied to the sale liy W. Biisiiiiell 
and at find she had a brown colt l>y Flying Lemur. 
For this mare and her foal .Air. Belmont paid 
$2,706. Tile foal was named Black Oak and he is* 
one of the three two-.vear-olds that Fred Burlew Is 
training for the chaiiinan of the .Twkey Cltih this 
season. He has yet to make his delmt on tlio 
Inrf. Iml g.wMl repnris of Ids w-ork Imve l>een lienrd. 
.Alfiii Salilli and Black Poplar were liroiiglit over 
from England in tlie late summer of 190.5 and two 
colts l>y the lialf-brotiier to Sceptre and brollicr iu 
blood to Uiuie, were foaled at Nursery Stud, 

.August Belmont lias two yearlings at Nursery 
Stud l>.v foliar, the sire of Frank Gill. Tliey are 
iHith liay colts, one out of Mem .Sahib, which has 
Ims ‘11 named Mehsleoii, and the other out of Black 
Poplar, wlileli will lie known as Bay Tree. .Mr. 
Belmont hought these mares at foliham. Kiigbiml. 
.Inly 24, 1!K».5. tliev linving lieen fear to tlie court 
of folliir .H fetv weelis preiions to tlie nni-lioii sale. 
Mem Sahili eame out of J. A. Doyle’.s eonsignnienl 
aud ttie price paid for tier was $2,3U'J. Black 


f.'l'j Room 37, 71 DeartMirn Street, Clile.ago 

A'estviday’g Special. V4I1.U l..\l>V. 8-1, Wan. 
Saturday’s Special: Dakota. Melody. Myrtle, Sparrow. 

713 $1.00 Per Montb. 26 Cent* Per Coppi